Tuesday, January 15, 2008

KKKay Quits Watching CNN Because It's Too Conservative For Her

Bwa ha ha ha hardy har har! KKKay is no longer watching CNN. It's not liberal enough for her. We at WNIW guess that CNN, in KKKay's mind, must be part of the Reich Wing media.

It was the wonderfully talented Glenn Beck that set Kay off this time. It doesn't take much to get KKKay's wormy hemorrhoids inflamed, does it?

Awwwwwwwwww, did calling Barack Obama "Osama" upset the triple chinned, big belly Loud mouth fem blooger in Maine? And yes, we know we typed "blooger" because that what she is, a big, fat, triple chinned, big belly loud mouth blooger.

    "Oh yes! Say “Osama” to refer to Obama and make it look like it was a Freudian slip! What an asshole. Barrack Obama is not my choice for next year, but that doesn’t matter, because what Glenn Beck is doing is exactly what Americans are tired of and it’s why the repukes are having a hard time right now gaining any ground."

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We at WNIW are not sure what Americans KKKay is referring to, but certainly the majority of Americans are perfectly fine with what Beck says. His CNN program ratings are better than any of the competition which is why CNN put him on. People like Glenn Beck's CNN program and his radio program. This is why he is so popular.

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Grant writes:

    "CNN, that used to run much of the day in the background on my TV (often as “whitenoise”), is no longer. I have switched from “Fox-Lite” to MSNBC. Let racists like Beck and Dobbs enjoy their circle-jerks."

And KKKay responds:

    "Grant, I know what you mean. I have a hard time listening to the asshats all day long. I look forward to Olbermann every night!"

So now CNN is now "asshats" according to KKKay and she looks forward to Olbermann every night? Is Olbermann the name you gave to your vibrator, KKKay? (Bwa ha ha ha hardy har har!)

Such a hateful porker KKKay is, eh? No wonder she's a single mother. Bet she never even considered an abortion like any real progressive would have done because the words "child support" lit up in her .4 wattage light bulb brain of hers.

In the interest of basic humanity, we hope whoever the dipstick she is dating spends some time here at WNIW, finding out just what he/she or it is getting him/her/itself into with the chubby, goose-stepping Nazi from Maine.

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