Monday, December 17, 2007

KKKay, Open Your Hit Counter

KKKay is such an advocate of what could be called an "open door policy". She claims she published the comments from those who disagree with her, but this is not accurate or true.

Many of us at WNIW have left comments that she had not published, comments that are thoughtful and not insulting.
We left comments and the links supporting the facts that Hitler was not Jewish and that it is untrue that the rich don't pay any taxes.

We at WNIW cited our facts
here at WNIW.

KKKay refused to publish our comments at her blog because our comments proved her wrong.

The most interesting thing we at WNIW find is this, if KKKay's blog is getting such a tremendous amounts of hits, and she is such an advocate of an "open door policy", then why is your hit tracker and hit counter private?

Open up your tracker and hit counter to the public, KKKay. Prove that your hits are legit and that you are actually getting the number of hits that you claim you are.

KKKay won't make public her tracker and hit counter, because we at WNIW believe her hits are far less than what she claims. Much less than her claim.

Just another lie told by KKKay. We at WNIW, of course, are not surprised.

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