Sunday, June 29, 2008

KKKay lies about oil spills from Katrina

We at WNIW have to wonder if KKKay has ever been right about something in her life. Even by accident.

Here's her post title and date:

The neocons who support the oil industry want you to believe there were no oil spills in the Gulf after Katrina hit - This entry was posted on June 27, 2008 at 9:59 pm:

    As usual, the neocons who support the oil industry but who hate America are lying to us. As the price of gas/oil goes higher, the wingers are using the high prices as leverage to get what they want, which is: OFFSHORE DRILLING & DRILLING WHEREVER THE HELL THEY WANT TO.

    Rush Limbaugh keeps saying that there were no oil spills after Katrina hit to fake out his listeners that off-shore drilling is safe for the environment.

    It’s the ole, White Noise of Deception again! Spit.

    The latest moron to say Louisiana didn’t experience any oil spills is none other than the current Governor of Louisiana who is also on the short list for John McCain’s VP spot….Bobby Jindal! Since Jindal is so good at lying, he’ll be perfect for Johnny McTeleprompter to have by his side!

    We’re tired of being lied to and deceived by these assholes.

None of what she wrote is true. Not one word.

Any spills that happened after Katrina did not come from oil wells or oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico or off the coast of Louisiana.

The Houston Chronicle reports...

    Hurricane Katrina's floodwaters unleashed 1 million gallons of oil from one of the massive storage tanks at Murphy Oil's nearby refinery. The spill spread over 1 square mile and stained 1,700 homes, making it one of the largest environmental spills to occur in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

    But it was far from the only one.

    A Houston Chronicle review of data from the National Response Center shows that the two storms caused at least 595 spills, incidents that released untold amounts of oil, natural gas and other chemicals into the air, onto land and into the water.

And later in the story:

    Cleaning products stored beneath kitchen sinks, gasoline and oil in cars and boats, bacteria from rotting food and refrigerator Freon, which can destroy the Earth's ozone layer, are contaminants, too — ones that don't show up on the National Response Center database.

    "There are barrels of oil out here that have been removed from appliances," EPA spokesman David Bary said.

Not a drop of oil that hit water or land after Katrina came from off-shore drilling or off-shore rigs. Not a drop.

KKKay read the story at Think Progress which tells the same lies (that the oil spills were from off-shore rigs), and ran with it, doing no investigation or fact checking on her own. She just plagiarized the idea, as she does so often, and repeated the same lies.

"The U.S. Minerals Management Service commissioned a study on this and here is their conclusion:

    The impacts from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were typical of this historical experience. While cleanup was required. The volume of oil spilled and impacts to shore from the offshore infrastructure were categorized as minor.


KKKay, don't you feel stupid? Then again, how would know what feeling stupid feels like when you spend your entire life in the same stupid mode?

The many faces of stupid:


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