Monday, October 29, 2007

Kay Is Sick And Tired Of Herself

Kay admits she's a computer illiterate writing "It sucks not being computer savvy."
Also writing in the same post she says-

"I purchased my domain and then purchased a blog hosting company for my blog."
Really, she bought her own blog hosting company? Oh please tell, which blog hosting company did you buy?

In the same post she also writes -

Right now I feel such a disconnect from the “progressives” online. The constant banter of “impeachment” and the negativity is really pissing me off. Who the hell wants to be part of a team where a section of it is off in the corner crying and sulking about shit that ain’t gonna happen! It’s such a downer.

And she writes: "I don’t want to hear more whining!"

Awwwww, Kay is upset with her own progressive left wing jackbooted thug lickers who hate America and spit on the military. We at WNIW almost shed a tear for her in between fits of rolling our eyes and rolling on the floor laughing our asses off!

Kay says she's tired of the constant banter of impeachment and the negativity is really pissing her off. We wonder why does she have a stock image of a little girl with alphabet block spelling out "Impeach Cheney and Bush?" She says she's tired of the impeachment banter but keeps an image of "Impeach Cheney and Bush"? Let's all say together "lack of disconnect."

We ask if Kay is sick of herself? She must be because she's as guilty of negativity, crying, sulking, whining and being a downer as anybody. Her whole blog is negativity, crying, sulking, whining and being a downer.

The law and orderly Kay also wants to do away with all due legal process, that everyone has a Constitutional right to a trial, by writing that, "We know what crimes and atrocities were committed by the Band of Thugs in the White House. We don’t need a prison sentence to justify what we already know." This is exactly how fascists operate, by taking away peoples' right to a trail. This is how Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Chavez, Hussein and Hitler operated. Kay is no different than Hitler. She's a left wing jackboot licker just like any Fascist who wielded power over their people and stuck them in gulags, prisons or massacred them.

And why would a self-described atheist like Kay write "The holiday season is coming up and I know I so badly want to enjoy it." She must not know that the Christmas Tree she puts in her house represents Jesus.

While Christmas Trees have been ruled a secular holiday decoration by many courts (look it up if you don't believe us) there's no doubt that the inherent meaning of a Christmas Tree is that it is representative of Jesus Christ. She isn't even consistent in her atheism.

Kay worships a "Psychic Spiritual Rock", ha ha ha ha!

Kay writes - "Americans are sick of the voice of the republicans."
Kay is speaking for all Americans? We at WNIW don't think so. She has no references to any study or factual story that supports her statement. Typical conjecture and falsehoods, but we at WNIW know that this is the best she can muster because she deals with irrational emotions, never facts.

Finally Kay shuts down free speech, something she pretends to be such a supporter of by writing, "There will be no comments allowed to this post."

We at WNIW never fail to be amused by Kay. One moment she's writing that she favors something but then in the next breath she will be against it. She doesn't have any solid grounding or longstanding values or beliefs. She self identifies herself in many posts as a "loud foul mouth fem blogger." We at WNIW would instead say she is a typical, hysterical, reactionary blogger lacking ideals, ideas, consistency and facts. She reminds many of us at WNIW of our first wives, the hysterical ones, thus the reason they are our EX-wives. The End.

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