Friday, November 30, 2007

Do YOU Know Kay?

KKKay in Maine supposedly is self-employed, with her own house-cleaning business. If this is true, we at WNIW have to ask the question: whose homes does she clean? Does she clean the homes of only democrats and apolitical people? Are her clients those of whom only agree with her wayward, leftist hate-filled, factless ideology?

Surely KKKay wouldn't clean the homes of republicans, would she? She wouldn't accept "republican money", would she? That would be hypocritical of her because she has written numerous times that she hates republicans. She hates republicans, the republican party and all it stands for. She wouldn't accept filthy republican blood money now, would she?

This is a reply to a comment that she wrote on November 5, 2007 regarding republicans and the republican party.

These are her words exactly as written:


Normally, those of us who work at WNIW would point out KKKay's spelling errors in what she wrote, but we no longer do this. We at WNIW prefer to let Stupid KKKay continue right on making spelling and grammar errors - that way, no one takes her seriously.

Click to enlarge and read the whole comment response by KKKay.

These images of KKKay are those that she has published of herself on her own site. Do you recognize her? Does she perhaps clean the homes of some conservatives that you know?

We are reproducing these images of KKKay in compliance of Fair Use U.S. Copyright Chapter § 107, for purposes of commentary and criticism - so KKKay cannot claim any exclusive copyright to these images.

Go ahead, circulate these images of KKKay. Copy them, reproduce them, put them up on your site or blog and spread the word in Maine that this is the woman who might be cleaning their homes. Show them what a hater she is. Ask them, why would you employ such a hater and vile person to clean your home.

Perhaps you recognize her? Perhaps you know someone in Maine who has a house cleaner. Perhaps you want to show those people the pictures of Kay and ask them if this is their house cleaner? Perhaps your friends would like to know just what KKKay thinks of people who disagree with her and how full of anger and hatred and anti-American she is.

Perhaps you want to tell them that KKKay "spits" on them. Perhaps these people wouldn't want such a hateful person like KKKay cleaning their homes.

Kay Don't Know Jack About Habeas Corpus

In a post dated November 20, 2007, titled A mini trial of Martial Law has come to Iraq!, KKKay displays her full ignorance and amazing ability to not connect facts to reality.

In quoting a story from Editor and Publisher about Bilal Hussein, as Associated Press photographer being held in Iraq, KKKay writes the following:

    Will Habeas corpus be honored? OMG! *screaming laughter* There is no Habeas corpus when the fascists like George Bush are in charge! No way! Oh, but military courts are around and I’m sure this reporter will be brought into a secret military court to learn what he’s done and then we won’t see him again.

Here is the screen capture - we're not making it up *** screaming with laughter and rolling our eyes in amazement at her unadulterated stupidity**** .

Click on image to enlarge:

We at WNIW would love - simply love - to know where KKKay gets the idea that Habeas Corpus is part of Iraq law. Please show us which part of the Iraq Constitution gives Iraq citizens Habeas Corpus *** more screaming and howling of our laughter and rolling and wiping tears of laughter from our can anyone be this dumb ******* !

Does KKKay support her question of "Will Habeas Corpus be honored"? Of course not. How can Habeas Corpus exist where it isn't included in the articles that define and form the birth of any country?

Here's a newsflash for the Hater In Maine: many countries with a democratic form of government do not have Habeas Corpus. So how can Habeas Corpus "be honored" - as KKKay writes - in a place where it doesn't exist?

We at WNIW have to guess that many of those who tune into KKKay's blog are there only for the laughter she provides by making statements that are so unintelligent, unresearched and factless that only a nincompoop would consider her idiotic writing as legitimate, accurate or even containing a grain of accuracy and truthfulness.

When a commenter asked her to support her statement of Habeas Corpus being "honored", KKKay, as usual, failed miserably to prove herself with any factual basis and instead resorted to name-calling by claiming that she is only writing "her opinion."

    obfuscio Says:
    November 26, 2007 at 8:34 pm

    so afraid of addressing the issue of where in the Iraq democracy “Habeus Corpus” is written, huh KKKay? Hiding behind your supreme ignorance by not publishing these comments, because you cant defend your stupidity and basic grasp of politics? Ashamed because you’ve been called out to support yourself with facts showing Iraq has Habeus Corpus and how it applied to journalist, Bilal Hussein? Afraid to say you are wrong? Ashamed to say you are wrong?

    We understand. You’re just a liar, a blogger who writes something so profoundly stupid, showcasing that you did nothing to fact check what you wrote, got called on the carpet, and now silence those who point out your factual error and decide not to print their comments. And you claim to be for free speech?

    Afraid to show the world you are an idiot and admit you’re wrong.

    Edited by Kay:

    First off, Loser, my blog consists of my opinion throughout it and posts that include links to articles that I’m expressing my opinion on. If you don’t like my opinion, then fucking leave.

    Second of all, tell George Bush to stop calling Iraq a democracy. Habeas corpus is the foundation of a democracy. You’re saying if one of our soldiers or journalists is captured in Iraq, they don’t have to know the charges against them and can be held forever without representation. Hey, if that’s what you like, then you and Georgie Bush are best buddies! Oh, but that’s right. You’d rather come here and spew your crap at me and not Georgie Bush, because it makes you feel manly, isn’t that right Ablog Cookie Cutter Group Instructor?

    Third, leave.

Here is the screen capture of the above exchange, again, we are not making this up. Click to enlarge:

KKKay has such a nice mouth, doesn't she? "F" this and "F" that? I wonder if she read the recent story in the news that showed it is undereducated and uneducated people who use the most profanity?

Since KKKay can't defend herself and prove that Iraq law and Iraq's democracy provides Habeas Corpus, she instead attacks the person commenting. She states her blog "consists of [her] opinions." Well, that's just fine and dandy but she must be unaware that all of her opinions are wrong and cannot be supported by facts.

Habeas Corpus is not "the foundation of a democracy," as KKKay claims. It can be part of it, but it is by no means "the foundation." Please KKKay, please, show us some facts that support your statement ***screaming with laughter and rolling our eyes ***.

Many countries exist and have a democratic form of government and have no Habeas Corpus or similar provision. A simple internet search would have provided this information to KKKay, but then facts would have disproven her opinion, and KKKay certainly can't have that happen.

Notice how she goes off, hysterically writing that, "if one of our soldiers or journalists is captured in Iraq, they don;t have to know the charges against them." To date this has never happened with any U.S. Soldiers in Iraq. U.S. Soldiers in Iraq are held to a higher standard than the enemy - that would be terrorists, KKKay. Nothing in the story indicates the nationality of Bilal Hussein, therefore, no one knows his background; if he may be a covert agent working with al Qadea or if he is a supporter of terrorists. And since Iraq doesn't have its version of Habeas Corpus, then how on earth can he be entitled to it?

We at WNIW are not sure of what a "Ablog Cookie Cutter Group Instructor" is. We can only imagine that she is referring to AmericaBlog, the leftwing fringe blog founded by pole smoking John Aravosis. Apparently - and we're guessing here - KKKay has been banned from commenting at AmericaBlog because even they can no longer tolerate her factless, manic, mind-numblingly vacuous and hate-filled rantings and opinions that are based on nothing other than her hatred of anything but her own factless opinion.

It's funny when Progressive nutt-jobs like KKKay are banned by other Liberal blogs and sites. At least we at WNIW sure think so!

And have you noticed how KKKay calls Republicans and Conservatives "knuckle draggers"? She sure is creative, ain't she? We at WNIW prefer to think of KKKay's moving about as being the same as a dog with worms - - - you know how they kind of sit on their butt and drag themselves across the carpeting, itching and scratching their poor anus full of worms? That's KKKay!

Kay Doesn't Allow Free Speech

KKKay claims she is such an advocate of free speech when it comes to comments on her blog, but this is just another lie. She only allows comments that support her irrational and fact-challenged rants.

Here is but one example. In a November 25, 2007 post titled What A Night For A Wedding we found comment #5 - and yes, a juvenile comment at that - saying:

    #5 fusciatone Says:
    November 25, 2007 at 7:43 pm

    when i read the headline I immediately thought maybe you married your vibrator, kay.

Here is the screen capture of the above comment. Click on it to enlarge.

On a follow-up to this same post, we at WNIW noticed that KKKay had removed the comment.

Click on the image to see it as it now appears - the fusciatone comment removed:

You can see that comment #5 is replaced by:

    #5 UFL Says:
    November 25, 2007 at 9:32 pm

    I had a good thanksgiving Kay, ate too much as usual and had to be rolled out to my truck. How was your thanksgiving?

So much for free speech, huh KKKay? It's so obvious that this loud and emotive woman has no sense of humor at all.

We at WNIW know that when KKKay talks about free speech, she's lying. She's only interested in he factless, biased opinions based on hatred. This is evidenced by KKKay's writing in Comment #4 regarding her former liberal blog buddy "Mirth". They used to be - to use KKKay's term - "blog sistah's" - but since Mirth dared to disagree with KKKay, KKKay has done nothing but crap on her former friend.

Hey, like the old saying goes, "with friends like KKKay who needs enemies?"

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Kay's History Class: Stuck On Stupid

We at WNIW have to ask ourselves what was KKKay doing during high school history classes? Certainly she wasn't paying attention. Her blog and her comments are full of inaccuracies and the most blatant errors. The most basic facts of history eludes KKKay in every way possible.

We at WNIW would like to share two - of many - prime examples of Kay's idiocy in showcasing her outright lack in grasping what most people learn by junior high school. Even students who pay attention only 50% of the time in history class know the things that Kay doesn't.

In writing about the recent death of Paul Tibbets, the pilot of the Enola Gay during World War II, we found the following comment written by Kay not only amusing, but completely erroneous of any historical accuracy.

Her post, acrimoniously titled "Paul Tibbetts [sic] died a coward at the age of 92," is located here, published on November 1, 2007.

KKKAy writes that President Harry "Truman ignored the warnings that an attack was coming to the shores of Pearl Harbor."

Really? Truman was president when Pearl Harbor was attacked? Which history book contains that nugget of information, Kay? Kay, can you point to a history book that supports your statement? Of course not.

The president of the United States when Pearl Harbor was attacked was Franklin D. Roosevelt. This well-known and most basic fact, something that most 7th and 8th grade students know, somehow is not known by KKKay.

In the same comment, Kay writes, "Truman got to use his new found atomic/nuclear technology."

We at WNIW would love for Kay to point to any factual information that supports her statement that the bombs dropped on Japan were "nuclear". But then, KKKay never allows facts to get in the way of what she believes.

You probably think that we are making this up. We're not.

Here is a screen capture of her comment, exactly as it appears. Click on it to enlarge:

We at WNIW found another golden gem of Kay's sheer ignorance of history in a post dated July 9, 2007.

In a piece titled "Will Bush veto another Defense spending bill out of spite?" located here, Kay proudly displays her complete lack of what most students lean in basic Civics classes by the 7th grade.

The topic of the comments was Cindy Sheehan running for the California Congressional seat currently held by House of Representative congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

Responding to a comment made by someone named Morry, who asked what would happen if Cindy Sheehan won the seat held by Pelosi, KKKay writes the following:

"If Cindy won, she would not become the Speaker of the House even if she is replacing Pelosi. Gawd you neocons are so stupid!!! She would become a Junior Senator first, moron."

We at WNIW have to ask...who exactly is the "moron"? Who is the one that is "stupid"? Who is the one who has no clue to how basic government works? It certainly isn't Morry.

We at WNIW would love for Kay to explain how anyone elected to the U.S. House of Representatives becomes a "Junior Senator"? Do tell, Kay - do tell.

We imagine that most teachers of grade, junior high and high school civics and government classes would be extremely interested in any facts that Kay can provide that shows how a Congressman becomes a "Junior Senator". And to that we at WNIW will add three exclamation marks, just like KKKay!!!

Again, you probably think that we are making this up, that no one could possibly be so stupid to state that "a congressman becomes a 'junior senator.'"

Well, we are not making it up. Here is a screen capture of the comment, exactly as it appears. Click on it to enlarge:

She couldn't even correctly spell "Fuehrer" ("Fuehrer when the ΓΌ-umlaut is not used, but never 'Fuhrer'"; considering her frequent use of it, name-calling anyone who disagrees with her the term.

Congressmen and women serve in the House of Representatives. Senators serve in the Senate. Wow, that sure is hard to grasp, isn't it? Whew ** rolling eyes and wiping sweat from our brow ** maybe KKKay needs a remedial class in remedial basic civics?

Perhaps an instructional children's picture book, like "Highlights For Children" is in order for KKKAy? Then again, perhaps even "Highlights For Children" is too complicated for her to grasp. Heady stuff, heady stuff huh KKKay?

Sheer ignorance and lack of facts is on glorious, splendid, outstanding display daily at KKKay's blog.

If you're looking for a good laugh, if you're looking to read idiotic rants, if you're looking to read repeated factual errors and misstatements, you need look no further than anything written by KKKay.

We at WNIW imagine that most "fans" of KKKay's blog go along with her amateurish ramblings and complete lack of education, schooling and intelligence.

We imagine that none of her like-minded idiot "fan" base dares to correct her for they too will be called "morons", "neocons" and "stupid" by someone who is the precise definition of all those words and more, so much more! Maybe her "fan" base is even dumber than Kay - now there's a scary thought!

We at WNIW imagine that KKKay's "fan" base snickers at her behind her back, laughing and making fun of her sloppy, incompetent, crude and desperate attempts to form historically accurate opinions in anything less than her usual vast and sweeping ignorance of facts and history.

We at WNIW lovingly dedicate the following haiku, of which it took us several seconds of grueling and perspiring deep thought to create, to Kay. For without KKKay, White Noise Insanity Watch could not exist:

factless, wrong and dumb
everything written by Kay
What are facts, she asks

KKKay, we at WNIW sincerely ask you, what were you doing during history classes in grade, junior and high school? Did you even attend grade, junior and high school? Did you graduate? Did you even complete K-12? Let us know, will you?

If what we at WNIW wrote here is too hard for KKKay to understand, we will put it simply:

Kay = dumb; almost everyone else = much smarter.

We at WNIW hope that clears it up. If not, maybe someone can explain it to her.