Saturday, September 22, 2007

Kay's Fan Club Fixes Errors

We at WNIW must be hitting a HUGE NEVER with nytexass because he/she/it has gone and corrected the numerous spelling errors on his post. We chastised him/her/it right here for the most pathetic use of grammar and spelling this side of the Third World.

However, being the geniuses we are at WNIW, we saved his original post for all to see. And he only corrected the spelling errors that we told him/her/it about. The one's we didn't point out are still there. What an idiot!

Click on the images below to enlarge and see nyidiot's original post in all its glorious, tortured English.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Kay's Fan Club Attacks WNIW

We here at WNIW never cease to be amazed at the pomposity and stupidity of Kay and her little band of Left Reich Wing Bootlicking Butt-kissers.

We are impressed and pleased that one of Kay's brown-nosing commenters, who goes by the handle "nytexan", decided to write about us.

We at WNIW know two things; the stupidest people we have encountered are from New York and Texas. If nytexan is a transplanted New Yorker in Texas, all we can say is there is no hope for this uneducated maggot.

Nytexan thought that he/she/it would write about us and savagely rip us on his/her/its blog.

Nytexan takes pride in writing what you are about to read, making the following comment at White Noise Insanity:

    nytexan Says:
    September 14th, 2007 at 7:40 pm

    Well well, you have a fan. I just did a post on your new fan club, “White Noise Insanity Watch” I thought I would put the link here since your fan troll linked to this post on their blog.

    I’m jealous you have a page named after you.

Here is the post that nytexan wrote about WNIW:

    September 14, 2007 at 6:30 pm
    Trolling The Trolls
    » by nytexan in: White Noise Insanity, trolls, Politics, blog

    I was surfing blogs today and I thought I’d see what was going on with the right. Before I go to far have you ever notice when someone talks about trolls you know they mean right wing nuts, funny I’ve never heard a progressive called a troll.

> "have you ever notice". We at WNIW, at this early stage, are already tired of nytexan's illiteracy and miserable ability at basic spell-checking.

    Anyway while surfing I stumbled upon a site names “White Noise Insanity Watch.” If any of you know Kay in Main and her site White Noise Insanity, it is a place that attracts trolls where they spew their hate and ignorance at a very good liberal blog. There is much sarcasm in Kay’s style of writing, frankly I don’t think the trolls get it. Obviously Kay is hitting a huge never with the right since they feel the need to have a blog to watch her. Bravo Kay!

>"I stumbled upon a site names?" "A site names?" Perhaps nyidiot meant "named", but we prefer to believe that nymoron is a simpleton who is not familiar with the "ed" suffix.

>"Kay is hitting a huge NEVER."? A huge "NEVER"? Well, we congratulate her on hitting a "huge Never", whatever that may be.

    Trolls being troll and lacking much intellectual substance or imagination, the site is not composed of their thoughts or rebuttals to Kay. Instead the author, has decided to take excepts of Kay’s posts and some of Kay’s comments and repost them. Somehow this is suppose to entice readership.

> "Trolls being troll." Classic and unbound ignorance on display for all to see. We at WNIW have to ask: Who is lacking much intelligence or imagination? At least we at WNIW have "never hit a HUGE NEVER."

> "Instead the author, has decided to take excepts" ??? We at WNIW are not familiar with what "excepts" are, so perhaps nyfool will do another post defining for us the meaning of "excepts". We do not take "excepts" at, or of, anyone.

>"Somehow this is suppose to entice readership." "Suppose to entice"? Dense as a box of rocks, aren't you, nytexan. Once again, nytexan demonstrates complete lack of understanding of the "ed" suffix.

    What I did find hysterical was in the author’s introduction to their new blog:

    Coming Soon: Posted August 14, 2007: Exposing the lies of Kay the infected Liberal pig. You won’t want to miss it!

    Now, here’s proof that trolls can’t connect the dots. One would think that the link was to some laid out path to the inner evil of liberals, no instead the bright troll linked to Kay’s post about Susan Collins ignoring her constituents. Here’s the first paragraph from the link:

    * Sen. Susan Collins is not allowing comments on her new blog Posted by kayinmaine on September 14th, 2007

> Now, here's proof that nybuttwipe is a moron. Our first post of WNIW, dated August 14, 2007, is a link to Kay's main blog page, not a link to the post we did on Kay's hatred of Susan Collins. No, instead the bright nytexan misread the post and is 100% in error. What an idiot.

> Here is a tip to nytexass from those of us at WNIW: infants like you really should stay out of the adult world. If you're going to blast another blog, you better get it right. Sadly, little Troll from texass, your head is forever stuck up your ass.

> Perhaps, as we at WNIW suspect, nystupid had one hand down his/her/its panties and was using only one hand on the keyboard. Perhaps nylaughingstock is simply an idiot who is technically illiterate, finding the intricate workings of clicking on a link far too complex and difficult for his or her unhealthy and ailing brain.

> Nyshitforbrains, what is it like to make error after error, being shown for a total Moron, one who doesn't bother to spell-check or proof his/her/its own writing?

    Sen. Susan Collins now has her NEW blog up and running (the other one done by her paid blogger, Lance Dutson of Maine Web Report, for $25,000 wasn’t workable, but it did have a space to take your money though! Shocker.) where she will blog about Iraq and other issues. She’s not allowing comments to be made on there, but yet, she and her paid blogger have said that she wants to talk about Iraq! She also stated at one time that she looked forward to talking with her online community too. Uh huh. Yeah. *rolling eyes*

    I thought that was nice of the troll to promote Kay’s position against Susan Collins.

    One thing I did find curious was a post that listed locations and IP address of the “watch site” visitors, with the author claiming that these visitors were Kay’s viewer and they would be exposing Kay supporters. Now that’s just plain moronic to think that they would know who Kay’s visitors are by looking at their own stats. When I look at my stats, I have no idea where someone has been through the surfing day. What I do know is what link someone clicked to get to my blog. I highly doubt Kay has this wingnut in her blogroll. I checked.

>"Kay's viewer"? She only has one viewer? Thank you for confirming this for us, as we had suspected she only had one viewer all along.

>We never said or implied that WNIW was part of Kay's blogroll and we would be insulted if we were!

    So as progressive go, Kay has hit the republican sciatic nerve out of the park. Keep up the good work.

>"So as progressive go..." ? Such stellar grammar! We at WNIW admit that we will occasionally make a typo now and again. However, we are not grammatically-challenged in our use of singular and plural, as is nydumbanddumber.

> We at WNIW are shocked that nyidiot correctly spelled the word "sciatic". We assume this can be explained as entirely and only accidental. Are you sure you didn't mean a "sciatic NEVER?"

We stand by the IP addresses and locations that we published, for we have ways to tell who visits here and from what sites they enter. There are many invisible traffic and site meters that are available for an affordable monthly fee. Nyunintelligent, alas, is not familiar with such hard-to-grasp technicalities.

We at WNIW acknowledge that, from time to time, we make typos. We do our best to avoid them, checking and rechecking before we hit the publish button. But the rank amateur, sloppy, uneducated, clumsy, substandard, awkward, incompetent and worse than the writings of an aging and cerebral palsy-ridden dog with a pencil in it paw by nytexass brings a brand new definition to the word incompetence and illiteracy.

If one is going to attack another's blog, one should take extra care to not open themselves to counter-criticism by demonstrating such sweeping illiteracy and uneducated writing. Nytexan is the posterchild of undiluted and unsullied illiteracy.

We know that by responding to nyilliterate we at WNIW are slightly validating him/her/it, but we simply could not resist based on the complete simplistic nature of his/her/its post.

It is our opinion that nytexan should never attempt to teach any type of grammar or writing class to others. Nytexan should remain at a profession that he/she/it is mentally capable of; such as that of ditch-digging. Nytexan is an example of what happens when brothers mate with sisters and produce offspring.

With respect to IP addresses, we at WNIW can only imagine that nydropout has no life or extracurricular activities beyond failing attempts at belittling those that irritate him. Witness the below IP address, the city and state, and the number of times in two settings that this person visited WNIW. We can only guess that the visitor is, without a doubt, nysimpleton:

14 Sep 17:06:24 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 16:33:54 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 16:33:43 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 16:33:27 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:46:44 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:45:34 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:41:48 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:41:45 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:41:25 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:41:06 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:40:59 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:40:21 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:39:55 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:36:43 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:35:31 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

Considering the time-stamp of the post of nytexass (6:30 PM), it is shockingly amazing how appallingly dreadful his/her/its post turned out. We would think that after all the time and research, judging by the above time spent at WNIW, something worthwhile would have been the result. This is not the case. One could practically take handfuls of Alphabet soup and randomly throw it upon the ground and construct better sentence structure and grammar than did nyilliterate.

We at WNIW would like to thank the visitor from Bastrop, Texas for all the visits. We are puzzled, though, at the time-gap between 11:46 AM to 4:33 PM. Perhaps those were the hours that his mom and dad kicked him out of their basement and made him go outside and play?

As we said, we hope nyvillageidiot sticks to an occupation for which he/she/it is qualified, that of digging ditches or manually sweeping streets with a broom.

Finally, we wish Kay and nytexan well in their continued efforts at "hitting a huge Never."


We at WNIW would like to add the following liberal trolls who visit us from Kay's blog and from nyidiot's blog. We have ways of knowing who visits here and from where they came.

We realize that what is really driving insane liberals crazy is that they do not know who we are, and this is crawling under their thin skin. Well, we will continue to watch the watchers, we will continue to watch and report on the haters. Someone has to do this job, and we decided we are the ones.

15 Sep 17:55:36 MSIE 7.0 Windows XP 1152x864 Martinsville Virginia United States (

15 Sep 17:55:28 MSIE 7.0 Windows XP unknown State College Pennsylvania United States (

15 Sep 17:53:51 MSIE 7.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Spain ( - Spanish Goth
(Spain is the country now more famous than France for cowardice ever since they ran away from Iraq because of a terrorist attack. Spain, the home of cowards)

15 Sep 07:16:26 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows Vista 1280x1024 Huntington Beach California United States ( - Old Broad Speaks aka HillCounty Gal

Syracuse New York United States

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Kay Is Losing Her Mind

Kay appears to be losing her white noise sanity, what little she had, with comments that disagree with her or those that giver her a taste of her own medicine:

    (And to the neocon who left these message here today and who’s email/IP address is now showing for all the world to see: SCREW YA. You have been harassing myself and others who come here on a daily basis and YOU KEEP CHANGING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES & IP ADDRESSES TO AVOID BEING BANNED. I’m posting your information for this reason alone. If you don’t like the fire, then get the hell out of the kitchen! Go ahead and sue me for all I care. I have more ammo against you than you do me!)

    Pllllbbbbbbttttttt. I’m sick of ya. The only good thing about you neocons crapping in the backseat of the White Noise Insanity limo is the world gets to see who is supporting George Bush & Susan Collins! Other than that, you add NOTHING TO ANY CONVERSATION ON THE INTERNET, which is truly a reflection of how the republicans have led our nation over the past seven years. Republicans have crapped all over our Constitution and our country for years now.

    Comment #4

    kayinmaine Says:
    September 12th, 2007 at 8:38 pm

    Some of the trolls use made up IP addresses. Not sure how they do it, but this is what they do to avoid being banned

We at WNIW never did believe her saying that appears on her blog, "The neocons despise me. Amazingly enough I don't give a shit." Well, it seems she does "give a shit", otherwise she wouldn't let it get to her.

She also seems to forget that one of the mainstays and lifeblood of our country is the ability to disagree; it is called free speech. The country does not exclusively belong to people like Kay and liberals. It belongs to all of us and we will continue to voice our opinions wherever and whenever we feel like it.

It appears that Kay is none to bright at figuring out how someone uses a "made up IP address" or email. Even the most neophyte teenager, adept with basic internet technology, knows how to mask an IP address and use fake email addresses. Kay, with what minuscule brainpower she has, doesn't know how this is done.

We at WNIW are not surprised that she lacks the brains to learn this.
The colloquialism that Kay mangles with such supreme grand idiocy is actually "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen;" not, "if you don't like the fire, then get the hell out of the kitchen." There should never be a fire in a kitchen as it could be dangerous.

We at WNIW are treated to wondrous examples of stupidity in everything written and published by Kay. We greet every day with a smile knowing we will find only the finest asinine ramblings, written by an idiot, every time we visit her pitiable blog.

We at WNIW would like to point out her poor use of grammar and spelling errors and help educate her, but we choose to let the idiot Kay continue writing at a less-than-grade school level. The reason is, when people run across a poorly written blog with obvious spelling errors, they do not take it seriously.

Most people, those who passed grade school and who paid even moderate attention in their English classes, recognize the uneducated ramblings of an idiot. When one does not take the time to use proper grammar and the correct words, no one takes what they write seriously.

There may be dumber people than Kay with blogs on the internet, but we at WNIW have yet to identify or run across them.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Kay's Haters

Welcom Haters! We here at WNIW hope you are enjoying this blog as much as we enjoy writing it. We believe the following visits are almost all from Kay and her fellow Haters.

Welcome Haters:

Madison Heights, VA (

Illinois, Glendale Heights, United States (

Maine, Biddeford, United States (

California, Huntington Beach, United States (

Tennessee, Nashville, United States
A181219.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu (

New Hampshire, Bedford, United States (

Region Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile

Ontario, St. Catharines, Canada (

Brazil (

Lima, Lima, Peru

California, Huntington Beach, United States (

Massachusetts, South Hamilton, United States (

United Kingdom

Texas, Bastrop, United States (

Tennessee, Kingsport, United States (

California, Huntington Beach, United States (

District Of Columbia, Washington, United States

Maine, Bangor, United States (

California, Cupertino, United States (

District Of Columbia, Washington, United States

California, Huntington Beach, United States (

Kentucky, Cecilia, United States (

Texas, Pearland, United States (

New York, Brooklyn, United States (

District Of Columbia, Washington, United States

California, Mission Viejo, United States (

Maine, Biddeford, United States

Maine, Brunswick, United States (

California, Huntington Beach, United States (

Illinois, Chicago, United States

If you have information on Kay you would like us to know, add it in the comments and we will publish it.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Kay's Buttlickers Are Visiting

Kay's buttlickers sure are hitting this site in numbers. They can't wait to see what's next! From her little bootlicker-asskissers in California all the way to Maine and the UK and some greaseball from South America, all her little jackbooted anus sniffers are showing up on the hit counter in record numbers.

Some old hag lefty, some fag down in Texass, another homo in Maine, I think his name is Chris and he proudly proclaims on his blog that he is a deviate, liking sex with men. These deviant suckholes
are tuning into WNIW.

Their IPs and hometown all are recorded and saved. We at WNIW will be publishing more of them in the near future. Until then, Kay, don't choke on that horsedick your deepthroating.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Kay Banned From Commenting At Democrat Blog

Kay, the insane bitch from Maine, is having fits over being banned from commenting at Maine Web Report, a site/blog that is run by a Democrat.

Even mainstream Democrats don't want any part of her screeching, hatred and name-calling. This is so funny.

We at WhiteNoiseInsanityWatch (WNIW) do not for one minute believe that Maine Web Report is the only Democrat blog she is banned from commenting at. Past posts from Kay have her writing about her aggravation from her comments being banned or deleted from AmericaBlog, another purely fascist Left Wing Kookisphere site. Even the crazed LeftWing is shutting her out. We are not surprised.

Here is what Kay The Idiot wrote about Lance Dutson, the person who runs Maine Web Report

    Posted by kayinmaine on September 3rd, 2007
    Something for the neocons to suck on while I’m away…:

    Have fun you vile filthy animals! And that goes for you too Lance Dutson of Maine Web Report! I see the only thing you have to talk about is the liberals. I guess talking about Sen. Susan Collins’ voting record would be a sure lost for her in 2008, huh? Sucks being you.

    Posted by kayinmaine on August 18th, 2007
    Sen. Susan Collins’ blogger, Lance Dutson, has banned me from commenting on his website

    First off, Lance Dutson of the Maine Web Report has banned me after a couple of days of posting on his site. I was able to comment over there freely for months now, but after he got a huge amount of traffic to his site recently after accusations he made against some liberal blogs online, (not sure if his site crashed or if he took it down to make some changes to it for us commenters), he decided to make everyone register to comment (which is not unusual, of course) and would then email us a password to be able to. Well, I did this and within a day or two, a warning message came up that my session had expired. Huh? Expired? After one to two days? I sent Lance an email to ask if I was banned and I have yet to hear back from him yet. Honestly, I don’t think I will and if he does, it will be after I post this blog entry to make himself look like the “victim” to big bad Kay!

She can't even spell "commenters" correctly. What a dumb cunt.

We here at WNIW would like to congratulate Mr. Dutson for his high standards and not tolerating the hate speech that Kay dishes out. There is no place for her in real political discourse. She is a Nazi troll through-and-through, full of hatred and vile.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Kay's New House Has No Phone Jacks

Dumb as a rock, she is. No doubt about it.

I don’t have phone jacks in the house I bought. Why? Neocons owned this house for the past 60 years apparently! Too cheap and could care less about being able to talk to anyone. Neocons hate Americans and the fact that this house doesn’t have phone jacks is proof of that!

So not having phone jacks is proof that neocons hate Americans? Buying a house and not noticing until you move in that the house lacks phone jacks is proof that one has shit for brains.

Even dumber is Kay, jackass Liberal whore that she is. Who looks at a house they are going to buy and doesn't check for phone jacks, especially if they are going to be wanting to be online?

If Kay was as smart as she pretends she is, why not opt for WiFi instead of dial up? What a dumb cunt.

She does post a picture of her ugly tits at the above link but be careful, those nipples could take an eye out. Her faggy assed son probably still suck on them.