Thursday, February 7, 2008

KKKay's progressive friends who've left her

Cue the trumpet player playing Taps.

Below is a partial list of once proud progressive commenters who echoed KKKay's hateful words.

Some of them were among her best jackboot licking supporters. Now, they've fallen out of favor with KKKay or finally got their head screwed on right, as much as a left wing jackboot licker can get.

We at WNIW noticed that they no longer comment at KKKay's house of hatred and lies.

Where have they gone KKKay? Did you alienate them all with your jeaslousy and envious behavior?

Where did they go KKKay?

Asta, gone.
nyTexan, gone.
old broad speaks (Hill Country Gal), gone.
Clif, gone.
Bill Jonke, gone.
Larry, gone.
Dad2059, gone
Barboody, gone.
Pam, gone.
Mirth, gone.
Karol, gone.
Rocky, gone.
Billjap, gone
Henry Wallace, gone.
Cosmic, gone.
Jeff in Texas, gone.
Scooter in brooklyn, gone.
Phil in NY, gone.
TomCat, gone.
Weasel, gone.
Aunty Ism, gone.
Cariyn, gone.
oceallaigh, gone.
Proud Progressive,gone.
Angry Ballerina, gone.
QuestionGirl, gone.
OpEdna, gone.
Smoke, almost gone, rarely adding any comments in recent history.

This is only a partial list of commenters that have deserted KKKay because KKKay either turned her wrath on them or they voluntarily left because they couldn't stand KKKay's absurd, illogical, vile ranting, hatred and self-centeredness.

Why did they leave you, KKKay?

Or maybe, closer to the truth, most of these individuals only exist in KKKay's mind? We'll know this is the case if these names start suddenly appearing in her comments. It will be KKKay posting comments at her own blog under different names, all comments of course in complete agreement with what KKKay writes.

Like we at WNIW have said before, if you disagree with KKKay or she imagines you disagree with her, you're no longer welcome at Hatred in Maine. HYSTERICAL!

Where did they go KKKay? Did they leave because they got fed up with your boorish behavior or did you spit on them? HYSTERICAL!

Did they leave because you had some imagined injustice in your sick, twisted, little mind that they betrayed you? HYSTERICAL!

What happened between KKKay and Old Broad? Did she steal your thunder KKKay? We at WNIW noticed that Old Broad gets HUNDREDS of comments on her posts. In your mind KKKay do you think that she stole your "fan base?" You don't get HUNDREDS of comments on your posts, do you KKKay? Oh how this must infuriate you. You must be jealous at the HUNDREDS of comments she gets that you don't get, huh KKKay? HYSTERICAL!

Hey KKKay, do you call Unruly Mob "Unruly Snobs" because they get 400-500 comments per post and you get like seven? HYSTERICAL! LOL! Are you upset with them because they're getting the attention you so deperately crave? Are you jealous of them, ABlog and Cosmic? HYSTERICAL! LOL!

KKKay will use her usual defense mechanism of saying to us here at WNIW, "Well how many comments do you get." The thing is, we don't want a lot of comments because that means more work for us.

We're here to accomplish only one thing: Exposing the lies and hatred of you, KKKay.

Tell us KKKay, what happened between you and your former good liberal bootlicker Asta? Did Asta somehow offend KKKay the (un)Great? Did Asta get tired of you backstabbing others that you imagined were spending their time at other blogs? Did Asta get tired of licking your jackboots? HYSTERICAL! LOL!

Tell us KKKay. Where did they all go? Why did so many regular jackboot licker commenters leave you, never to return? LOL! HYSTERICAL!

We at WNIW want to know. HYSTERICAL!

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