Sunday, May 3, 2009

KKKay says bring the troops home now!

What year was that taken, KKKay? Judging by your hair style and you appear less overweight than you now are, it was quite some time ago, probably during the Bush presidency.

Hey KKKay, are the troops home yet? Why not? When will they come home? How much longer will Barack Obama leave them there to die? It's okay, though, because now a democrat is doing all the killing, huh?

It's okay with KKKay when a Democrat is in charge of and responsible for killing American soldiers and Iraqi, Afghanistan and Pakistani civilians.

We at WNIW bet that KKKay isn't doing much protesting of the war these days. Not while her favorite warmonger is in charge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lying hypocritical bitch