Sunday, February 24, 2008

KKKay don't know copyright

KKKay don't know copyright and violates it. She can't help but violate copyright terms because she's too stupid to understand it.

This post is a doozy but stick with it 'cuz you will enjoy it!

Is a fight brewing between KKKay and Mainefem?

KKKay turns on her friends, they soon become her enemies, we all know this.

Here is an intersting comment to KKKay from Mainefem:

    Comment 18

    mainefem Says:
    February 16, 2008 at 4:32 pm

    You may need some “sympathy,” if you don’t start rendering full attribution when pasting up graphics (copyright infringement), Kay.

    Photo by Todd Franson

    You need to attribute full credit to “© 2008 The Brewer Democratic City Committee of Brewer, Maine USA” on the “Sad news for future Maine Senator Tom Allen” thread.


    What part of copyright infringement don’t you “get?”

    Would you prefer that someone slaps a lien on your home, & sues you in Oxford County Superior Court?

    Unless it’s a graphic which *you* personally own, & have created from scratch, exercise extreme caution.

    “Found on Google” (or wherever) doesn’t cut it, BTW

Here is the screen shot:

It's just a matter of time until KKKay turns on Mainefem because Mainefem dared to admonish KKKay for her continued copyright violations.


And boy were we right!

The following responses from KKKay are too numerous to screen capture, but we at WNIW assure you they are reproduced as they were written by Kay. If she tries to edit them or remove them we have the original comments saved and archived and will then screen capture them.

This is how KKKay reacted to what was essentially Mainefem doing nothing more than giving KKKay some advice on how to avoid being sued for copyright infringement.

This is how KKKay reacts to people who are supposed to be her friends and who try to help her.

Warning: The following contains language some may find offensive and vulgar, almost all coming from KKKay.

Comments are as they appeared, no attempt was made to correct spelling or grammar errors.

    Comment 24

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 9:35 am

    Mainefem, you said the picture of Obama and the baby was from the USM portal, but I found it on Reuters.

    Get your shit together or go after the Big Dogs for copyright infringement!

    You’re really starting to become a pain in the ass with your I’m The Experienced One Here And Everyone Else

    Can Suck Eggs. You’re sounding like Hillary all the time!

    Now fuck off. If you think you have a case against me, then fucking sue me for crying out loud.

    I see I’ve gotten hits from the Brewer website. Let me guess…you were over there running your mouth about me?

    It wouldn’t surprise me! You’re so full of hate that you can’t see past your nose!

    And what feminist would WANT ALIMONY FROM THEIR EX-HUSBAND! Maybe you’re just a fraud who hates men in general

    and are using the title of ‘feminist’ to make it appear you’re better than everyone else! Hey could be. You

    take homage in going after the little people. Maybe you’re really a republican in disquise as a Democrat?

    Could be. You’re no different than Aravosis at this point!

    I’ll be copying this and sending it to you. Pbbbbblllllltttttt!

    Comment 25

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 9:37 am

    Google is a public site. If you don’t want your photos to be published there DON’T FUCKING PUBLISH THEM!

    Get it moron mainefem Hillary?

    Comment 26

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 9:54 am

    Mainefem, you’re gonna be very busy suing everyone on Google, because look at the following two links!…

    They’ve both used the same photo (one that I used months and months and months ago) in their posts but didn’t give credit to the originator of the photo! Oh gawd, you must be suicidal this morning knowing this!

    You’re gonna be busy with the lawsuits. Oh yeah, and please point out where in my posts that I say I was theoriginator of any of the photos, huh?

    You’re gonna have a hard time suing everyone on Google, because you haveto prove that the intention of the blog owner was to take full credit for the photo. Get it?

    And what about all the strangers in photos on Google? They’re going to be very mad that their image was used without their permission, huh Dumbass?

    Wow! You are gonna make an ass out of yourself with the lawsuits, but hey….YOU’RE USED TO IT! Right? You’ll sue anyone just to make yourself feel better! You want control over your life and this is one way you try to do it.

    Comment 27

    mainefem Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 7:01 pm

    Review the threads closely.

    Hillary spoke at U/Maine, *not* USM. I deep-linked & rendered full attribution.

    The owner of the Aravosis photo at the top of this thread is Todd Franson.

    Not you…not Google.

    All you need to do is *look* before cutting and pasting.

    Paul Davis took the photo of Tom & Diana, during the 2007 4th of July Brewer-Bangor parade (as I indicated above); and he explicitly lists his Copyright notice on the Brewer Dems portal–at the bottom.

    How do I know?

    I freakin’ marched in it; the photo is of the house directly up the street from my residence; and I took a few photos of Tom & Diana w/my own camera.

    And yes, I do have a Creative Commons license on my photos & blog content; and yes, I will sue if it’s violated.

    “Got it?”

    You have issues in admitting when you’ve royally fucked up, Kay.

    Your incessant defensive meta posturing is beyond revolting.

    Drive a deep-link back (with full attribution)–at the very least:

    “© 2008 The Brewer Democratic City Committee of Brewer, Maine USA”

    Yes, I’ll be seeing him tomorrow night.

    Learn how to attribute appropriately, Kay.


    The consequences could be harsh if you willingly choose *not* to do so.

    Read Google’s FAQs (along w/U.S. trademark and copyright law), for starters.

    …something new and different.

    Google is nothing more than a search engine; and they do not “own” copyright on photo images created by others; and Google is by no means legally responsible for other bloggers’ copyright violations.

    However, they do clearly brand their own.

    It is up to bloggers to know the difference.

    Get over your third grade obsessive-compulsive meta dysfunctionality w/A-Blog, BTW.

    It’s grossly immature; and what Aravosis does w/his blog is none of your business.

    It appears that you may have a full plate w/your own.

    Comment 28

    mainefem Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 7:23 pm

    Refer to my comment #3, Feb. 10th.

    Obama interacting w/the baby was taken @Nicky’s Cruisin’ Diner (Bangor, ME).

    It was most certainly NOT taken by you…or by me, Kay.

    You have some copyright attributions to tweak.

    “Got it?”

    Comment 29

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 7:30 pm

    You have some SOCIAL LIFE to get back into. Oh that’s right…no friends. Nevermind.

    I’m done with you and your hurtful, hateful comments to me and others here on my blog.

    If you want to sue me, go ahead. My mother’s cousin works in the Maine AG’s office and I’d like to make a Federal case out of this. Got it? Asshole.

    Comment 30

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 7:36 pm

    Since you’ve accused me of copyright infringement, I guess it’s safe to assume the clothes and other items you sent me UPS from LL Bean’s (your employer at the time and you were A VERY DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE AT THE TIME TOO) were stolen by you and you committed FRAUD. How’s that? Maybe I’ll call Bean’s to find out if they were paid for by you and not fraudulently sent to me, because you wanted to payback Bean’s because as usual you can’t FIT IN ANYWHERE BECAUSE OF YOUR ATTITUDE! Which sucks by the way!

    I’m not tweaking anything. YOU NEED THE FUCKING TWEAKING!

    Comment 31

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 7:45 pm


    Huh, Mainefem? You do!

    You’re obsessed with YOUR FAMILY, YOUR EX-HUSBAND, AND LL BEANS! You’ve sued all 3 or threatened to sue!

    You’re obsessed about shit that is ridiculous. It’s all you talk about.


    And then you spend your days on the Internet like you’re the Internet Nazi! Hell, you’re not even a feminist for crying out loud! Suing your ex for alimony? That went out in the 1970’s, dear!

    You need to grow up and get a life. Hug your cat to make yourself feel better.

    Let’s not forget………YOU’RE THE ONE WHO HAS DECIDED TO GO AFTER ME OVER THE PAST TWO WEEKS. I would have never said an unkind word about you UNTIL NOW. You’ve lost the right to not get walloped. You deserve it.

    Comment 32

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 7:47 pm

    Google Images is searchable for OTHERS TO USE. Why the hell would Google even have an Images section if they didn’t think the people of the Internet were going to use them? Huh asswipe?


    I want you to sue me, because the backlash against you will be fun. I’ll blog about it too! I’ll even use a PHOTO I HAVE OF YOU AND HAVE A BLAST WITH IT!

    Comment 33

    mainefem Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 8:30 pm

    According to my credit card, employee ID, & purchasing record (which is traceable), I’ve got nothing to be concerned about, Kay.

    You most certainly do.

    I hereby serve you a cease and desist notice.

    Exercise extreme caution, Kay (which includes libel & defamation).

    Comment 34

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    Here it is back to you:

    This is what you wanted, isn’t it asshole! This is why you’ve put a license on your underwear, because if anyone touches it you’ll sue! Good, sue me. I’ll counter sue you.

    Comment 35

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 8:38 pm

    You accused me OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT FIRST. Remember that, Obsessed Internet Nazi Mainefem?

    Comment 36

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 8:38 pm

    I’m calling your employer tomorrow to find out if you did indeed pay for the items you sent me. Ha ha.

    Comment 37

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 8:41 pm

    Does Craig Burnham of Turn Maine Blue know that you publicly called him a thief on my blog:

    Maybe he should. We could both go after you for libel and harassment charges.

    Comment 38

    kayinmaine Says:
    February 19, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    By the way, where’s the Cease & Desist letter from your attorney to me, moron? Huh? Oh that’s right! Let me guess….even your attorney isn’t talking to you anymore! :lol: :lol: :lol:

KKKay is nice, isn't she? Someone tries to help her avoid a lawsuit for her continuing violation of copyright law and how does KKKay react? She threatens the other person by intimating them and threatening to contact their former employer.

Not only does KKKay not understand copyright law, she is ignorant of how Google and google images works and operates. We at WNIW are not in the least surprised. KKKay is ignorant on all matters. Why would Google or google images be any different?

Oooooooh, KKKay's "mother’s cousin works in the Maine AG’s office," as if that has anything to do with how laws are enforced or how the justice system works. Do you think having a second-cousin in the AG office permits you to break the law KKKay? HYSTERICAL! LOL!

Stop trying to help KKKay or save her from herself.

Let her get sued, let her have a lien slapped on her home and her wages garnished. Let het get sued for copyright violation, libel and defamation. Let her spend her money on paying attorney fees.

Let her fall, let her fall hard,let her hit below rock bottom. HYSTERICAL! LOL!

Please go back and read KKKay's Comment 30 where she lectures somebody else about their "attitude."

HYSTERICAL! LOL! (*** rolling eyess ***) HYSTERICAL! LOL! LOL! LOL!

Contact The Brewer Democratic City Committee of Brewer, Maine USA” and TELL them KKKay is using their copyrighted photographs without crediting the proper copyright holder.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

KKKay's progressive friends who've left her

Cue the trumpet player playing Taps.

Below is a partial list of once proud progressive commenters who echoed KKKay's hateful words.

Some of them were among her best jackboot licking supporters. Now, they've fallen out of favor with KKKay or finally got their head screwed on right, as much as a left wing jackboot licker can get.

We at WNIW noticed that they no longer comment at KKKay's house of hatred and lies.

Where have they gone KKKay? Did you alienate them all with your jeaslousy and envious behavior?

Where did they go KKKay?

Asta, gone.
nyTexan, gone.
old broad speaks (Hill Country Gal), gone.
Clif, gone.
Bill Jonke, gone.
Larry, gone.
Dad2059, gone
Barboody, gone.
Pam, gone.
Mirth, gone.
Karol, gone.
Rocky, gone.
Billjap, gone
Henry Wallace, gone.
Cosmic, gone.
Jeff in Texas, gone.
Scooter in brooklyn, gone.
Phil in NY, gone.
TomCat, gone.
Weasel, gone.
Aunty Ism, gone.
Cariyn, gone.
oceallaigh, gone.
Proud Progressive,gone.
Angry Ballerina, gone.
QuestionGirl, gone.
OpEdna, gone.
Smoke, almost gone, rarely adding any comments in recent history.

This is only a partial list of commenters that have deserted KKKay because KKKay either turned her wrath on them or they voluntarily left because they couldn't stand KKKay's absurd, illogical, vile ranting, hatred and self-centeredness.

Why did they leave you, KKKay?

Or maybe, closer to the truth, most of these individuals only exist in KKKay's mind? We'll know this is the case if these names start suddenly appearing in her comments. It will be KKKay posting comments at her own blog under different names, all comments of course in complete agreement with what KKKay writes.

Like we at WNIW have said before, if you disagree with KKKay or she imagines you disagree with her, you're no longer welcome at Hatred in Maine. HYSTERICAL!

Where did they go KKKay? Did they leave because they got fed up with your boorish behavior or did you spit on them? HYSTERICAL!

Did they leave because you had some imagined injustice in your sick, twisted, little mind that they betrayed you? HYSTERICAL!

What happened between KKKay and Old Broad? Did she steal your thunder KKKay? We at WNIW noticed that Old Broad gets HUNDREDS of comments on her posts. In your mind KKKay do you think that she stole your "fan base?" You don't get HUNDREDS of comments on your posts, do you KKKay? Oh how this must infuriate you. You must be jealous at the HUNDREDS of comments she gets that you don't get, huh KKKay? HYSTERICAL!

Hey KKKay, do you call Unruly Mob "Unruly Snobs" because they get 400-500 comments per post and you get like seven? HYSTERICAL! LOL! Are you upset with them because they're getting the attention you so deperately crave? Are you jealous of them, ABlog and Cosmic? HYSTERICAL! LOL!

KKKay will use her usual defense mechanism of saying to us here at WNIW, "Well how many comments do you get." The thing is, we don't want a lot of comments because that means more work for us.

We're here to accomplish only one thing: Exposing the lies and hatred of you, KKKay.

Tell us KKKay, what happened between you and your former good liberal bootlicker Asta? Did Asta somehow offend KKKay the (un)Great? Did Asta get tired of you backstabbing others that you imagined were spending their time at other blogs? Did Asta get tired of licking your jackboots? HYSTERICAL! LOL!

Tell us KKKay. Where did they all go? Why did so many regular jackboot licker commenters leave you, never to return? LOL! HYSTERICAL!

We at WNIW want to know. HYSTERICAL!

KKKay calls John Aravosis a "wonderful guy," May 23, 2007, 8:44AM

You can read all about how KKKay now despises John Aravosis and his site America Blog at what we at WNIW wrote at our post.

But as we at WNIW scoured KKKay's site, we ran across this wonderful love comment by KKKay about Aravosis.

Her post is titled Okay, now I'm pissed off at the democrats and is dated May 22, 2007.

On May 23, at 8:44AM, in her comments section of the above post, KKKay wrote the following about Aravosis:

    "I met John Aravosis when I went to DC this past March...

    ... He is a terrific guy.

    I also met Joe Sudbay (Joe in DC on Ablog).

    I also got to meet RevPhat of the Unruly Mob.

    Wonderful time.

    ...meeting them was wonderful."

Here is the proof:

Awwwwwwww, Aravosis is a "terrific guy." Meeting all of them was "wonderful," but the love didn't last, did it KKKay? Boo hoo, big tears. HYSTERICAL!

Now KKKay can't stand Aravosis or Sudbay. You can read all about it in what we at WNIW wrote in the link we referenced in above first paragraph.

We at WNIW don't know (yet) whatever falling out KKKay had with the Unruly Mob blog. We only know that now she and her buttlickers refer to it as "Unruly Snobs." HYSTERICAL!

Another case of love gone bad with KKKay. Who could'a thunk something like that could happen with such a loving and caring person like KKKay? HYSTERICAL! LOL! HYSTERICAL!

How come so many people whowereoncethisclosewithKKKay have distanced themselves from her as much as possible? Is it because KKKay is a control freak who is obsessed with herself and refuses to acknowledge the opinon or view of anyone else? Oh, yes, we at WNIW think that's what it is. KKKay can't stand competition or that others may have an interest in someone or that someone else is getting the attention that KKKay thinks belongs to her. HYSTERICAL! LOL! HYSTERICAL!

Oh and KKKay, don't try to delete or edit what you wrote back on May 23, 2007. We have the entire original post and comments section saved and archived.

Do you know why KKKay never comments here or attempts to refute what we say and write about her? Because if she did she would be forced into admitting her own hypocrisy.

We take KKKay's own words and hypocrisy and use them to make her look like a fool. We at WNIW admit this is not hard to do. But it sure is fun! It's downright HYSTERICAL! LOL! HYSTERICAL!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

KKKay calls Barack Obama a "warmonger" and "republican-lite"

KKKay can't seem to narrow down her varying opinions of Barack Obama. She is 180-degrees-all-over-the-place with her opinion of Obama.

We at WNIW want to remind everyone that we never make this stuff up. We take KKKay's very own words and quotes and prove beyond any reasonable doubt that she is a hater, a hypocrite and mind-numbingly stupid.

On January 24, 2008 in a post titled "Dennis Kucinich has dropped out of the presidential race" KKKay calls Obama "republican-lite."

    "(Hillary, Obama, Edwards) are nothing but republican-lite."

Here is the screen snapshot:

Plus KKKay is "caucusing for [Kucinich] in February."

BHA ha ha ha ha! Caucusing for a loser who is not even in the race! HYSTERICAL!

Writing on January 26, 2008 in a post titled "John McCain has Rambo/Rocky on his side! He must be desperate" KKKay calls Obama a "warmonger."

    "...warmongers such as Stallone, McCrazy, Edwards, Hillary, Romney, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Obama, Guiliani, and others who keep wars going and continue to fund them even though they know the “war” is now an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation?"

Here is the screen snapshot.

Obama is a "warmonger" who "keep(s) wars going and continue to fund them even though they know the 'war' is now an illegal occupation of a sovereign nation? I think so!"

HYSTERICAL! KKKay believes Obama is a "warmonger." HYSTERICAL!

In another post of January 26, 2008, racistly titled "It’s official. John Edwards is the white man’s candidate," KKKay writes:

    "Obama is REAL change."

    "Obama...[is] American we can relate to."

Here is the screen capture:

On January 27, 2008 in a post titled "Caroline Kennedy is throwing her support to Barack Obama," Kay writes the following about Obama.

    "Obama is definitely inspiring the people of this country."

    "Obama is the one for us NOW."

    KKKay: "I am starting to agree [with Caroline Kennedy's endorsement of Obama."]

    "Obama is the least offensive to me."

Here is the screen capture:

We at WNIW would like to recap KKKay's steadfast and unchanging opinions of Obama:

    "Obama is republican-lite."

    "Obama is a warmonger."

    "Obama is REAL change."

    "He's an American we can relate to."

    "Obama is definitely inspiring the people of this country."

    "Obama is the one for us NOW."

    "I (KKKay) am starting to agree [with Caroline Kennedy's endorsement of Obama."]

    "Obama is the least offensive to me."

Nothing could be further from the truth than calling "Obama a warmonger." He is the only Democratic candidate remaining in the race whose campaign policy is unmistakably for pulling the troops out of Iraq.

Which is it, KKKay? Is Obama a "warmonger," is he "republican-lite," is he "the one for us NOW," is he "inspiring the people of this country," is he "an American we can relate to," is he "REAL change." Which is he, KKKay?

Taking KKKay at her words (** laughing, oh stop already, our sides hurt too much from laughing **) we at WNIW can only deduct that she endorses, supports and will be voting for Obama who is "republican-lite" and a "warmonger."

KKKay supports republican-lites and warmongers. This of course means that KKKay is a warmonger and a republican-lite at heart.

KKKay, do not even try to go back and retract your words and re-edit your posts because we at WNIW have the original screen captures for the whole world to see.

See how it works, KKKay? We at WNIW prove time and time again you know nothing about politics and never let reality or facts stand in the way of your HYSTERICAL opinions no matter how foolish it makes you look - time and time and time and time again! HYSTERICAL!

No wonder your voice is one that no one can count on or take seriously and that ABlog has abandoned and banned you from commenting there. HYSTERICAL!

KKKay is hysterical! A joke! What a sad and pathetic hate-filled hypocritical life she must have. Spit.

KKKay, no one ever laughs with you, instead everyone laughs at you. And with good reason. You're an idiot and crazier than a shithouse rat. BHA ha ha ha ha ha.

KKKay will secretly vote for McCain or Huckabee. Trust us.