Monday, June 30, 2008

KKKay stupid about Persian Gulf War

We at WNIW just keep laughing. Our favorite Maine porkster get's nothing right.

The post title: George Bush as president sets the mission, so where the hell is Osama bin Laden? - Posted by kayinmaine on June 30, 2008

Here is what we find so amusing, so lacking facts, so lacking the slightest research from the pigwoman of Maine:

    The whole waronterra has been about capturing the oil in Iraq and it has nothing to do with 9/11/01 at all!!!! 9/11/01 was the catalyst the White House needed and used to get BACK INTO IRAQ to START THE MISSION THAT DID NOT HAPPEN WHEN GEORGE H.W. BUSH WAS THE PRESIDENT…..when our troops were in Iraq in 1991, Bush Sr. cut and ran out of Iraq and the Oil Maggots of America realized they had lost their chance to get Iraq’s oil!

KKKay, from what history book did you get that gem of information?

The Coalition Forces never stepped one foot into Iraq. They never touched Iraq soil. Never.

The Persian-Gulf War was to free the country of Kuwait from Saddam Hussein's army. The Coalition did just that without ever setting foot on Iraq land.

The Perisan Gulf War - Infoplease

The Persian Gulf War - Encarta.

The Persian Gulf War History.

It was a successful war that lasted 100 days. The Coalition forces were able to get Hussein's Iraq army to surrender and drove what few remained back into Iraq from Kuwait.

The Coalition forces never crossed the Kuwait-Iraq border. Never. The only place this happened is in KKKay's pea-brain mind.

Bush Sr. did not "cut and run from Iraq" because Coalition forces never were in Iraq. They were only in Kuwait.

Another sentence in her post was simply too good to pass up by the crack staff of WNIW:

    Benazir Bhutto admitted to the world (before she was mysteriously gunned down by a man who looked like a CIA Special Ops guy I may add!) that Osama bin Laden is dead…

Benazir Bhutto's death was not mysteriously gunned down by a man who looked like a CIA Special Op guy.

How many Special Ops people do you suppose KKKay actually know? Maybe she's just been watching too many Oliver Stone movies or has seen "Men In Black" too many times. BHA HA HA HA HA!


BBC; Key Questions Remain in Bhutto death

    A seven-member team of doctors which examined her told the health ministry that Ms Bhutto had open wounds on her left temporal region from which "brain matter was exuding". The report did not say what caused the wound, apparently because no autopsy had been performed on the body.

    A day later, an Interior Ministry spokesman, Brig Javed Iqbal Cheema, told the media that Ms Bhutto died of a skull fracture caused by a lever attached to the sun-roof of her bullet-proof vehicle. He said she must have hit her head against the lever when she ducked to escape the assassins' bullets. He denied that her body carried any gunshot wounds.

    This view has now been supported by a team of Scotland Yard investigators. In a report submitted by the British High Commission in Islamabad to the Interior Ministry on 8 February, the team states there is sufficient evidence to suggest that Ms Bhutto died due to a severe head injury, "sustained as a consequence of the bomb blast and due to head impact somewhere in the escape hatch of the vehicle".

Bhutto may have died from a gun shot, she may have been hit by shrapnel from the explosion, but the forensic reports state it was more likely that she died from hitting her head violently on the lever to the sun roof from which she was looking out from. The fact is, we will never know the exact cause of her death BECAUSE HER HUSBAND REFUSED TO ALLOW AN AUTOPSY. The End. Case Closed.

Reuters - No autopsy at request of Bhutto husband and family.

And hey, KKKay...Neither H.W. Bush or Coalition troops were EVER IN IRAQ OR TOUCHED IRAQ SOIL!


KKKay do you ever get something right even by accident? BHA HA HA HA HA SPIT!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I understand your contempt for Krazy Kay, I feel the same say, but I don't think I would devote so much time on a blog hating her. It's like letting someone live rent-free in your head, ya know?

BTW, was pretty amazed at the list of former readers of her site. She really does have a screw loose. I used to absolutely hate her, but when I found up what a lie her personal life is, I pity her now. Somehow, pity is worse than hating her. Bwahahaha!!!

If I go to the beginning of your blog, will I discover what she did to you to inspire such animosity?

I'd tell you who I am but I want to see if you can guess.

Anonymous said...

We at WNIW do not hate Kimberly Waite, or Kay as she enjoys calling herself.

We at WNIW exist only to disprove everything she writes because she is unable to tell the truth and cannot be honest. Case in point: She was absolutely against Obama when Dennis Kucinich was still in the race.

She wrote calling Obama a "warmonger" and that he is "republican-lite." As we are sure you are aware, Kay is now a huge supporter of Obama. We asked her in a comment at her site why she changed her mind. Not only did she not answer, she removed our comment.

WNIW is composed of more than one writer. We will not say exactly the number of contributors that post here, but it's more than one and less than a hundred, hence the different fonts and fonts sizes used.

We at WNIW prefer you remain anonymous for purely legal reasons.

Thank you for your comment. Come back often. We have some fun stuff planned!

Anonymous said...

The comments about Kay's lack of honesty pretty much sums up why I no longer visit her site, except when I am feeling somewhat masochistic. Yeah, she is quite the little hypocrite. There's not much that one can do for a person whose brains are made of silly putty.

Well, I must say that your site is interesting and informative but it really hurts my eyes to see her ugly face. Yikes!

Thanks for responding to my comment.

Ken Buck said...

Once in a while when I am bored. I go to
Krazy Kays to see what the stupid bitch
is ranting about. What is amazing is that
she actually has some followers that seem to agree with everything she says. Talk about pooling of ignorance!.

BTW: Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Her group of fellow armband wearing jackboot lickers /snark sure has dwindled down to a lowly few.

Cliffypedia, Grant, FesteringTurd and once in awhile Molly. The rest have left her.

Thx visiting.