Sunday, June 1, 2008

KKKay...poor widdle KKKay the hater

Bha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! The chubby knuckle dragger in Maine whose insanity we at WNIW love to expose is now bitching over at FDL, FireDogLeaks the blog by Jane Hamster. Hamster is it? That's our story and we're sticking to it.

At a post titled A Recap of the RBC Meeting, no we're not linking to it, the double-chinned goose stepping Nazi in Maine left the following comment:

Comment # 252

KayInMaine June 1st, 2008 at 2:14 pm

In response to Sixty Something @ 250

Exactly. I told the Hillary supporters on a few occasions yesterday that WE (Obama supporters) are not republicans so stop treating us this way, but that didn’t stop them from being assholes all day long. They’re fighting against us and will vote for John McCain instead if Hillary is on the ballot. Yep, they’d rather “vote for Hitler” than vote for a black Democrat!

Until you walked in my shoes this weekend, you can’t be upset by what I’m saying. I’ve posted links above (YouTube and from my blog) about why I’m taking this position today. Read/view them.

Aw shucks, poor little lardo says no one can be upset with her until they've walked in her shoes! Most people don't wear a size 87 shoe with a EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE width. KKKay must be the Sasquatch that has been seen in Maine. Those sasquatch sightings always report that Sasquatch is ugly, hairy and has big feet.


Place your bets as to how soon KKKay will be treating FDL just as she treated Ablog, by calling them neocons and other names because they disagree with her warped thinking of hatred!

Way to go, KKKay.

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