Pravda NEVER BELONGED TO GERMANY OR HITLER you mental midget basket case toilet scrubbing moron!
Her post titled The PPH/Maine Sunday Telegram throws it’s support to George Bush’s biggest supporter: SEN. SUSAN COLLINS! posted on October 13, 2008 at 6:42 pm
Text follows image.

This is the reason why I’ve not bought a PPH newspaper since 2001, because the PPH took on the Orwellian mantra through their Editor-in-Chief, which was: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. Yep, for years the PPH’s Editor, Jeannine Guttman, would write an op-ed explaining to Mainahs that things were going to change and start looking different in the news we receive. She spent many hours telling Mainahs that war propaganda was good for the soul, the country, and she even went on to explain…if you noticed that what the PPH or the Bush White House was saying was a lie, you should just ignore it, because by doing so means you are a Patriot. Unfreakingbelievable! I’m telling you……….AS A REAL PATRIOT OF THIS COUNTRY I DESPISED GUTTMAN AND THE PPH FOR THEIR BULLSHIT! AND STILL DO! Germany’s Pravda under Hitler would have been proud of Guttman for sure!
Oh yes, and let’s not forget how much the right wingers at the PPH hates the Jews! This also didn’t help their coffers.
"Germany's Pravda under Hitler" - BAH HA HA HA HA! Pravda was never German nor under Hitler you stupid douche bag toilet cleaner who never finished high school.
What a effin DUMBASS! LOL! HYSTERICAL! PRAVDA...a German newspaper under Hitler! BHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! LOL! LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Give it up Kimberly! Buy World History For Dummies. On second thought, even that night be too advanced for you! BAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!! "Germany's Pravda under Hiter!" BAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!! 743
KKKimberly, the only thing that outshines your lack of education is your ignorance! BAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
KKKimberly seems at odds with herself in getting angry over anyone hating the Jews as she accuses the PPH, considering that KKKimberly Waite wrote the below about hating the Jews herself on a post titled Why the hell are Americans being forced to bailout Wall Street companies that are being investigated by the FBI?, posted on September 27, 2008 at 3:57 pm
Here's her comment, text follows image:

comment # 4
kayinmaine Says:
September 27, 2008 at 6:46 pm
And why didn’t the republicans of the House & Senate when they had a huge lead in both houses from 2002 to 2006 do something about this? Huh? Oh that’s right! They used their power to do other crap! Everything the Democrats have tried to do gets pummeled in the Senate thanks to the One Man Traitor lead (Joe Lieberman)! He’ll do anything to protect Israel’s interest over everything else! Joe has dual citizenship and can go back to Israel if America collapses into a dirty laundry heap.
Spit. I hate him and Israel too at the moment. Arrest him!
KKKimberly is no different and no better than those she says she hates. She hates Joe Lieberman and Israel. She's the hater, not those she criticizes. SPIT! 6139
She has a long history of exhibiting anti-Semitism. Her blog is a refuge for hate filled anti-Semites. Her remaining regular commenters are anti-Semites, what few regulars she has left: Clif-i-pedia, Uncle Festirina (who dreams of bare chested young men- LOL!) and that little FagInHouston known as Grant. (HEY GRANT, you dumb f-ck, do you think that KKKay has your posts marked to go deliberately into the spam filter just to piss you off because you've disagreed with her? No one else has a problem with their comments going to SPAM but you. You're too stupid to think she wouldn't do this to you.) Those are the only remaining loyal commenters. All the others left. KKKimberly drove them away because they didn't completely and totally agree with her.
She should stop inhaling all those toilet cleaning chemicals she uses as a maid. They're rotting what little is left of her brain! LOL! HYSTERICAL!