Monday, December 17, 2007

KKKay The Chubby Little Nazi

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, isn't KKKay and her triple chins adorable. Just look at the little chub from Maine, with that fat chin and seventeen months worth of food stored in reserves in her fat cheeks!

KKKay looks perfectly at home and comfortable in a Nazi uniform, doesn't she?

She'd be only too happy to salute Hitler.

She'd fit right in with the SS police force, being a bodyguard and protecting Adolf while she oversees the gassing and killing of millions of people to death in concentration camps.

That's because she's a good fat little Nazi.

KKKay's KKK Banned KKKommenter

KKKay's KKK Banned KKKommenter

Awwwwwwww, someone who calls themselves Mainefem left a comment at this post whining to KKKay that she was banned at a liberal blog.

    Comment #8:

    mainefem Says:
    December 10, 2007 at 9:38 pm

    Hey, Kay~

    Craigy-Poo just banned me!

    ‘Ya wanna pass me a box of Puffs Plus (w/Aloe), pls.?

    I’ll have to sleep on a snarky diary post for tomorrow….too fucking funny!

    I wanna be awarded a medal (or a chest to pin one upon).

    Maybe both.

    “Craig Burnham to me 8:16 pm

    Sorry, but I can’t listen to you bitch and moan anymore. You’re banned, and please don’t show up with another account.”


    Craigy might have to actually uptick his piddly 41 returning visitors per day stale-as-hell portal.

    Firstly, he’ll need to learn how to spell….

    For once.


Awwwwwwwww...are other democrats and liberals getting tired of listening to WATBs like Mainefem and KKKay?

You're own fellow libs can't even stand and tolerate 'ya anymore because all you do is bitch. The question asked by those of us at WNIW is: are you the first or second ex-wives of men who couldn't stand listening to your bullshit WATB any more?

We at WNIW are, of course, not surprised. We just wonder what took these other blogs so long to ban the WATBs like KKKay and Mainefem.

KKKay, Open Your Hit Counter

KKKay is such an advocate of what could be called an "open door policy". She claims she published the comments from those who disagree with her, but this is not accurate or true.

Many of us at WNIW have left comments that she had not published, comments that are thoughtful and not insulting.
We left comments and the links supporting the facts that Hitler was not Jewish and that it is untrue that the rich don't pay any taxes.

We at WNIW cited our facts
here at WNIW.

KKKay refused to publish our comments at her blog because our comments proved her wrong.

The most interesting thing we at WNIW find is this, if KKKay's blog is getting such a tremendous amounts of hits, and she is such an advocate of an "open door policy", then why is your hit tracker and hit counter private?

Open up your tracker and hit counter to the public, KKKay. Prove that your hits are legit and that you are actually getting the number of hits that you claim you are.

KKKay won't make public her tracker and hit counter, because we at WNIW believe her hits are far less than what she claims. Much less than her claim.

Just another lie told by KKKay. We at WNIW, of course, are not surprised.

Monday, December 10, 2007

KKKay Says Hitler Was Jewish And That Rich People Pay No Taxes


We at WNIW must admit that each visit to KKKay's blog brings brand new Rolling On The Floor Laughter to all the members of our staff. Every visit allows us to read new and absurd statements made by a loud-mouthed fem blogger (her description of herself, not ours) who is unable to support anything she writes with facts and a historical foundation.

We found another gem of ignorance in KKKay's comment on her post titled "I thought Hillary Clinton looked very presidential last night dealing with the hostage crisis in New Hampshire…"

In Comment # 32, KKKay writes:

    "Hitler had Jewish blood in his veins and destroyed the building that housed his history that proved this."

Here's the image of her comment:

Let's pretend for a second that facts and history neither proves nor disproves anything at all about Hitler's jewish ancestry. Let's only dissect Kay's words.

If Hitler destroyed a building that housed the history that proved his jewish lineage, then how on earth could anyone know, let alone prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was or wasn't jewish?

How can someone prove something when the proof is "destroyed"?

Now let's look at some historical facts, facts that have been actually checked, hence the term "fact-checking":

Hitler was not Jewish according to the Jewish Virtual Library.

    One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish or had ancestors who were. The idea seems to arise from the remote possibility that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother worked in the home of a wealthy Jew and there is some chance a son in that household got the woman (i.e., Hitler's grandmother) pregnant. Adolf Hitler was not Jewish.

Straight Dope provides an in-depth look at Hitler and his ancestry and concludes that - alas, KKKay is wrong - Hitler was not Jewish.

    The distinguished Hitler scholar Werner Maser was so irritated he claimed Frank made the whole thing up. Others think Frank was telling the truth but that the research he did for Hitler was faulty. It turns out that all Jews had been expelled from Graz in the 15th century and were not allowed to return until the 1860s; what's more, so far as can be determined, Maria Schicklgruber never lived in Graz. Frank's source for the Frankenberger yarn was a distant relation of Hitler's, who supposedly had letters exchanged by the Frankenbergers and Maria Schicklgruber. (It's claimed they gave her child support.) But neither the relative nor the letters have ever surfaced, and chances are it's all a crock.

On this same post, in Comment # 30, KKKay says:

    "It’s the wealthy of this country who hide most of their income, cheat on their taxes, and pay the lowest percentage in taxes!"

Her comment is totally and absolutely lacking any and all factual information.

According to the most recent data from the November-December 2007, the following breakdown is what is factually correct in terms of who pays what amount(s) of taxes:

    The latest data show that a big portion of the federal income tax burden is shouldered by a small group of the very richest Americans. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per­cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes.

The question we at WNIW have is this: How can anyone continue writing statements that have no basis in facts and are so easy to disprove?

KKKay just keeps plugging along down the path of sheer ignorance, making statements that when are proven false, she can only fall back on the lame defense that what she writes are "her opinons."

No one ever claimed that opinions are factual.

Even KKKay's likeminded commenters are clueless, fact-challenged morons.

HERE, commenter Gage says

    "After his trial at Nuremberg, when they were hanging (Rudolph)Hess."

The facts and truth is pointed out by commenter Mr. Neck, that Hess was never hanged, he lived on for 40 years after Nuremberg:

    "Rudolph Hess was never hanged! He died more than 40 years later."

But KKKay still doesn't "get it", replying that she still doesn't know what it is that Gage wrote that is false:

    " I had to reread what you wrote to find where you said anything wrong! I couldn’t find anything."

Dense As.A.Box.Of.Rocks.KKKay is.

We at WNIW will explain it to her slowly:

Gage wrote "Hess was hanged."

Mr. Neck proved that Hess was not hanged. Hess, in fact, lived for 40 years after the Nuremberg Trials.

Do you understand that KKKay? Or is that too hard for that one-celled organism that you call your brain to grasp?

We at WNIW suggest KKKay rename her blog to White Noise Idiotic Insanity. It would at least be an accurate reflection of the falsehoods and lies she writes and the false comments her buttlickers add.

KKKay, why can't you support your opinions? Is it because none of your opinions are true? That your opinions cannot be verified by independent sources?

Do you enjoy lying to your groupthink readers whose only thing they have in common with you is that you're all a bunch of boot licking Fascist Bush Haters, willing to lie about everything because you don't have the guts to take your Cymbaltax to help cure your sad depressions?

What is it that keeps you from telling the truth, from being honest, from checking to make sure that what you write is supported by facts?

KKKay's blog is the funniest thing on the internet since The Onion. The only difference is that we know The Onion knows they are joking. KKKay thinks people actually believe her and that what she writes is true. Nothing could be further from the truth.

KKKay's blog is a gembrilliant gem of ignorance on display for all to read. She represents what Liberals are all about and why the MoveOn-KoS Liberal Crowd are hated by 95% of all Americans.

KKKay Claims She Is "Dating" Someone (rolling our eyes, laughing on the floor)

KKKay and her true loves !

At this post Kay wonders if George Bush is sleeping with Karl Rove:

    "I’d like George Bush to come clean on the following (add your own if you wish to):

    Whether he’s sleeping with Karl Rove or not."

So someone asked if she was jealous of, if Bush was sleeping with Rove, in her comments:

    secretagentman Says:
    December 8, 2007 at 7:57 pm

    Whether he’s sleeping with Karl Rove or not

    are you jealous kay because you ain’t gettin any action and havent for 13 or so yrs? not counting the carrots and other devices you stick up your coot. that was the last time you took a ride on the white pony, and 9mo later you gave birth to your retard son.

    Edited by Kay:

    I’m actually dating someone right now. Don’t read my blog too much and just do a hit and run, huh? Loser.

Below is the comment - click to enlarge.

KKKay dating someone? We at WNIW have to ask the following:

Does he/she/it need to be inflated?

Does it run on AC power or 16 "D" Cell batteries?

Does he/she/it crawl on its belly?

Is he/she/it blind?

In a wheelchair?

Does it walk on all four, dragging its CryptoLiberal knuckles on the ground or can it walk on both its hind legs?

Is he/she/it brain damaged?

11 months into a coma?

A corpse?

Is "it" a woman? Are you a lesbo, KKKay? A carpet muncher? A pink diver? A muff eater? A clitlicker? A furball fanatic?

Is "it" some limp, lame, no-mind, unthinking effete little man that needs to be ordered around by a bull dyke like KKKay?

Does he/she/it eat out of a bowl on the floor with his/her/its name on it?

Does he/she/it talk or just grunt? Howl? Bark? Whinny? Hiss? Growl? Moo? Babble like a stroke sufferer? Scrape its foot on the ground once for 'yes' and twice for 'no'?

Does he/she/it ride the short bus?

Dating your brother/sister/first cousin/dad/uncle/nephew/son/dead grandpa/plush toy doesn't count KKKay.

We at WNIW will be monitoring and watching KKKay, as always, and report back.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Do YOU Know Kay?

KKKay in Maine supposedly is self-employed, with her own house-cleaning business. If this is true, we at WNIW have to ask the question: whose homes does she clean? Does she clean the homes of only democrats and apolitical people? Are her clients those of whom only agree with her wayward, leftist hate-filled, factless ideology?

Surely KKKay wouldn't clean the homes of republicans, would she? She wouldn't accept "republican money", would she? That would be hypocritical of her because she has written numerous times that she hates republicans. She hates republicans, the republican party and all it stands for. She wouldn't accept filthy republican blood money now, would she?

This is a reply to a comment that she wrote on November 5, 2007 regarding republicans and the republican party.

These are her words exactly as written:


Normally, those of us who work at WNIW would point out KKKay's spelling errors in what she wrote, but we no longer do this. We at WNIW prefer to let Stupid KKKay continue right on making spelling and grammar errors - that way, no one takes her seriously.

Click to enlarge and read the whole comment response by KKKay.

These images of KKKay are those that she has published of herself on her own site. Do you recognize her? Does she perhaps clean the homes of some conservatives that you know?

We are reproducing these images of KKKay in compliance of Fair Use U.S. Copyright Chapter § 107, for purposes of commentary and criticism - so KKKay cannot claim any exclusive copyright to these images.

Go ahead, circulate these images of KKKay. Copy them, reproduce them, put them up on your site or blog and spread the word in Maine that this is the woman who might be cleaning their homes. Show them what a hater she is. Ask them, why would you employ such a hater and vile person to clean your home.

Perhaps you recognize her? Perhaps you know someone in Maine who has a house cleaner. Perhaps you want to show those people the pictures of Kay and ask them if this is their house cleaner? Perhaps your friends would like to know just what KKKay thinks of people who disagree with her and how full of anger and hatred and anti-American she is.

Perhaps you want to tell them that KKKay "spits" on them. Perhaps these people wouldn't want such a hateful person like KKKay cleaning their homes.

Kay Don't Know Jack About Habeas Corpus

In a post dated November 20, 2007, titled A mini trial of Martial Law has come to Iraq!, KKKay displays her full ignorance and amazing ability to not connect facts to reality.

In quoting a story from Editor and Publisher about Bilal Hussein, as Associated Press photographer being held in Iraq, KKKay writes the following:

    Will Habeas corpus be honored? OMG! *screaming laughter* There is no Habeas corpus when the fascists like George Bush are in charge! No way! Oh, but military courts are around and I’m sure this reporter will be brought into a secret military court to learn what he’s done and then we won’t see him again.

Here is the screen capture - we're not making it up *** screaming with laughter and rolling our eyes in amazement at her unadulterated stupidity**** .

Click on image to enlarge:

We at WNIW would love - simply love - to know where KKKay gets the idea that Habeas Corpus is part of Iraq law. Please show us which part of the Iraq Constitution gives Iraq citizens Habeas Corpus *** more screaming and howling of our laughter and rolling and wiping tears of laughter from our can anyone be this dumb ******* !

Does KKKay support her question of "Will Habeas Corpus be honored"? Of course not. How can Habeas Corpus exist where it isn't included in the articles that define and form the birth of any country?

Here's a newsflash for the Hater In Maine: many countries with a democratic form of government do not have Habeas Corpus. So how can Habeas Corpus "be honored" - as KKKay writes - in a place where it doesn't exist?

We at WNIW have to guess that many of those who tune into KKKay's blog are there only for the laughter she provides by making statements that are so unintelligent, unresearched and factless that only a nincompoop would consider her idiotic writing as legitimate, accurate or even containing a grain of accuracy and truthfulness.

When a commenter asked her to support her statement of Habeas Corpus being "honored", KKKay, as usual, failed miserably to prove herself with any factual basis and instead resorted to name-calling by claiming that she is only writing "her opinion."

    obfuscio Says:
    November 26, 2007 at 8:34 pm

    so afraid of addressing the issue of where in the Iraq democracy “Habeus Corpus” is written, huh KKKay? Hiding behind your supreme ignorance by not publishing these comments, because you cant defend your stupidity and basic grasp of politics? Ashamed because you’ve been called out to support yourself with facts showing Iraq has Habeus Corpus and how it applied to journalist, Bilal Hussein? Afraid to say you are wrong? Ashamed to say you are wrong?

    We understand. You’re just a liar, a blogger who writes something so profoundly stupid, showcasing that you did nothing to fact check what you wrote, got called on the carpet, and now silence those who point out your factual error and decide not to print their comments. And you claim to be for free speech?

    Afraid to show the world you are an idiot and admit you’re wrong.

    Edited by Kay:

    First off, Loser, my blog consists of my opinion throughout it and posts that include links to articles that I’m expressing my opinion on. If you don’t like my opinion, then fucking leave.

    Second of all, tell George Bush to stop calling Iraq a democracy. Habeas corpus is the foundation of a democracy. You’re saying if one of our soldiers or journalists is captured in Iraq, they don’t have to know the charges against them and can be held forever without representation. Hey, if that’s what you like, then you and Georgie Bush are best buddies! Oh, but that’s right. You’d rather come here and spew your crap at me and not Georgie Bush, because it makes you feel manly, isn’t that right Ablog Cookie Cutter Group Instructor?

    Third, leave.

Here is the screen capture of the above exchange, again, we are not making this up. Click to enlarge:

KKKay has such a nice mouth, doesn't she? "F" this and "F" that? I wonder if she read the recent story in the news that showed it is undereducated and uneducated people who use the most profanity?

Since KKKay can't defend herself and prove that Iraq law and Iraq's democracy provides Habeas Corpus, she instead attacks the person commenting. She states her blog "consists of [her] opinions." Well, that's just fine and dandy but she must be unaware that all of her opinions are wrong and cannot be supported by facts.

Habeas Corpus is not "the foundation of a democracy," as KKKay claims. It can be part of it, but it is by no means "the foundation." Please KKKay, please, show us some facts that support your statement ***screaming with laughter and rolling our eyes ***.

Many countries exist and have a democratic form of government and have no Habeas Corpus or similar provision. A simple internet search would have provided this information to KKKay, but then facts would have disproven her opinion, and KKKay certainly can't have that happen.

Notice how she goes off, hysterically writing that, "if one of our soldiers or journalists is captured in Iraq, they don;t have to know the charges against them." To date this has never happened with any U.S. Soldiers in Iraq. U.S. Soldiers in Iraq are held to a higher standard than the enemy - that would be terrorists, KKKay. Nothing in the story indicates the nationality of Bilal Hussein, therefore, no one knows his background; if he may be a covert agent working with al Qadea or if he is a supporter of terrorists. And since Iraq doesn't have its version of Habeas Corpus, then how on earth can he be entitled to it?

We at WNIW are not sure of what a "Ablog Cookie Cutter Group Instructor" is. We can only imagine that she is referring to AmericaBlog, the leftwing fringe blog founded by pole smoking John Aravosis. Apparently - and we're guessing here - KKKay has been banned from commenting at AmericaBlog because even they can no longer tolerate her factless, manic, mind-numblingly vacuous and hate-filled rantings and opinions that are based on nothing other than her hatred of anything but her own factless opinion.

It's funny when Progressive nutt-jobs like KKKay are banned by other Liberal blogs and sites. At least we at WNIW sure think so!

And have you noticed how KKKay calls Republicans and Conservatives "knuckle draggers"? She sure is creative, ain't she? We at WNIW prefer to think of KKKay's moving about as being the same as a dog with worms - - - you know how they kind of sit on their butt and drag themselves across the carpeting, itching and scratching their poor anus full of worms? That's KKKay!

Kay Doesn't Allow Free Speech

KKKay claims she is such an advocate of free speech when it comes to comments on her blog, but this is just another lie. She only allows comments that support her irrational and fact-challenged rants.

Here is but one example. In a November 25, 2007 post titled What A Night For A Wedding we found comment #5 - and yes, a juvenile comment at that - saying:

    #5 fusciatone Says:
    November 25, 2007 at 7:43 pm

    when i read the headline I immediately thought maybe you married your vibrator, kay.

Here is the screen capture of the above comment. Click on it to enlarge.

On a follow-up to this same post, we at WNIW noticed that KKKay had removed the comment.

Click on the image to see it as it now appears - the fusciatone comment removed:

You can see that comment #5 is replaced by:

    #5 UFL Says:
    November 25, 2007 at 9:32 pm

    I had a good thanksgiving Kay, ate too much as usual and had to be rolled out to my truck. How was your thanksgiving?

So much for free speech, huh KKKay? It's so obvious that this loud and emotive woman has no sense of humor at all.

We at WNIW know that when KKKay talks about free speech, she's lying. She's only interested in he factless, biased opinions based on hatred. This is evidenced by KKKay's writing in Comment #4 regarding her former liberal blog buddy "Mirth". They used to be - to use KKKay's term - "blog sistah's" - but since Mirth dared to disagree with KKKay, KKKay has done nothing but crap on her former friend.

Hey, like the old saying goes, "with friends like KKKay who needs enemies?"

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Kay's History Class: Stuck On Stupid

We at WNIW have to ask ourselves what was KKKay doing during high school history classes? Certainly she wasn't paying attention. Her blog and her comments are full of inaccuracies and the most blatant errors. The most basic facts of history eludes KKKay in every way possible.

We at WNIW would like to share two - of many - prime examples of Kay's idiocy in showcasing her outright lack in grasping what most people learn by junior high school. Even students who pay attention only 50% of the time in history class know the things that Kay doesn't.

In writing about the recent death of Paul Tibbets, the pilot of the Enola Gay during World War II, we found the following comment written by Kay not only amusing, but completely erroneous of any historical accuracy.

Her post, acrimoniously titled "Paul Tibbetts [sic] died a coward at the age of 92," is located here, published on November 1, 2007.

KKKAy writes that President Harry "Truman ignored the warnings that an attack was coming to the shores of Pearl Harbor."

Really? Truman was president when Pearl Harbor was attacked? Which history book contains that nugget of information, Kay? Kay, can you point to a history book that supports your statement? Of course not.

The president of the United States when Pearl Harbor was attacked was Franklin D. Roosevelt. This well-known and most basic fact, something that most 7th and 8th grade students know, somehow is not known by KKKay.

In the same comment, Kay writes, "Truman got to use his new found atomic/nuclear technology."

We at WNIW would love for Kay to point to any factual information that supports her statement that the bombs dropped on Japan were "nuclear". But then, KKKay never allows facts to get in the way of what she believes.

You probably think that we are making this up. We're not.

Here is a screen capture of her comment, exactly as it appears. Click on it to enlarge:

We at WNIW found another golden gem of Kay's sheer ignorance of history in a post dated July 9, 2007.

In a piece titled "Will Bush veto another Defense spending bill out of spite?" located here, Kay proudly displays her complete lack of what most students lean in basic Civics classes by the 7th grade.

The topic of the comments was Cindy Sheehan running for the California Congressional seat currently held by House of Representative congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

Responding to a comment made by someone named Morry, who asked what would happen if Cindy Sheehan won the seat held by Pelosi, KKKay writes the following:

"If Cindy won, she would not become the Speaker of the House even if she is replacing Pelosi. Gawd you neocons are so stupid!!! She would become a Junior Senator first, moron."

We at WNIW have to ask...who exactly is the "moron"? Who is the one that is "stupid"? Who is the one who has no clue to how basic government works? It certainly isn't Morry.

We at WNIW would love for Kay to explain how anyone elected to the U.S. House of Representatives becomes a "Junior Senator"? Do tell, Kay - do tell.

We imagine that most teachers of grade, junior high and high school civics and government classes would be extremely interested in any facts that Kay can provide that shows how a Congressman becomes a "Junior Senator". And to that we at WNIW will add three exclamation marks, just like KKKay!!!

Again, you probably think that we are making this up, that no one could possibly be so stupid to state that "a congressman becomes a 'junior senator.'"

Well, we are not making it up. Here is a screen capture of the comment, exactly as it appears. Click on it to enlarge:

She couldn't even correctly spell "Fuehrer" ("Fuehrer when the ü-umlaut is not used, but never 'Fuhrer'"; considering her frequent use of it, name-calling anyone who disagrees with her the term.

Congressmen and women serve in the House of Representatives. Senators serve in the Senate. Wow, that sure is hard to grasp, isn't it? Whew ** rolling eyes and wiping sweat from our brow ** maybe KKKay needs a remedial class in remedial basic civics?

Perhaps an instructional children's picture book, like "Highlights For Children" is in order for KKKAy? Then again, perhaps even "Highlights For Children" is too complicated for her to grasp. Heady stuff, heady stuff huh KKKay?

Sheer ignorance and lack of facts is on glorious, splendid, outstanding display daily at KKKay's blog.

If you're looking for a good laugh, if you're looking to read idiotic rants, if you're looking to read repeated factual errors and misstatements, you need look no further than anything written by KKKay.

We at WNIW imagine that most "fans" of KKKay's blog go along with her amateurish ramblings and complete lack of education, schooling and intelligence.

We imagine that none of her like-minded idiot "fan" base dares to correct her for they too will be called "morons", "neocons" and "stupid" by someone who is the precise definition of all those words and more, so much more! Maybe her "fan" base is even dumber than Kay - now there's a scary thought!

We at WNIW imagine that KKKay's "fan" base snickers at her behind her back, laughing and making fun of her sloppy, incompetent, crude and desperate attempts to form historically accurate opinions in anything less than her usual vast and sweeping ignorance of facts and history.

We at WNIW lovingly dedicate the following haiku, of which it took us several seconds of grueling and perspiring deep thought to create, to Kay. For without KKKay, White Noise Insanity Watch could not exist:

factless, wrong and dumb
everything written by Kay
What are facts, she asks

KKKay, we at WNIW sincerely ask you, what were you doing during history classes in grade, junior and high school? Did you even attend grade, junior and high school? Did you graduate? Did you even complete K-12? Let us know, will you?

If what we at WNIW wrote here is too hard for KKKay to understand, we will put it simply:

Kay = dumb; almost everyone else = much smarter.

We at WNIW hope that clears it up. If not, maybe someone can explain it to her.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Kay Continues To Hate and Bad-Mouth The Military

Here's a nice little comment exchange of Kay and someone who uses the asinine name "Uncle Fester Lurking" bashing the United States Military.

"Fester" writes:

"Kay, our military doesn’t protect America anymore, they fight for, protect and invade other countries for corporate interests. The days of our military actually serving to protect America from our enemies are long gone."

Then, almost as an afterthought, realizing just how anti-Military his statement is, he tries to redeem himself by adding the following sentence:

"And I might add it isn’t the troops who are to blame it is the war mongering, bought and paid for politicians and the corporations who control them who are to blame!"

Responding to Fester, a drooling Kay writes:

"Oh that’s right, Uncle, I forgot. No longer does our military protect us or take precautions in making us safe. Oh no! Now they’re used as pawns in the top 5% of this country to line their deep pockets. *smacking head* Now I remember!

"This is not an anti-military post. It’s a post on ONE MORE THING UNDER THE BUSH REGIME that no longer has competency or is run correctly under their leadership. It disgusts me!"

Don't believe us that anyone could hate the military that works so hard to protect their right to free hate speech? Click on image to enlarge.

Here's a bit of advice from one of the staff members of WNIW who knows a thing or two about human psychology: As soon as someone uses the excuse that "something isn't about something", the exact opposite is true - it's exactly about what they say it isn't.

This isn't the first time Kay or her goon gang of in-bred idiots have trashed the men and women in the United States Military. Trashing the military is the buffet of any day at Kay's KKK Home of Hate.

Fester says the military "invades other countries." He claims it is done for "corporate interests." Does he list any factual references to support his claim? Of course not, because he can't.

Kay, only too anxious to join the military bashing crusade writes, "No longer does the military protect us or take precautions in making us safe." Hey idiot - this is why the troops are in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Tell you what, Fester, the next time you are involved in a disaster, or if you are attacked, or robbed or assaulted - call Kay to come to the rescue. Don't bother calling the cops or waiting for the National Guard to arrive if a disaster happens. Little squats like Fester are WATB who have no respect for the military or law and order. The closest Fester every got to the military is playing with plastic army men.

To Kay we say this: you must support the Islamofacists who force young girls and women to undergo forced clitorectomies. You must support Islamo subservience of women to men in Islamic culture. You must support Islamo stoning of little girls for nothing more than holding hands with a little boy. You must support Islamo rites of 10 and 11 and 12 year old girls who are forced to marry men twice, three and four times their age. You must support the Qu'ran that states those who do not convert to Islam must be killed. So when all these things start happening, don't bother calling for the military to help you. You've already decided you support all the things our military is fighting against.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kay's Friends Abandon Her

Even fellow liberals are fed up with Kay's hatred, lies and how she treats others. Awwwwwwwwww - what a shame. Ppppllllllffffffffffft!

Here's a comment exchange between Kay and Mirth. Click on image to enlarge.

They used to be best of loud mouth fem blogger friends but now Mirth writes she doesn't "agree with Kay’s party loyalty or her approach with others."

Kay tells Mirth to "f-ck off."

This is how Kay treats liberals who used to agree with her.

Imagine her degree of harassment and level of hatred shown to those who disagree with her!

Here's where the comment exchange took place, unless Kay deletes the comments to avoid the fact that even liberals are abandoning her.

Lucky us at WNIW - we're geniuses - we saved a print of it so Kay can't pretend it didn't happen.

The only ones remaining are true, left wing, jackbooted Nazi lickers who hate America.

Whoooooo Hooooo!

We at WNIW imagine all the good little WATB haters at Kay's are doing the Goose-Step Seig Heil Dance in unison.

Kay's fellow libs can't even tolerate her any longer.
Ha ha heh!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Kay The Psychotic Psychic Rock Worshipper

We at WNIW laughed our butts off at this post where Kay claims to have psychic abilities. What a joke.

She claims to have "seen in her mind's eye" (note to Kay, the mind doesn't have an "eye") the World Trade Center buildings on fire months before the September 11 attacks:

    "I saw in my mind’s eye is the tops of the WTCs on fire."

No she didn't.

She writes that "I’ve now learned that there were lots of people having these same kinds of visions prior to 9/11." "Lots of people...?"

Then to support that "there were lots of people having these same kinds of visions" she Just one, only one. One other similar situation equals "lots of people." So in Kay's mind "one" equals "lots?" Plllllllllfffffbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt!

We at WNIW have to stop and ask why she didn't immediately report what she saw in her "mind's eye" to the authorities? She could have prevented the loss of so many lives, such destruction. But she didn't because she hates America, hates Bush and Cheney and enjoys seeing other suffer.

Kay claims that "many times I’ve had a flash of something horrible and then it will end up on the news."

One would think that she would list several examples to prove and support what she writes, right?

How many examples does she list of the "many times" she's had a flash of something horrible and then it ends up on the news? None, not a one. Not one. Pllllllllfffffbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt...another bold-faced lie from the Kay the hater.

She claims that she was in her car, waiting in traffic for the Casco bridge to lower, and parked right next to her in a car was Mohammad Atta and al-Omari. How would she have any idea of who they were because at the time no one knew who they were? Cuckoo-Cuckoo!

She claims "These two stayed at the Comfort Inn in South Portland the night before the 9/11 attack."

How does she know where they stayed? She has no way to prove any of what she writes. It's just a silly, fictional, conspiracy-laden story concocted in her "mind's eye."

She writes -

    Four days after the 9/11 attacks on our nation, I called the FBI when the pictures of the hijackers appeared in our local newspapers, because as soon as I saw their faces I knew in an instant I had witnessed history. It’s a sick feeling too. The worst part? When I was in Portland talking to a New Hampshire FBI agent, he didn’t seem to care too much about what I was telling him. He probably didn’t believe me.

Why did she wait until four days until after the attacks before contacting the FBI? As we said above, why didn't she report her suspicions and her alleged encounter with Atta and Omari when it originally happened?

We at WNIW suspect Kay wanted something bad to happen to America for what she believed would be the political gain of her liberal jackboot licking Fascist party.

The FBI agent didn't believe her because he probably figured she was a kook after all the talk about her “psychic spiritual rock”.

Note that she offers nothing to support why she thinks the FBI agent didn't care what she told him or why she thinks he didn't believe her. FBI agents have their personal political beliefs like anyone else, but agents don't allow their personal political beliefs to interfere when public safety is concerned or when reporting something that could lead to a disaster.

What examples does she list why she thinks the agent didn't believe her? None, not one.

Maybe the FBI already knew who Kay was, that she's a kook who endlessly bashes America, hates the military, hates our system of government and that she is a raging Bush hater. Why should have the agent believed her when nobody else believes her?

We at WNIW have a suggestion for Kay, that being maybe she should change the name of her blog to "Once Upon A Time With Kay," or "Fake Stories from My Mind's Eye," or "Things I'm Writing About While Trippin on Psychedelic Mushrooms" or "Conversations with My Psychic Spiritual Rock."

Many psychotic and deranged individuals throughout history have claimed inanimate objects and animals speak and talk to them. Add Kay to that list. Son Of Sam claimed he took his orders from a dog. Maybe a future post from Kay will explain the many conversations she has with her dog.

Dog: "Woof, bark, woof."

Kay: "That's right, Bush and Cheney planned the 9/11 attacks."

Dog: "Grrrrrrr, woof. Yip, bark."

Kay: "Bush and Cheney are going to declare martial law and suspend the 2008 election remaining in power indefinitely. I have to post that right away!"

Dog: "Bark, woof, woof, bark, bark."

Kay: "Bush and Cheney want to take over the world, that is so true. I have to write about that."

Kay Is Sick And Tired Of Herself

Kay admits she's a computer illiterate writing "It sucks not being computer savvy."
Also writing in the same post she says-

"I purchased my domain and then purchased a blog hosting company for my blog."
Really, she bought her own blog hosting company? Oh please tell, which blog hosting company did you buy?

In the same post she also writes -

Right now I feel such a disconnect from the “progressives” online. The constant banter of “impeachment” and the negativity is really pissing me off. Who the hell wants to be part of a team where a section of it is off in the corner crying and sulking about shit that ain’t gonna happen! It’s such a downer.

And she writes: "I don’t want to hear more whining!"

Awwwww, Kay is upset with her own progressive left wing jackbooted thug lickers who hate America and spit on the military. We at WNIW almost shed a tear for her in between fits of rolling our eyes and rolling on the floor laughing our asses off!

Kay says she's tired of the constant banter of impeachment and the negativity is really pissing her off. We wonder why does she have a stock image of a little girl with alphabet block spelling out "Impeach Cheney and Bush?" She says she's tired of the impeachment banter but keeps an image of "Impeach Cheney and Bush"? Let's all say together "lack of disconnect."

We ask if Kay is sick of herself? She must be because she's as guilty of negativity, crying, sulking, whining and being a downer as anybody. Her whole blog is negativity, crying, sulking, whining and being a downer.

The law and orderly Kay also wants to do away with all due legal process, that everyone has a Constitutional right to a trial, by writing that, "We know what crimes and atrocities were committed by the Band of Thugs in the White House. We don’t need a prison sentence to justify what we already know." This is exactly how fascists operate, by taking away peoples' right to a trail. This is how Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Chavez, Hussein and Hitler operated. Kay is no different than Hitler. She's a left wing jackboot licker just like any Fascist who wielded power over their people and stuck them in gulags, prisons or massacred them.

And why would a self-described atheist like Kay write "The holiday season is coming up and I know I so badly want to enjoy it." She must not know that the Christmas Tree she puts in her house represents Jesus.

While Christmas Trees have been ruled a secular holiday decoration by many courts (look it up if you don't believe us) there's no doubt that the inherent meaning of a Christmas Tree is that it is representative of Jesus Christ. She isn't even consistent in her atheism.

Kay worships a "Psychic Spiritual Rock", ha ha ha ha!

Kay writes - "Americans are sick of the voice of the republicans."
Kay is speaking for all Americans? We at WNIW don't think so. She has no references to any study or factual story that supports her statement. Typical conjecture and falsehoods, but we at WNIW know that this is the best she can muster because she deals with irrational emotions, never facts.

Finally Kay shuts down free speech, something she pretends to be such a supporter of by writing, "There will be no comments allowed to this post."

We at WNIW never fail to be amused by Kay. One moment she's writing that she favors something but then in the next breath she will be against it. She doesn't have any solid grounding or longstanding values or beliefs. She self identifies herself in many posts as a "loud foul mouth fem blogger." We at WNIW would instead say she is a typical, hysterical, reactionary blogger lacking ideals, ideas, consistency and facts. She reminds many of us at WNIW of our first wives, the hysterical ones, thus the reason they are our EX-wives. The End.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Kay Kontinues Krapping

We at WNIW notice that the The Slag in Maine has resumed posting.

We at WNIW find it interesting that so many of her archived posts have vanished. As we noted in a previous post (see post immediately below), many of her cached posts on Google have also been removed.

We at WNIW can only speculate as to what happened. Quite possibly a currently serving Senator was tipped off by anonymous sources that some of the things Slag was writing about this Senator bordered on physical threats and violence and that perhaps said Senator took the appropriate action with Slag's host Wordpress and notified the fine people who run Google of the same. Or maybe Slag was hacked? Who knows. Well, we know something but we're not saying. We don't want to play our hand too early or tip off Slag that we have someone on the "inside", as they say. Let her keep looking over her shoulder, wondering who is it pretending to be her friend.

We at WNIW are monitoring and watching SlagInMaine, documenting every word of her hate, documenting all the implied and real threats and violence made by the chubby, double-chinned SlagInMaine.

If she thinks she won't be held accountable, she's got another thing comin'.

Coming soon, we at WNIW will be proud to publish a three-part series of a professional psychological profile of the chubby, double-chinned single mom called SlagInMaine. Look for the first part to run in about three or four weeks. You won't want to miss it.

And now, we at WNIW must return to our job, watching and documenting the hatred and violence perpetrated by Slag. Who knows, maybe even more of her archives and cached posts will vanish once again.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Kay Says What?

We at WNIW couldn't help but notice that WNI has seemed to disappear! Why, even some of the cached pages via Google searches are missing! (Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.)

What happened? Did Wordpress finally get enough complaints about her hate filled site and yank her from the blogosphere? Did Bush and Cheney, the CIA, the NSA and the Mossad abduct her and send her to some far, Eastern European
country at a secret location where she is undergoing rendition?

Please let those of us at WNIW know what has happened to Kay and her delightful blog Leave a comment. Because we care, we really do....

(Chuckle, chuckle, hardy har har....)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Kay's Fan Club Fixes Errors

We at WNIW must be hitting a HUGE NEVER with nytexass because he/she/it has gone and corrected the numerous spelling errors on his post. We chastised him/her/it right here for the most pathetic use of grammar and spelling this side of the Third World.

However, being the geniuses we are at WNIW, we saved his original post for all to see. And he only corrected the spelling errors that we told him/her/it about. The one's we didn't point out are still there. What an idiot!

Click on the images below to enlarge and see nyidiot's original post in all its glorious, tortured English.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Kay's Fan Club Attacks WNIW

We here at WNIW never cease to be amazed at the pomposity and stupidity of Kay and her little band of Left Reich Wing Bootlicking Butt-kissers.

We are impressed and pleased that one of Kay's brown-nosing commenters, who goes by the handle "nytexan", decided to write about us.

We at WNIW know two things; the stupidest people we have encountered are from New York and Texas. If nytexan is a transplanted New Yorker in Texas, all we can say is there is no hope for this uneducated maggot.

Nytexan thought that he/she/it would write about us and savagely rip us on his/her/its blog.

Nytexan takes pride in writing what you are about to read, making the following comment at White Noise Insanity:

    nytexan Says:
    September 14th, 2007 at 7:40 pm

    Well well, you have a fan. I just did a post on your new fan club, “White Noise Insanity Watch” I thought I would put the link here since your fan troll linked to this post on their blog.

    I’m jealous you have a page named after you.

Here is the post that nytexan wrote about WNIW:

    September 14, 2007 at 6:30 pm
    Trolling The Trolls
    » by nytexan in: White Noise Insanity, trolls, Politics, blog

    I was surfing blogs today and I thought I’d see what was going on with the right. Before I go to far have you ever notice when someone talks about trolls you know they mean right wing nuts, funny I’ve never heard a progressive called a troll.

> "have you ever notice". We at WNIW, at this early stage, are already tired of nytexan's illiteracy and miserable ability at basic spell-checking.

    Anyway while surfing I stumbled upon a site names “White Noise Insanity Watch.” If any of you know Kay in Main and her site White Noise Insanity, it is a place that attracts trolls where they spew their hate and ignorance at a very good liberal blog. There is much sarcasm in Kay’s style of writing, frankly I don’t think the trolls get it. Obviously Kay is hitting a huge never with the right since they feel the need to have a blog to watch her. Bravo Kay!

>"I stumbled upon a site names?" "A site names?" Perhaps nyidiot meant "named", but we prefer to believe that nymoron is a simpleton who is not familiar with the "ed" suffix.

>"Kay is hitting a huge NEVER."? A huge "NEVER"? Well, we congratulate her on hitting a "huge Never", whatever that may be.

    Trolls being troll and lacking much intellectual substance or imagination, the site is not composed of their thoughts or rebuttals to Kay. Instead the author, has decided to take excepts of Kay’s posts and some of Kay’s comments and repost them. Somehow this is suppose to entice readership.

> "Trolls being troll." Classic and unbound ignorance on display for all to see. We at WNIW have to ask: Who is lacking much intelligence or imagination? At least we at WNIW have "never hit a HUGE NEVER."

> "Instead the author, has decided to take excepts" ??? We at WNIW are not familiar with what "excepts" are, so perhaps nyfool will do another post defining for us the meaning of "excepts". We do not take "excepts" at, or of, anyone.

>"Somehow this is suppose to entice readership." "Suppose to entice"? Dense as a box of rocks, aren't you, nytexan. Once again, nytexan demonstrates complete lack of understanding of the "ed" suffix.

    What I did find hysterical was in the author’s introduction to their new blog:

    Coming Soon: Posted August 14, 2007: Exposing the lies of Kay the infected Liberal pig. You won’t want to miss it!

    Now, here’s proof that trolls can’t connect the dots. One would think that the link was to some laid out path to the inner evil of liberals, no instead the bright troll linked to Kay’s post about Susan Collins ignoring her constituents. Here’s the first paragraph from the link:

    * Sen. Susan Collins is not allowing comments on her new blog Posted by kayinmaine on September 14th, 2007

> Now, here's proof that nybuttwipe is a moron. Our first post of WNIW, dated August 14, 2007, is a link to Kay's main blog page, not a link to the post we did on Kay's hatred of Susan Collins. No, instead the bright nytexan misread the post and is 100% in error. What an idiot.

> Here is a tip to nytexass from those of us at WNIW: infants like you really should stay out of the adult world. If you're going to blast another blog, you better get it right. Sadly, little Troll from texass, your head is forever stuck up your ass.

> Perhaps, as we at WNIW suspect, nystupid had one hand down his/her/its panties and was using only one hand on the keyboard. Perhaps nylaughingstock is simply an idiot who is technically illiterate, finding the intricate workings of clicking on a link far too complex and difficult for his or her unhealthy and ailing brain.

> Nyshitforbrains, what is it like to make error after error, being shown for a total Moron, one who doesn't bother to spell-check or proof his/her/its own writing?

    Sen. Susan Collins now has her NEW blog up and running (the other one done by her paid blogger, Lance Dutson of Maine Web Report, for $25,000 wasn’t workable, but it did have a space to take your money though! Shocker.) where she will blog about Iraq and other issues. She’s not allowing comments to be made on there, but yet, she and her paid blogger have said that she wants to talk about Iraq! She also stated at one time that she looked forward to talking with her online community too. Uh huh. Yeah. *rolling eyes*

    I thought that was nice of the troll to promote Kay’s position against Susan Collins.

    One thing I did find curious was a post that listed locations and IP address of the “watch site” visitors, with the author claiming that these visitors were Kay’s viewer and they would be exposing Kay supporters. Now that’s just plain moronic to think that they would know who Kay’s visitors are by looking at their own stats. When I look at my stats, I have no idea where someone has been through the surfing day. What I do know is what link someone clicked to get to my blog. I highly doubt Kay has this wingnut in her blogroll. I checked.

>"Kay's viewer"? She only has one viewer? Thank you for confirming this for us, as we had suspected she only had one viewer all along.

>We never said or implied that WNIW was part of Kay's blogroll and we would be insulted if we were!

    So as progressive go, Kay has hit the republican sciatic nerve out of the park. Keep up the good work.

>"So as progressive go..." ? Such stellar grammar! We at WNIW admit that we will occasionally make a typo now and again. However, we are not grammatically-challenged in our use of singular and plural, as is nydumbanddumber.

> We at WNIW are shocked that nyidiot correctly spelled the word "sciatic". We assume this can be explained as entirely and only accidental. Are you sure you didn't mean a "sciatic NEVER?"

We stand by the IP addresses and locations that we published, for we have ways to tell who visits here and from what sites they enter. There are many invisible traffic and site meters that are available for an affordable monthly fee. Nyunintelligent, alas, is not familiar with such hard-to-grasp technicalities.

We at WNIW acknowledge that, from time to time, we make typos. We do our best to avoid them, checking and rechecking before we hit the publish button. But the rank amateur, sloppy, uneducated, clumsy, substandard, awkward, incompetent and worse than the writings of an aging and cerebral palsy-ridden dog with a pencil in it paw by nytexass brings a brand new definition to the word incompetence and illiteracy.

If one is going to attack another's blog, one should take extra care to not open themselves to counter-criticism by demonstrating such sweeping illiteracy and uneducated writing. Nytexan is the posterchild of undiluted and unsullied illiteracy.

We know that by responding to nyilliterate we at WNIW are slightly validating him/her/it, but we simply could not resist based on the complete simplistic nature of his/her/its post.

It is our opinion that nytexan should never attempt to teach any type of grammar or writing class to others. Nytexan should remain at a profession that he/she/it is mentally capable of; such as that of ditch-digging. Nytexan is an example of what happens when brothers mate with sisters and produce offspring.

With respect to IP addresses, we at WNIW can only imagine that nydropout has no life or extracurricular activities beyond failing attempts at belittling those that irritate him. Witness the below IP address, the city and state, and the number of times in two settings that this person visited WNIW. We can only guess that the visitor is, without a doubt, nysimpleton:

14 Sep 17:06:24 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 16:33:54 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 16:33:43 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 16:33:27 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:46:44 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:45:34 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:41:48 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:41:45 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:41:25 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:41:06 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:40:59 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:40:21 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:39:55 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:36:43 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

14 Sep 11:35:31 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Bastrop Texas United States (

Considering the time-stamp of the post of nytexass (6:30 PM), it is shockingly amazing how appallingly dreadful his/her/its post turned out. We would think that after all the time and research, judging by the above time spent at WNIW, something worthwhile would have been the result. This is not the case. One could practically take handfuls of Alphabet soup and randomly throw it upon the ground and construct better sentence structure and grammar than did nyilliterate.

We at WNIW would like to thank the visitor from Bastrop, Texas for all the visits. We are puzzled, though, at the time-gap between 11:46 AM to 4:33 PM. Perhaps those were the hours that his mom and dad kicked him out of their basement and made him go outside and play?

As we said, we hope nyvillageidiot sticks to an occupation for which he/she/it is qualified, that of digging ditches or manually sweeping streets with a broom.

Finally, we wish Kay and nytexan well in their continued efforts at "hitting a huge Never."


We at WNIW would like to add the following liberal trolls who visit us from Kay's blog and from nyidiot's blog. We have ways of knowing who visits here and from where they came.

We realize that what is really driving insane liberals crazy is that they do not know who we are, and this is crawling under their thin skin. Well, we will continue to watch the watchers, we will continue to watch and report on the haters. Someone has to do this job, and we decided we are the ones.

15 Sep 17:55:36 MSIE 7.0 Windows XP 1152x864 Martinsville Virginia United States (

15 Sep 17:55:28 MSIE 7.0 Windows XP unknown State College Pennsylvania United States (

15 Sep 17:53:51 MSIE 7.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Spain ( - Spanish Goth
(Spain is the country now more famous than France for cowardice ever since they ran away from Iraq because of a terrorist attack. Spain, the home of cowards)

15 Sep 07:16:26 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows Vista 1280x1024 Huntington Beach California United States ( - Old Broad Speaks aka HillCounty Gal

Syracuse New York United States

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Kay Is Losing Her Mind

Kay appears to be losing her white noise sanity, what little she had, with comments that disagree with her or those that giver her a taste of her own medicine:

    (And to the neocon who left these message here today and who’s email/IP address is now showing for all the world to see: SCREW YA. You have been harassing myself and others who come here on a daily basis and YOU KEEP CHANGING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES & IP ADDRESSES TO AVOID BEING BANNED. I’m posting your information for this reason alone. If you don’t like the fire, then get the hell out of the kitchen! Go ahead and sue me for all I care. I have more ammo against you than you do me!)

    Pllllbbbbbbttttttt. I’m sick of ya. The only good thing about you neocons crapping in the backseat of the White Noise Insanity limo is the world gets to see who is supporting George Bush & Susan Collins! Other than that, you add NOTHING TO ANY CONVERSATION ON THE INTERNET, which is truly a reflection of how the republicans have led our nation over the past seven years. Republicans have crapped all over our Constitution and our country for years now.

    Comment #4

    kayinmaine Says:
    September 12th, 2007 at 8:38 pm

    Some of the trolls use made up IP addresses. Not sure how they do it, but this is what they do to avoid being banned

We at WNIW never did believe her saying that appears on her blog, "The neocons despise me. Amazingly enough I don't give a shit." Well, it seems she does "give a shit", otherwise she wouldn't let it get to her.

She also seems to forget that one of the mainstays and lifeblood of our country is the ability to disagree; it is called free speech. The country does not exclusively belong to people like Kay and liberals. It belongs to all of us and we will continue to voice our opinions wherever and whenever we feel like it.

It appears that Kay is none to bright at figuring out how someone uses a "made up IP address" or email. Even the most neophyte teenager, adept with basic internet technology, knows how to mask an IP address and use fake email addresses. Kay, with what minuscule brainpower she has, doesn't know how this is done.

We at WNIW are not surprised that she lacks the brains to learn this.
The colloquialism that Kay mangles with such supreme grand idiocy is actually "if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen;" not, "if you don't like the fire, then get the hell out of the kitchen." There should never be a fire in a kitchen as it could be dangerous.

We at WNIW are treated to wondrous examples of stupidity in everything written and published by Kay. We greet every day with a smile knowing we will find only the finest asinine ramblings, written by an idiot, every time we visit her pitiable blog.

We at WNIW would like to point out her poor use of grammar and spelling errors and help educate her, but we choose to let the idiot Kay continue writing at a less-than-grade school level. The reason is, when people run across a poorly written blog with obvious spelling errors, they do not take it seriously.

Most people, those who passed grade school and who paid even moderate attention in their English classes, recognize the uneducated ramblings of an idiot. When one does not take the time to use proper grammar and the correct words, no one takes what they write seriously.

There may be dumber people than Kay with blogs on the internet, but we at WNIW have yet to identify or run across them.