Friday, January 25, 2008

KKKay and Mirth and John and Karol

We at WNIW have said before that if you don't fully agree with KKKay on everything, she will turn on you with the most nasty and profane insults you can imagine.

We found another wonderful example of this between KKKay and a former friend of hers named Mirth as we scoured KKKay's hate-filled and unredeeming blog.

This is what KKKay wrote about Mirth on February 26, 2007:

    "Mirth is beautiful in face and heart. I've had the pleasure of talking with her behind the scenes and she is wonderful."

And KKKay closes her comment by saying, "Love you guys."


Oh, isn't that sweet? Doesn't it warm your insides like butter? Smooches all around, kiss kiss. She loves Mirth and some guy named Frank. She loves them!

But 11 months later, on January 20, 2008 at 12:17PM, KKKay writes this about Mirth:

    "Mirth is a fake."


We believe "Queen Karol" is a commenter and/or moderator at AmericaBlog. KKKay writes this about Karol and Mirth:

    "Queen Karol thinks Mirth is good people? Holy cow! She doesn't know Mirth, now does she? Spit."

Two minutes later at 12:19PM on Jan. 20, KKKay writes:

    "John (Aravosis the founder of America Blog), Mirth, Karol and the other Kay Haters enjoy the trolls."


    "Fucking assholes. I hate them AND THE FUCKING TROLLS."

From "love" to "hate" in 11 months. What, no "Spit"? Maybe KKKay was dry-mouthed by then.

KKKay proudly proclaims on her site that, "The neocons despise me...Amazingly enough I don't give a shit."

It sure seems KKKay does care about those that disagree with her because all she does is write about them. Hypocrite. Spit.

KKKay was banned from commenting at America Blog (at least twice that we know of) and she wrote she would never be back, but she sure seems to spend a whole lot of time there reading and reacting to the comments that are critical of her. This is called rank hypocrisy.

At 2:50PM on Jan. 20th, responding to a comment left by Mirth at America Blog, KKKay comments at her blog:

    I despise them."


"Them" would be Karol and Mirth.

We at WNIW don't know much about Mirth, but we do agree that KKKay has the "flimsy(est) perspective" on any issue because whatever KKKay is writing about is based on her hate-filled and uneducated.

KKKay and Mirth, from love to hatred in 11 short months. So much for "Love you guys," huh?!

To further illustrate how deranged KKKay is, check out what she wrote about America Blog founder John Aravosis in a January 24, 2008 post titled, John Aravosis of AMERICAblog is a right wing asshat.

Hhere are a few excerpts of KKay's hate-filled rant about Mr. Aravosis:

    "If you despise the poor, hate the transgendered in America, and side with the mortgage companies, because you don’t believe for a second that the people who bought these mortgages were buying them under false pretenses and they deserved to lose their home, then John Aravosis of AMERICAblog is your kind of republican! Oh yes. You’re a right wing asshat right along with him. Congratulations!

    I say “right wing asshat”, because ole Johnny used to work for Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, you know, the right wing criminal up there! He’s got that right wing attitude for sure!


    Here’s what Aravosis said in a post today on his blog, AMERICAblog (I will not link to it, because a hit to his blog is money in his pocket)(emphasis mine):"

This is freakin hilarious! KKKay won't link to the story because she says a hit to Aravosis' blog results in money, but KKKay has no problem clicking on a link and going to his blog when she wants to spew her hatred! (** pounding our desks with our fists laughing so hard our sides hurt **) What a freakin' hypocrite and lunatic she is!

Then KKKay's obvious jealousy and wealth envy takes over her writing:

    "Ablog 2.0 is still not off the ground and now I’m starting to believe (as many of his readers have pointed out over the years) that ole Johnny is just keeping the money and using these “gifts” (he probably isn’t including these gifts on his tax returns either….guaranteed! $75,000/year my ass!) as a way to line his deep pockets! Hey, he’s got oversea trips to make for crying out loud!

    Does Johnny have kids to feed? Nope. Oh wow. $75,000 would go a long way for a single person wouldn’t you think?

    And does Johnny pay for his heating oil or is it included in his rent along with his electricity at his tiny little expensive apartment? I bet they are included in his monthly rent! Ka-ching! He’s saving money people!"

Hmmmmmm - KKKay has appointed herself as the DECIDER of how much money someone can earn. If you earn more than she does then it's bad, which is commonly referred to as class-wealth envy.

We imagine that Mr. Aravosis could sue KKKay for making defamatory, slanderous and libelous statements about what she says he did with the money he raised for his blog. KKKay clearly writes:

    "ole Johnny is just keeping the money"

"ole Johnny is just keeping the money."

That's a SERIOUS accusation to make without any proof. And as anyone slightly familiar with KKKay, she never is able to prove anything that she says.

Mr. Aravosis is an attorney. We're going to forward to him what appears to be KKKay's defamatory statement about him.

At the very least perhaps he can at least get an injunction against her . And the best case scenario would be he sues her and wins. But really, what will he gain? Some little shack in Maine, a used toilet brush scrubber and a half a can of Ajax?

KKKay continues her hatefest of John Aravosis, Karol and what she thinks is people earning too much money:

    "Karol & Johnny are so rich that they’ll spend THEIR CHECK (if they get one) on televisions, computers, or some other electronic devise (they’ll brag about it on Ablog too when they do!) and won’t spend a dime of it on the necessities! No way would they pay off a household bill or put it towards their heating costs! Uh huh. They hate the poor, so they’ll just use their check to wipe their asses with it, just because they can and don’t really need the money!

    Unfreakingbelievable. They’re progressives? Oh please!!!!! Don’t make me laugh until my sides pop!

    I’m glad I’m not that kind of progressive like Johnny & Karol if you know what I mean. I’d be embarrassed as shit!

    How can anyone take this man and his Dogs seriously anymore?"

The question for all to ask is how can anyone take KKKay seriously? The answer is nobody does.

Mr. Aravosis, being an attorney, could represent himself if he decided to sue KKKay for defamation and libel. His only real expenses would be filing fees, whereas KKKay would have to spend her money hiring an attorney to represent her. Mr. Aravosis could easily force KKKay to spend a lot of money. We at WNIW encourage and support Mr. Aravosis if he decided to sue KKKay.

Anyone who has spend any time reading or listening to Mr. Aravosis knows he is very liberal, he is no republican, not by a long shot. And we at WNIW have no argument with him, he is entitled to his political opinions.

This is what KKKay cannot "get" in her tiny, warped, infected little brain - that people do not think exactly like she does (thank God!), but she does not afford them the same courtesy that others used to afford her.

We at WNIW have perhaps found some insight into why KKKay is filled with hatred. Writing on January 22, 2008 KKKay says:

    "(that’s why they adopted my sister and I)."


Who's your real mommy, KKKay?
Who's your daddy?

Were they brother and sister or father and daughter? Are you an inbred freak, KKKay? Is that why your chromosomes are so sick and twisted?

KKKay is adopted. Could this be the reason she is so full of hate? Did her biological mother know the moment that she gave birth to KKKay that KKKay was full of hatred and wanted no part in raising such a pathetic "spitting" pig-child? Is this the reason that KKKay's bio mom gave her up?

Of course many children who are adopted do not harbor the hatred, envy and jealousy that consumes KKKay. Maybe KKKay doesn't feel loved by anyone and maybe this is why she lashes out in anger toward anyone who disagrees with her. This doesn't justify KKKay's anti-social behavior, but it may explain her vile and obnoxious attitude.

Or maybe, as we at WNIW suspect, KKKay is just a big, fat, ugly, quintuple chinned HATER who is so dissatisfied with her life and herself and her career as a toilet licker that the only way she can get her kicks is by insulting others.

Poor KKKay. Her bio mom didn't love her and the guy who nailed her was probably some junkie. Get over it. No one else loves you either.

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