Monday, June 30, 2008

KKKay stupid about Persian Gulf War

We at WNIW just keep laughing. Our favorite Maine porkster get's nothing right.

The post title: George Bush as president sets the mission, so where the hell is Osama bin Laden? - Posted by kayinmaine on June 30, 2008

Here is what we find so amusing, so lacking facts, so lacking the slightest research from the pigwoman of Maine:

    The whole waronterra has been about capturing the oil in Iraq and it has nothing to do with 9/11/01 at all!!!! 9/11/01 was the catalyst the White House needed and used to get BACK INTO IRAQ to START THE MISSION THAT DID NOT HAPPEN WHEN GEORGE H.W. BUSH WAS THE PRESIDENT…..when our troops were in Iraq in 1991, Bush Sr. cut and ran out of Iraq and the Oil Maggots of America realized they had lost their chance to get Iraq’s oil!

KKKay, from what history book did you get that gem of information?

The Coalition Forces never stepped one foot into Iraq. They never touched Iraq soil. Never.

The Persian-Gulf War was to free the country of Kuwait from Saddam Hussein's army. The Coalition did just that without ever setting foot on Iraq land.

The Perisan Gulf War - Infoplease

The Persian Gulf War - Encarta.

The Persian Gulf War History.

It was a successful war that lasted 100 days. The Coalition forces were able to get Hussein's Iraq army to surrender and drove what few remained back into Iraq from Kuwait.

The Coalition forces never crossed the Kuwait-Iraq border. Never. The only place this happened is in KKKay's pea-brain mind.

Bush Sr. did not "cut and run from Iraq" because Coalition forces never were in Iraq. They were only in Kuwait.

Another sentence in her post was simply too good to pass up by the crack staff of WNIW:

    Benazir Bhutto admitted to the world (before she was mysteriously gunned down by a man who looked like a CIA Special Ops guy I may add!) that Osama bin Laden is dead…

Benazir Bhutto's death was not mysteriously gunned down by a man who looked like a CIA Special Op guy.

How many Special Ops people do you suppose KKKay actually know? Maybe she's just been watching too many Oliver Stone movies or has seen "Men In Black" too many times. BHA HA HA HA HA!


BBC; Key Questions Remain in Bhutto death

    A seven-member team of doctors which examined her told the health ministry that Ms Bhutto had open wounds on her left temporal region from which "brain matter was exuding". The report did not say what caused the wound, apparently because no autopsy had been performed on the body.

    A day later, an Interior Ministry spokesman, Brig Javed Iqbal Cheema, told the media that Ms Bhutto died of a skull fracture caused by a lever attached to the sun-roof of her bullet-proof vehicle. He said she must have hit her head against the lever when she ducked to escape the assassins' bullets. He denied that her body carried any gunshot wounds.

    This view has now been supported by a team of Scotland Yard investigators. In a report submitted by the British High Commission in Islamabad to the Interior Ministry on 8 February, the team states there is sufficient evidence to suggest that Ms Bhutto died due to a severe head injury, "sustained as a consequence of the bomb blast and due to head impact somewhere in the escape hatch of the vehicle".

Bhutto may have died from a gun shot, she may have been hit by shrapnel from the explosion, but the forensic reports state it was more likely that she died from hitting her head violently on the lever to the sun roof from which she was looking out from. The fact is, we will never know the exact cause of her death BECAUSE HER HUSBAND REFUSED TO ALLOW AN AUTOPSY. The End. Case Closed.

Reuters - No autopsy at request of Bhutto husband and family.

And hey, KKKay...Neither H.W. Bush or Coalition troops were EVER IN IRAQ OR TOUCHED IRAQ SOIL!


KKKay do you ever get something right even by accident? BHA HA HA HA HA SPIT!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

KKKay lies about oil spills from Katrina

We at WNIW have to wonder if KKKay has ever been right about something in her life. Even by accident.

Here's her post title and date:

The neocons who support the oil industry want you to believe there were no oil spills in the Gulf after Katrina hit - This entry was posted on June 27, 2008 at 9:59 pm:

    As usual, the neocons who support the oil industry but who hate America are lying to us. As the price of gas/oil goes higher, the wingers are using the high prices as leverage to get what they want, which is: OFFSHORE DRILLING & DRILLING WHEREVER THE HELL THEY WANT TO.

    Rush Limbaugh keeps saying that there were no oil spills after Katrina hit to fake out his listeners that off-shore drilling is safe for the environment.

    It’s the ole, White Noise of Deception again! Spit.

    The latest moron to say Louisiana didn’t experience any oil spills is none other than the current Governor of Louisiana who is also on the short list for John McCain’s VP spot….Bobby Jindal! Since Jindal is so good at lying, he’ll be perfect for Johnny McTeleprompter to have by his side!

    We’re tired of being lied to and deceived by these assholes.

None of what she wrote is true. Not one word.

Any spills that happened after Katrina did not come from oil wells or oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico or off the coast of Louisiana.

The Houston Chronicle reports...

    Hurricane Katrina's floodwaters unleashed 1 million gallons of oil from one of the massive storage tanks at Murphy Oil's nearby refinery. The spill spread over 1 square mile and stained 1,700 homes, making it one of the largest environmental spills to occur in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

    But it was far from the only one.

    A Houston Chronicle review of data from the National Response Center shows that the two storms caused at least 595 spills, incidents that released untold amounts of oil, natural gas and other chemicals into the air, onto land and into the water.

And later in the story:

    Cleaning products stored beneath kitchen sinks, gasoline and oil in cars and boats, bacteria from rotting food and refrigerator Freon, which can destroy the Earth's ozone layer, are contaminants, too — ones that don't show up on the National Response Center database.

    "There are barrels of oil out here that have been removed from appliances," EPA spokesman David Bary said.

Not a drop of oil that hit water or land after Katrina came from off-shore drilling or off-shore rigs. Not a drop.

KKKay read the story at Think Progress which tells the same lies (that the oil spills were from off-shore rigs), and ran with it, doing no investigation or fact checking on her own. She just plagiarized the idea, as she does so often, and repeated the same lies.

"The U.S. Minerals Management Service commissioned a study on this and here is their conclusion:

    The impacts from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were typical of this historical experience. While cleanup was required. The volume of oil spilled and impacts to shore from the offshore infrastructure were categorized as minor.


KKKay, don't you feel stupid? Then again, how would know what feeling stupid feels like when you spend your entire life in the same stupid mode?

The many faces of stupid:


KKKay loves the child rapists

KKKay loves child rapists.

She does. KKKay loves, supports and sympathizes with child rapists. Yep. She does.

The case that brought the constitutionality of the death penalty to the Supreme Court over child rapists was a Louisiana case where a 300 pound man violently raped his 8 year old step daughter. If this were not heinous enough, the little girl was raped so violently and traumatically that her insides were torn up and permanently damaged. She required hours of surgery. She will never be able to have children of her own.

A few paragraphs from now you will read KKKay's own words saying that people who are raped can "deal with it in time."


Her post: Oh wow, Barack Obama was right…the right wingers do turn to guns for comfort - This entry was posted on June 27, 2008 at 5:57 pm

Here's what she writes about the Supreme Court rulings on the 2nd Amendment and child rapists:

    First off, I find it interesting that the ban on guns in DC and the death penalty for child rapists is coming out this week (it was probably scheduled but the timing is weird), because just recently the point was made on the news (either CNN or MSNBC….can’t remember which) that the republican party has never made the US Supreme Court as an issue when one of their own is running for the presidency. That could be true. The republicans always seem to run on the abortion laws, guns, gays, and gawd.

>It is her candidate Obama who said people cling to their guns and their religion.

>KKKay says republicans cling to guns? What's wrong with clinging to a Constitutional Amendment?

>The liberals cling to the 1st Amendment. The liberals cling to the 2nd Amendment by trying to ban guns. The liberals also cling to abortion or as they like to call it women's rights, a nice way to rephrase the term baby killing.

>KKKay writes "it was probably scheduled but the timing is weird". We will poke the holes in that statement in just a moment.

More from KKKay:

    Another thought about the US Supreme Courts decision to lift this 32 year old ban: Why now? Is it because Barack Obama is going to be the next president of the United States? Again, the timing of this decision is just odd to me. Blue Texan of FireDogLake also questions the timing of these Court decisions.

>We at WNIW did some checking. The Fire dog lake post was up well before KKKays post. She's just an idea stealer who couldn't have an original idea if it hit her in the head. She read about it at Fire dog, then tries to make it sound like she wrote about it first and then just happened to find out that someone at Fire dog also wrote about it later. Pfffffllllllllllllllbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt! KKKay is an idea-stealer.

>"it was probably scheduled but the timing is weird." No, it wasn't weird at all. How can something scheduled have weird timing? Her own wording cancels out her own statement. Here's why:

>She writes "Why now?" Because the Supreme Court has a docket booked far in advance on the cases they will hear. There's no conspiracy on the timing. Ever hear of a docket KKKay? You claim you were a paralegal and took some legal classes. But you've never heard of docket, a schedule of upcoming cases planned well in advance for what any court or judge will hear? LOL! HYSTERICAL! (***shaking our heads at WNIW!***) No wonder you left the paralegal world for cleaing toilets. You couldn't "cut it" in the professional world, could ya? LOL!

More from KKKay:

    Rape is a horrific, vile, violent crime and I don’t care if it’s done to a child, a teenager, an adult, or against one of the prisoners at GITMO, Abu Graib, or in a secret CIA prison around the world. Rape is a punishable crime, The End. But is the death penalty warranted in ONLY the rape of a child? Let’s think about this for a minute… the Associated Press article points out, those on Death Row in this country are there because they KILLED someone. Their crime was horrific enough to warrant the death penalty and I’m sure every single case…the death penalty is the correct decision for these men & women (that is…if they are truly guilty, but that’s another post!). But….there has never been a rapist on Death Row WITHOUT the death of the victim. I have to say, I agree with the Court’s decision on this. As brutal as the crime of rape is, I think life in prison without the possibility of parole is the best decision, especially for those rapists who will most likely rape again if given the chance.

>What KKKay doesn't want to understand and denies is that first time child rapists are not put away in prison under life sentences. They do their time, get released, and reoffend. Maybe she'd think different if it was her son or niece that was raped. Then again maybe not.

>Once again all the facts that could easily be researched remain ignored by KKKay. She doesn't want facts getting in the way of her beliefs and her beliefs are in no way based on facts. She's a typical Moonbat.

More from KKKay:

    I can see a mandatory minimum sentence for repeat sex offenders. This kind of criminal should be facing at least 15 years in prison because of his or her pathological history and should not have been let out the first time. Maybe the “jury of his peers” is the problem here? Could be.

>Again she proves how foolish she is. Case studies show first time child rape offenders get less than 15 year sentences, they get released and they reoffend. Some only do 5 years. Some are found not guilty on technicalities.

>It's also interesting KKKay writes maybe the problem is a "jury of his peers". This is an item provided for in the Constitution. The Constitution doesn't state the terms "peers" but Article 3 Section 2 states "The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury".

The 6th Amendment says, "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury."

>Nice huh? KKKay wants to gut the Constitution!

>KKKay claims she supports the Constitution and that its Bush and Cheney who have gutted it. She sure sounds like she's the one who wants to gut the Constitution by taking away the right to trial by a jury of ones' peers. How unconstitutional of her.

More from KKKay:

    If you think about it, allowing the death penalty for the rape of a child could force the rapists in the future to kill their victims so the one and only witness to the crime is silenced. Yes, I know, the death penalty in this country has not deterred crime and doesn’t work. Personally, I’m against the death penalty, but like Barack Obama pointed out…it is warranted in some cases. As a society, sometimes the most egregious of crimes should end with the death of the criminal! That said, I don’t agree with Barack that ALL crimes against children warrants the death penalty. The after effects of rape and sexual assault can be dealt with in time (believe me…as a woman I am not making light of rape! I’m getting light headed just writing this post!), but I don’t believe the death penalty is the answer to it.



>The death penalty has deterred crimes if you study the statistics of the states that have used the death penalty. But facts would get into KKKay's baseless opinions.

>She's against the death penalty, unless it's in the cases that her black Obama Daddy thinks they are warranted. Then she agrees with the death penalty.

>KKKay writes that the after effects of rape and sexual assault heal after time? Obviously she's never bothered to investigate any testimony from children who are scarred for life from being raped and abused as a child.

>She's never bothered to read or study one actual case of an adult who is permanently scarred for life from rape. Adult women who are raped report their lives are never the same and the scars are permanent. It affects them forever. But nope, KKKay thinks time heals rape and abuse. What loser. SPIT!

>Hey KKKay, go out and get raped. Let us know what a non-issue and non-incident it is. Let a convicted rapist move into your house and mentor your teenage son. Get back to us on how it all works out.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

KKKay proves her stupidity again

Here's what the fascist little pigwoman in Maine writes in post titled Barack Obama has to have slave blood in his veins to become president of the United States? - Posted by kayinmaine on June 26, 2008

    A few days ago I was listening to Ass Limbo’s show and he was talking about some “research” (yeah right….he’s lazy and just admitted recently that he doesn’t walk a mile a year!) he had done. Well, it appears America’s Taliban (the GOP and other hate groups) through Ass Limbo have found that Barack Obama doesn’t have any slave blood in his veins to be the president of the United States! Nice huh? His “research” also found that Barack’s white mother may have owned slaves and the American Taliban thinks Barack should pay reparations for owning slaves.

a bit later KKKimberly KKKay writes -

    I don’t know whether or not Barack’s white mother owned slaves while in Africa (it sounds so absurd! So laughable!)

BHA HA HA -- so laughable? Obama's white mother owning slaves in not a new story dipshit! But did you make any attempt to do any research? No - it's much easier to rant about Rush Limbaugh, isn't it.

March 3, 2007 - The New York Times

    Genealogists have uncovered a new ingredient in the melting pot identity of Senator Barack Obama, the Illinois Democrat who hopes to become the first black president. His white maternal ancestors once owned slaves.


    The genealogists, led by William Addams Reitwiesner, studied the family history of Mr. Obama’s mother and determined that Mr. Obama’s great-great-great-great grandfather, George Washington Overall, owned two slaves listed in the 1850 census in Nelson County, Ky.

    Mr. Obama’s great-great-great-great-great grandmother, Mary Duval, also owned two slaves, the records show.

    Mr. Reitwiesner, who works for the Library of Congress, posted the information on his personal Web site a while ago, said a genealogist who worked with him. The Baltimore Sun reported the findings on Friday.

    The details emerged the same week that the Rev. Al Sharpton disclosed that his great-grandfather was owned by a relative of Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, once a defender of segregation.

    Historians said the disclosures highlighted the deep, though often unknown and unacknowledged, imprint of slavery in the lives of present-day Americans.

    Bill Burton, a spokesman for Mr. Obama, said the senator had long known that he was related to Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, and that another forebear had fought for the Union in the Civil War. Mr. Burton said the findings showed Mr. Obama’s ancestors were “representative of America.”

March 2, 2007 - Baltimore Sun

    But an intriguing sliver of his family history has received almost no attention until now: It appears that forebears of his white mother owned slaves, according to genealogical research and census records.

    The records - which had never been addressed publicly by the Illinois senator or his relatives - were first noted in an ancestry report compiled by William Addams Reitwiesner, who works at the Library of Congress and practices genealogy in his spare time. The report, on Reitwiesner's Web site, carries a disclaimer that it is a "first draft" - one likely to be examined more closely if Obama is nominated.

    According to the research, one of Obama's great-great-great-great grandfathers, George Washington Overall, owned two slaves who were recorded in the 1850 census in Nelson County, Ky. The same records show that one of Obama's great-great-great-great-great-grandmothers, Mary Duvall, also owned two slaves.

You believe the New York Times and the Baltimore Sun, don't you KKKay, because they are the Bible for Liberals.

Bha ha ha ha ha! So Absurd! What A hoot! So laughable! SO TRUE! BHA HA HA HA HA! LOL!

Really KKKay...Kimberly, whatever you call yourself...we at WNIW have only one question: are you eff'ing retarded or do you prefer to avoid the truth?

Bha ha ha ha ha ha! LOL! Hysterical! (**shaking our heads at your rank amateurism**)




Bha ha ha ha ha ha ha! LOL! LOL! LOL! HYSTERICAL!

As we at WNIW have said before, it's not hard work to make KKKay look like an idiot, but IT SURE IS FUN! LOL! HYSTERICAL!

Monday, June 23, 2008

And by the KKKay...

Some of us at WNIW wrapped up our spring semesters, some of us went on a vacation (Florida, Europe and other fun places) so these are the reasons we haven't updated much in the past months.

Now with all summer to do nothing we at WNIW plan to return to a full time schedule making fun of the fat little piglet who calls herself KKKay in Maine.

btw KKKay, you were threatening to sue us for using your photos and reprinting parts of your post as we ridicule and criticize you. We haven't heard a word from anyone. Please be advised we took your threat very seriously. Some of us had trouble sleeping and living our day to day routine. We were frightening and felt intimidated. So if you're going to sue us, then sue us, and we will countersue you for your intentional infliction of pain and suffering and making threats.

We're waiting KKKay...bring it on if you dare and want to gamble on losing that shack you call a home.

What will KKKay's Clifipedia do now?

Anyone familiar with KKKay's hate blog knows that one of the regular idiots who comments there is widdle Clif. Cliffy. The ClifTard.

We at WNIW will call him Clifipedia. The only only "facts" he is able to use to support his long, grammatically incorrect comments are the "facts" he copies and pastes from Wikipedia. And the facts he pulls out of his fat, flatulent butt.

What will the Clifipedia do now, since Wikipedia is now proven to be factually incorrect so often? "Wikipedia littered with inaccuracies."

Of course, rational and sane thinking people knew long ago that Wiki can be edited by anyone and never to trust it as a fact based source without checking and confirming what Wikipedia says against other trusted sites.

But not Clifipedia. Nope, he would copy and paste from Wiki without bothering to verify anything. Why, if it's on the internet, it MUST be true, right Cliffy?

Now ClifIdiot, son, fool, widdle man, don't you feel like the dumbass that you are?

Bha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (** screaming with laughter **) LOL! HYSTERICAL!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

KKKay suggests assassination of John McCain

KKKay aka Kimberly _ _ _ _ _

KKKay and UncleFester both advocate physical harm, death threats and assassination of George Bush and John McCain in comments on May 25, 2008 at a post titled "Now Fox News is getting into the let’s assassinate both Osama & Obama routine!" And no, we are not linking to it:

KKKay's info:
IP Address:

Her possible ISP:
Road Runner Holdco Llc
118 Johnson Road, Portland, ME 04102, tel 775-3431 or 800-833-2253, email

Knock knock,
Who's There?
It's the FBI and The Secret Service
KKKay: "oh shit!"

UncleFester is believed to reside in the state of Minnesota.

Don't bother trying to scrub your site or remove the comments. Forensic science can find it plus there are cached versions of it at your ISP. And if all that fails, we at WNIW will be happy to provide the FBI or the Secret Service our copies of your death threats to the President and Senator McCain.

Leave a comment KKKay...Kimberly...and let us know what it's like to do 15-20 years in a federal penitentiary. Do they allow inmates to surf the web from prison? LOL! HYSTERICAL!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

KKKay...poor widdle KKKay the hater

Bha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! The chubby knuckle dragger in Maine whose insanity we at WNIW love to expose is now bitching over at FDL, FireDogLeaks the blog by Jane Hamster. Hamster is it? That's our story and we're sticking to it.

At a post titled A Recap of the RBC Meeting, no we're not linking to it, the double-chinned goose stepping Nazi in Maine left the following comment:

Comment # 252

KayInMaine June 1st, 2008 at 2:14 pm

In response to Sixty Something @ 250

Exactly. I told the Hillary supporters on a few occasions yesterday that WE (Obama supporters) are not republicans so stop treating us this way, but that didn’t stop them from being assholes all day long. They’re fighting against us and will vote for John McCain instead if Hillary is on the ballot. Yep, they’d rather “vote for Hitler” than vote for a black Democrat!

Until you walked in my shoes this weekend, you can’t be upset by what I’m saying. I’ve posted links above (YouTube and from my blog) about why I’m taking this position today. Read/view them.

Aw shucks, poor little lardo says no one can be upset with her until they've walked in her shoes! Most people don't wear a size 87 shoe with a EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE width. KKKay must be the Sasquatch that has been seen in Maine. Those sasquatch sightings always report that Sasquatch is ugly, hairy and has big feet.


Place your bets as to how soon KKKay will be treating FDL just as she treated Ablog, by calling them neocons and other names because they disagree with her warped thinking of hatred!

Way to go, KKKay.