Saturday, May 10, 2008

KKKay can't do simple math

KKKay says 51 minus 49 = 1 ?

It does in KKKay's world of math:

"In Indiana where Hillary was supposed to win overwhelmingly, well, she won by 1%. Yep. 51% to Barack's 49%."


Was KKKay paying attention in basic elementary school math classes? Guess not, she was too busy concentrating on hating and envying others.

Tell us KKKay, enlighten us: in what advanced higher mathematics class does 51 minus 49 equal 1 ?

What an IDIOT! What a LOSER!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Blogger KayInMaine said...

I don't remember giving you permission to lift my personal photos from my blog for your use.

Can you send me the agreement between us that I allowed you to do this? Thanks pal!

If you find there is no agreement between us (I can't find one at the moment), then I will have to take legal action, which is very ironic since you just did a post on me and copyright infringement!

I know you won't post this, so I'm going to put my response on my blog for others to read. Okay loser?

February 25, 2008 6:08 AM

- Above comment from KKKay from this post.

How she has aged!

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