Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Kay Continues To Hate and Bad-Mouth The Military

Here's a nice little comment exchange of Kay and someone who uses the asinine name "Uncle Fester Lurking" bashing the United States Military.

"Fester" writes:

"Kay, our military doesn’t protect America anymore, they fight for, protect and invade other countries for corporate interests. The days of our military actually serving to protect America from our enemies are long gone."

Then, almost as an afterthought, realizing just how anti-Military his statement is, he tries to redeem himself by adding the following sentence:

"And I might add it isn’t the troops who are to blame it is the war mongering, bought and paid for politicians and the corporations who control them who are to blame!"

Responding to Fester, a drooling Kay writes:

"Oh that’s right, Uncle, I forgot. No longer does our military protect us or take precautions in making us safe. Oh no! Now they’re used as pawns in the top 5% of this country to line their deep pockets. *smacking head* Now I remember!

"This is not an anti-military post. It’s a post on ONE MORE THING UNDER THE BUSH REGIME that no longer has competency or is run correctly under their leadership. It disgusts me!"

Don't believe us that anyone could hate the military that works so hard to protect their right to free hate speech? Click on image to enlarge.

Here's a bit of advice from one of the staff members of WNIW who knows a thing or two about human psychology: As soon as someone uses the excuse that "something isn't about something", the exact opposite is true - it's exactly about what they say it isn't.

This isn't the first time Kay or her goon gang of in-bred idiots have trashed the men and women in the United States Military. Trashing the military is the buffet of any day at Kay's KKK Home of Hate.

Fester says the military "invades other countries." He claims it is done for "corporate interests." Does he list any factual references to support his claim? Of course not, because he can't.

Kay, only too anxious to join the military bashing crusade writes, "No longer does the military protect us or take precautions in making us safe." Hey idiot - this is why the troops are in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Tell you what, Fester, the next time you are involved in a disaster, or if you are attacked, or robbed or assaulted - call Kay to come to the rescue. Don't bother calling the cops or waiting for the National Guard to arrive if a disaster happens. Little squats like Fester are WATB who have no respect for the military or law and order. The closest Fester every got to the military is playing with plastic army men.

To Kay we say this: you must support the Islamofacists who force young girls and women to undergo forced clitorectomies. You must support Islamo subservience of women to men in Islamic culture. You must support Islamo stoning of little girls for nothing more than holding hands with a little boy. You must support Islamo rites of 10 and 11 and 12 year old girls who are forced to marry men twice, three and four times their age. You must support the Qu'ran that states those who do not convert to Islam must be killed. So when all these things start happening, don't bother calling for the military to help you. You've already decided you support all the things our military is fighting against.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kay's Friends Abandon Her

Even fellow liberals are fed up with Kay's hatred, lies and how she treats others. Awwwwwwwwww - what a shame. Ppppllllllffffffffffft!

Here's a comment exchange between Kay and Mirth. Click on image to enlarge.

They used to be best of loud mouth fem blogger friends but now Mirth writes she doesn't "agree with Kay’s party loyalty or her approach with others."

Kay tells Mirth to "f-ck off."

This is how Kay treats liberals who used to agree with her.

Imagine her degree of harassment and level of hatred shown to those who disagree with her!

Here's where the comment exchange took place, unless Kay deletes the comments to avoid the fact that even liberals are abandoning her.

Lucky us at WNIW - we're geniuses - we saved a print of it so Kay can't pretend it didn't happen.

The only ones remaining are true, left wing, jackbooted Nazi lickers who hate America.

Whoooooo Hooooo!

We at WNIW imagine all the good little WATB haters at Kay's are doing the Goose-Step Seig Heil Dance in unison.

Kay's fellow libs can't even tolerate her any longer.
Ha ha heh!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Kay The Psychotic Psychic Rock Worshipper

We at WNIW laughed our butts off at this post where Kay claims to have psychic abilities. What a joke.

She claims to have "seen in her mind's eye" (note to Kay, the mind doesn't have an "eye") the World Trade Center buildings on fire months before the September 11 attacks:

    "I saw in my mind’s eye is the tops of the WTCs on fire."

No she didn't.

She writes that "I’ve now learned that there were lots of people having these same kinds of visions prior to 9/11." "Lots of people...?"

Then to support that "there were lots of people having these same kinds of visions" she Just one, only one. One other similar situation equals "lots of people." So in Kay's mind "one" equals "lots?" Plllllllllfffffbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt!

We at WNIW have to stop and ask why she didn't immediately report what she saw in her "mind's eye" to the authorities? She could have prevented the loss of so many lives, such destruction. But she didn't because she hates America, hates Bush and Cheney and enjoys seeing other suffer.

Kay claims that "many times I’ve had a flash of something horrible and then it will end up on the news."

One would think that she would list several examples to prove and support what she writes, right?

How many examples does she list of the "many times" she's had a flash of something horrible and then it ends up on the news? None, not a one. Not one. Pllllllllfffffbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt...another bold-faced lie from the Kay the hater.

She claims that she was in her car, waiting in traffic for the Casco bridge to lower, and parked right next to her in a car was Mohammad Atta and al-Omari. How would she have any idea of who they were because at the time no one knew who they were? Cuckoo-Cuckoo!

She claims "These two stayed at the Comfort Inn in South Portland the night before the 9/11 attack."

How does she know where they stayed? She has no way to prove any of what she writes. It's just a silly, fictional, conspiracy-laden story concocted in her "mind's eye."

She writes -

    Four days after the 9/11 attacks on our nation, I called the FBI when the pictures of the hijackers appeared in our local newspapers, because as soon as I saw their faces I knew in an instant I had witnessed history. It’s a sick feeling too. The worst part? When I was in Portland talking to a New Hampshire FBI agent, he didn’t seem to care too much about what I was telling him. He probably didn’t believe me.

Why did she wait until four days until after the attacks before contacting the FBI? As we said above, why didn't she report her suspicions and her alleged encounter with Atta and Omari when it originally happened?

We at WNIW suspect Kay wanted something bad to happen to America for what she believed would be the political gain of her liberal jackboot licking Fascist party.

The FBI agent didn't believe her because he probably figured she was a kook after all the talk about her “psychic spiritual rock”.

Note that she offers nothing to support why she thinks the FBI agent didn't care what she told him or why she thinks he didn't believe her. FBI agents have their personal political beliefs like anyone else, but agents don't allow their personal political beliefs to interfere when public safety is concerned or when reporting something that could lead to a disaster.

What examples does she list why she thinks the agent didn't believe her? None, not one.

Maybe the FBI already knew who Kay was, that she's a kook who endlessly bashes America, hates the military, hates our system of government and that she is a raging Bush hater. Why should have the agent believed her when nobody else believes her?

We at WNIW have a suggestion for Kay, that being maybe she should change the name of her blog to "Once Upon A Time With Kay," or "Fake Stories from My Mind's Eye," or "Things I'm Writing About While Trippin on Psychedelic Mushrooms" or "Conversations with My Psychic Spiritual Rock."

Many psychotic and deranged individuals throughout history have claimed inanimate objects and animals speak and talk to them. Add Kay to that list. Son Of Sam claimed he took his orders from a dog. Maybe a future post from Kay will explain the many conversations she has with her dog.

Dog: "Woof, bark, woof."

Kay: "That's right, Bush and Cheney planned the 9/11 attacks."

Dog: "Grrrrrrr, woof. Yip, bark."

Kay: "Bush and Cheney are going to declare martial law and suspend the 2008 election remaining in power indefinitely. I have to post that right away!"

Dog: "Bark, woof, woof, bark, bark."

Kay: "Bush and Cheney want to take over the world, that is so true. I have to write about that."

Kay Is Sick And Tired Of Herself

Kay admits she's a computer illiterate writing "It sucks not being computer savvy."
Also writing in the same post she says-

"I purchased my domain and then purchased a blog hosting company for my blog."
Really, she bought her own blog hosting company? Oh please tell, which blog hosting company did you buy?

In the same post she also writes -

Right now I feel such a disconnect from the “progressives” online. The constant banter of “impeachment” and the negativity is really pissing me off. Who the hell wants to be part of a team where a section of it is off in the corner crying and sulking about shit that ain’t gonna happen! It’s such a downer.

And she writes: "I don’t want to hear more whining!"

Awwwww, Kay is upset with her own progressive left wing jackbooted thug lickers who hate America and spit on the military. We at WNIW almost shed a tear for her in between fits of rolling our eyes and rolling on the floor laughing our asses off!

Kay says she's tired of the constant banter of impeachment and the negativity is really pissing her off. We wonder why does she have a stock image of a little girl with alphabet block spelling out "Impeach Cheney and Bush?" She says she's tired of the impeachment banter but keeps an image of "Impeach Cheney and Bush"? Let's all say together "lack of disconnect."

We ask if Kay is sick of herself? She must be because she's as guilty of negativity, crying, sulking, whining and being a downer as anybody. Her whole blog is negativity, crying, sulking, whining and being a downer.

The law and orderly Kay also wants to do away with all due legal process, that everyone has a Constitutional right to a trial, by writing that, "We know what crimes and atrocities were committed by the Band of Thugs in the White House. We don’t need a prison sentence to justify what we already know." This is exactly how fascists operate, by taking away peoples' right to a trail. This is how Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Chavez, Hussein and Hitler operated. Kay is no different than Hitler. She's a left wing jackboot licker just like any Fascist who wielded power over their people and stuck them in gulags, prisons or massacred them.

And why would a self-described atheist like Kay write "The holiday season is coming up and I know I so badly want to enjoy it." She must not know that the Christmas Tree she puts in her house represents Jesus.

While Christmas Trees have been ruled a secular holiday decoration by many courts (look it up if you don't believe us) there's no doubt that the inherent meaning of a Christmas Tree is that it is representative of Jesus Christ. She isn't even consistent in her atheism.

Kay worships a "Psychic Spiritual Rock", ha ha ha ha!

Kay writes - "Americans are sick of the voice of the republicans."
Kay is speaking for all Americans? We at WNIW don't think so. She has no references to any study or factual story that supports her statement. Typical conjecture and falsehoods, but we at WNIW know that this is the best she can muster because she deals with irrational emotions, never facts.

Finally Kay shuts down free speech, something she pretends to be such a supporter of by writing, "There will be no comments allowed to this post."

We at WNIW never fail to be amused by Kay. One moment she's writing that she favors something but then in the next breath she will be against it. She doesn't have any solid grounding or longstanding values or beliefs. She self identifies herself in many posts as a "loud foul mouth fem blogger." We at WNIW would instead say she is a typical, hysterical, reactionary blogger lacking ideals, ideas, consistency and facts. She reminds many of us at WNIW of our first wives, the hysterical ones, thus the reason they are our EX-wives. The End.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Kay Kontinues Krapping

We at WNIW notice that the The Slag in Maine has resumed posting.

We at WNIW find it interesting that so many of her archived posts have vanished. As we noted in a previous post (see post immediately below), many of her cached posts on Google have also been removed.

We at WNIW can only speculate as to what happened. Quite possibly a currently serving Senator was tipped off by anonymous sources that some of the things Slag was writing about this Senator bordered on physical threats and violence and that perhaps said Senator took the appropriate action with Slag's host Wordpress and notified the fine people who run Google of the same. Or maybe Slag was hacked? Who knows. Well, we know something but we're not saying. We don't want to play our hand too early or tip off Slag that we have someone on the "inside", as they say. Let her keep looking over her shoulder, wondering who is it pretending to be her friend.

We at WNIW are monitoring and watching SlagInMaine, documenting every word of her hate, documenting all the implied and real threats and violence made by the chubby, double-chinned SlagInMaine.

If she thinks she won't be held accountable, she's got another thing comin'.

Coming soon, we at WNIW will be proud to publish a three-part series of a professional psychological profile of the chubby, double-chinned single mom called SlagInMaine. Look for the first part to run in about three or four weeks. You won't want to miss it.

And now, we at WNIW must return to our job, watching and documenting the hatred and violence perpetrated by Slag. Who knows, maybe even more of her archives and cached posts will vanish once again.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Kay Says What?

We at WNIW couldn't help but notice that WNI has seemed to disappear! Why, even some of the cached pages via Google searches are missing! (Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.)

What happened? Did Wordpress finally get enough complaints about her hate filled site and yank her from the blogosphere? Did Bush and Cheney, the CIA, the NSA and the Mossad abduct her and send her to some far, Eastern European
country at a secret location where she is undergoing rendition?

Please let those of us at WNIW know what has happened to Kay and her delightful blog Leave a comment. Because we care, we really do....

(Chuckle, chuckle, hardy har har....)