Saturday, February 2, 2008

KKKay calls Barack Obama a "warmonger" and "republican-lite"

KKKay can't seem to narrow down her varying opinions of Barack Obama. She is 180-degrees-all-over-the-place with her opinion of Obama.

We at WNIW want to remind everyone that we never make this stuff up. We take KKKay's very own words and quotes and prove beyond any reasonable doubt that she is a hater, a hypocrite and mind-numbingly stupid.

On January 24, 2008 in a post titled "Dennis Kucinich has dropped out of the presidential race" KKKay calls Obama "republican-lite."

    "(Hillary, Obama, Edwards) are nothing but republican-lite."

Here is the screen snapshot:

Plus KKKay is "caucusing for [Kucinich] in February."

BHA ha ha ha ha! Caucusing for a loser who is not even in the race! HYSTERICAL!

Writing on January 26, 2008 in a post titled "John McCain has Rambo/Rocky on his side! He must be desperate" KKKay calls Obama a "warmonger."

    "...warmongers such as Stallone, McCrazy, Edwards, Hillary, Romney, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Obama, Guiliani, and others who keep wars going and continue to fund them even though they know the “war” is now an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation?"

Here is the screen snapshot.

Obama is a "warmonger" who "keep(s) wars going and continue to fund them even though they know the 'war' is now an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation? I think so!"

HYSTERICAL! KKKay believes Obama is a "warmonger." HYSTERICAL!

In another post of January 26, 2008, racistly titled "It’s official. John Edwards is the white man’s candidate," KKKay writes:

    "Obama is REAL change."

    "Obama...[is] American we can relate to."

Here is the screen capture:

On January 27, 2008 in a post titled "Caroline Kennedy is throwing her support to Barack Obama," Kay writes the following about Obama.

    "Obama is definitely inspiring the people of this country."

    "Obama is the one for us NOW."

    KKKay: "I am starting to agree [with Caroline Kennedy's endorsement of Obama."]

    "Obama is the least offensive to me."

Here is the screen capture:

We at WNIW would like to recap KKKay's steadfast and unchanging opinions of Obama:

    "Obama is republican-lite."

    "Obama is a warmonger."

    "Obama is REAL change."

    "He's an American we can relate to."

    "Obama is definitely inspiring the people of this country."

    "Obama is the one for us NOW."

    "I (KKKay) am starting to agree [with Caroline Kennedy's endorsement of Obama."]

    "Obama is the least offensive to me."

Nothing could be further from the truth than calling "Obama a warmonger." He is the only Democratic candidate remaining in the race whose campaign policy is unmistakably for pulling the troops out of Iraq.

Which is it, KKKay? Is Obama a "warmonger," is he "republican-lite," is he "the one for us NOW," is he "inspiring the people of this country," is he "an American we can relate to," is he "REAL change." Which is he, KKKay?

Taking KKKay at her words (** laughing, oh stop already, our sides hurt too much from laughing **) we at WNIW can only deduct that she endorses, supports and will be voting for Obama who is "republican-lite" and a "warmonger."

KKKay supports republican-lites and warmongers. This of course means that KKKay is a warmonger and a republican-lite at heart.

KKKay, do not even try to go back and retract your words and re-edit your posts because we at WNIW have the original screen captures for the whole world to see.

See how it works, KKKay? We at WNIW prove time and time again you know nothing about politics and never let reality or facts stand in the way of your HYSTERICAL opinions no matter how foolish it makes you look - time and time and time and time again! HYSTERICAL!

No wonder your voice is one that no one can count on or take seriously and that ABlog has abandoned and banned you from commenting there. HYSTERICAL!

KKKay is hysterical! A joke! What a sad and pathetic hate-filled hypocritical life she must have. Spit.

KKKay, no one ever laughs with you, instead everyone laughs at you. And with good reason. You're an idiot and crazier than a shithouse rat. BHA ha ha ha ha ha.

KKKay will secretly vote for McCain or Huckabee. Trust us.

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