Monday, December 10, 2007

KKKay Says Hitler Was Jewish And That Rich People Pay No Taxes


We at WNIW must admit that each visit to KKKay's blog brings brand new Rolling On The Floor Laughter to all the members of our staff. Every visit allows us to read new and absurd statements made by a loud-mouthed fem blogger (her description of herself, not ours) who is unable to support anything she writes with facts and a historical foundation.

We found another gem of ignorance in KKKay's comment on her post titled "I thought Hillary Clinton looked very presidential last night dealing with the hostage crisis in New Hampshire…"

In Comment # 32, KKKay writes:

    "Hitler had Jewish blood in his veins and destroyed the building that housed his history that proved this."

Here's the image of her comment:

Let's pretend for a second that facts and history neither proves nor disproves anything at all about Hitler's jewish ancestry. Let's only dissect Kay's words.

If Hitler destroyed a building that housed the history that proved his jewish lineage, then how on earth could anyone know, let alone prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was or wasn't jewish?

How can someone prove something when the proof is "destroyed"?

Now let's look at some historical facts, facts that have been actually checked, hence the term "fact-checking":

Hitler was not Jewish according to the Jewish Virtual Library.

    One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish or had ancestors who were. The idea seems to arise from the remote possibility that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother worked in the home of a wealthy Jew and there is some chance a son in that household got the woman (i.e., Hitler's grandmother) pregnant. Adolf Hitler was not Jewish.

Straight Dope provides an in-depth look at Hitler and his ancestry and concludes that - alas, KKKay is wrong - Hitler was not Jewish.

    The distinguished Hitler scholar Werner Maser was so irritated he claimed Frank made the whole thing up. Others think Frank was telling the truth but that the research he did for Hitler was faulty. It turns out that all Jews had been expelled from Graz in the 15th century and were not allowed to return until the 1860s; what's more, so far as can be determined, Maria Schicklgruber never lived in Graz. Frank's source for the Frankenberger yarn was a distant relation of Hitler's, who supposedly had letters exchanged by the Frankenbergers and Maria Schicklgruber. (It's claimed they gave her child support.) But neither the relative nor the letters have ever surfaced, and chances are it's all a crock.

On this same post, in Comment # 30, KKKay says:

    "It’s the wealthy of this country who hide most of their income, cheat on their taxes, and pay the lowest percentage in taxes!"

Her comment is totally and absolutely lacking any and all factual information.

According to the most recent data from the November-December 2007, the following breakdown is what is factually correct in terms of who pays what amount(s) of taxes:

    The latest data show that a big portion of the federal income tax burden is shouldered by a small group of the very richest Americans. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per­cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes.

The question we at WNIW have is this: How can anyone continue writing statements that have no basis in facts and are so easy to disprove?

KKKay just keeps plugging along down the path of sheer ignorance, making statements that when are proven false, she can only fall back on the lame defense that what she writes are "her opinons."

No one ever claimed that opinions are factual.

Even KKKay's likeminded commenters are clueless, fact-challenged morons.

HERE, commenter Gage says

    "After his trial at Nuremberg, when they were hanging (Rudolph)Hess."

The facts and truth is pointed out by commenter Mr. Neck, that Hess was never hanged, he lived on for 40 years after Nuremberg:

    "Rudolph Hess was never hanged! He died more than 40 years later."

But KKKay still doesn't "get it", replying that she still doesn't know what it is that Gage wrote that is false:

    " I had to reread what you wrote to find where you said anything wrong! I couldn’t find anything."

Dense As.A.Box.Of.Rocks.KKKay is.

We at WNIW will explain it to her slowly:

Gage wrote "Hess was hanged."

Mr. Neck proved that Hess was not hanged. Hess, in fact, lived for 40 years after the Nuremberg Trials.

Do you understand that KKKay? Or is that too hard for that one-celled organism that you call your brain to grasp?

We at WNIW suggest KKKay rename her blog to White Noise Idiotic Insanity. It would at least be an accurate reflection of the falsehoods and lies she writes and the false comments her buttlickers add.

KKKay, why can't you support your opinions? Is it because none of your opinions are true? That your opinions cannot be verified by independent sources?

Do you enjoy lying to your groupthink readers whose only thing they have in common with you is that you're all a bunch of boot licking Fascist Bush Haters, willing to lie about everything because you don't have the guts to take your Cymbaltax to help cure your sad depressions?

What is it that keeps you from telling the truth, from being honest, from checking to make sure that what you write is supported by facts?

KKKay's blog is the funniest thing on the internet since The Onion. The only difference is that we know The Onion knows they are joking. KKKay thinks people actually believe her and that what she writes is true. Nothing could be further from the truth.

KKKay's blog is a gembrilliant gem of ignorance on display for all to read. She represents what Liberals are all about and why the MoveOn-KoS Liberal Crowd are hated by 95% of all Americans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i guess she meant höss