Sunday, August 24, 2008
KKKay/KKKimberly admits she lies
In a post titled Ronnie Reagan’s Crazies to shoot down satellite tonight…posted on February 20, 2008 at 9:26 am KKKay/KKKimberly Waite of Paris, Maine admits she makes up her own truths!
Here's the screen capture and text follows image
Comment 42
kayinmaine Says:
February 21, 2008 at 4:57 pm
By the way, I stand by everything I say on my blog. They’re my opinions, my thoughts, my observations, and my own truths. See? If you don’t like them, CC, you don’t have to stay here. Believe me, no one will notice you’re gone.
A nuclear bomb is also highly ‘toxic’ to the planet, but yet, CC you said you’d be okay with that. Even Jenny above didn’t dispute it.
As a liberal, I am highly offended by these MY COUNTRY RIGHT OR WRONG stances like you and Jenny seem to have. If Bush killed a child on stage one day, you two would blame the child for being bad or for moving. See? Sick.
"My own truths." Bha ha ha ha ha!
You will notice in her second to last sentence KKKay/KKKimberly dives right into the deep end of her white noise insanity by absurdly over-reaching that "If Bush killed a child on stage one day, you two would blame the child for being bad or for moving." Now THAT's WHAT WE AT WNIW CALL SICK!
KKKay/KKKimberly admits she makes up her own truth.
Need we at WNIW have to add any commentary to that? BHA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
As KKKay/KKKimberly likes to say, Case closed. The end!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
We at WNIW want to thank KKkay/KKKimberly and her gang of haters
We at WNIW would like to take a moment and extend our collective thanks and gratitude to all the short bus riders at KKKay's home of hatred for providing us endless amounts of amusement and laughter.
Mostly we'd like to thank KKKay, Festirina, Clifipedia and Carl Nemo (Clif and Nemo being the same person commenting using different names), and to a lesser degree GrantInHouston, who provide an endless stream of material and comments that severely lack anything close to being fact based. LOL!
We at WNIW have never seen anything like KKKay's freak show! It's like the freak side show that only freaks go to see. The freaks of the freaks! LOL!
Thank you KKKay for the inspiration for all of the contributors who write here at WNIW. Keep on going, keep on truckin', keep on hating, keep on writing lies large enough to drive the space shuttle through.
We'll be here, shooting down everything you write.
We use facts, You don't. It's just that simple.
It's not hard work for those of us who contrinute here at WNIW, poking holes through all of KKKay's writing, but it sure is fun!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
KKKay kkkcommenter Festirina farts another gem
We found the comment gem below from Festirina at KKKay's post titled Here’s John McCain answering 3 of Pastor Rick Warren’s questions before Pastor Rick asked them, Posted by kayinmaine on August 19, 2008 at 9:32 pm:
Text follow image
CLICK HERE FOR FULL SIZE VERSION. (Note: the lettering on the last paragraph is a little fuzzy because there was so much text we had to do a cut and paste to fit the entire comment on one page, but it's all legitimate and accurately reproduced. If you don't believe us, by all means view the original at KKKay's blog under the post name.)
Comment 16
Uncle Fester Lurks Says:
August 20, 2008 at 12:51 pm
About a month ago I heard on Air America that there was talk of the Clintons working along with the McCain campaign behind the scenes. The goal was to go after Obama, get his poll numbers to drop so at convention time Hillary could make a power play with the super delegates, claiming that she was right that Obama isn’t the strongest candidate of the party and effectively stealing away the party nomination on the convention floor.
Now that was a month ago and the attacks on Obama have been relentless while McCain has been treated with kid gloves like he is Jesus Christ himself and the media cannot delve into his misdeeds of the past. Where has Hillary been? Has she been seen out in public supporting Obama? Is she attacking McCain? Nope I haven’t seen any of this. A matter of fact, where is the rest of the democratic party? Nowhere to be found, Barack has been left on an island alone to defend the attacks, smears and lies, why is that?
One could ask why would the Clintons and McCain collude to remove Obama from the picture as they would then be opponents? Well they both seem to be puppets of the puppet masters, both seem to favor the war lords of the military industrial complex and both have been heavily behind globalization and the NWO. It would be a win-win situation for the puppet masters to have two of their own as the two candidates for the presidency. I’m not saying the puppet masters do not have their tentacles around Obama, they may have but he is young and new to the game and may not be totally in lock step with them so….
Anyway I still believe the democratic convention will be key as we really don’t know what to expect from the Clintons and their campaign people. What I do know and believe is if Hillary does pull off such a thing we will be seeing riots all across America and that just may be the incident Bush needs to call for martial law. What furthers that thought for me is that the US and Canada agreed to a treaty where we can now use their military during any national crisis, whether it be a natural disaster, a pandemic, or civil unrest. We shall see very soon.
Wooooooo, Festirina 'heard on Air America.' Geez that's a reliable source isn't it? LOL! HYSTERICAL! Yep you can always count on Air America for unbiased accuracy and truth. LOL! HYSTERICAL!
He writes 'the attacks on Obama have been relentless while McCain has been treated with kid gloves.' LOL!
What world does Festirina live in? That's right, the world of young barechested men in their underwear!
He writes, 'where is the rest of the democratic party? Nowhere to be found, Barack has been left on an island alone to defend the attacks, smears and lies, why is that?'
Is Festirina on psychotropic drugs? Could be.
He's unaware that Al Gore, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter, Bill Richardson and many other big name democrats are all supporting and defending Obama. Obama has support and defenders from big city democrat mayors. Obama has the entire media on his side. But Festirina would like others to think that "Barack is left on an island alone" to defend himself. Bha ha ha ha ha! HYSTERICAL! LOL! (*** shaking our heads ***).
Festirina is worried about 'globalization and the NWO', NWO being the New World Order. Festirina must not have heard Obama's Berlin speech when all he talked about is globalization and the NWO. The NWO and globalization is fine with folks like Festirina as long as a democrat is behind the wheel.
He writes 'What furthers that thought for me is that the US and Canada agreed to a treaty where we can now use their military during any national crisis, whether it be a natural disaster, a pandemic, or civil unrest.'
LOL! Is he referring to the Oklahoma City bombing, the killing of Americans in Waco Texas or how the Clinton administration used federal agents to raid the honme of an American family in Miami to return a five year old boy to Cuba? Nope. Festirina was perfectly fine with fascism under a democrat administration.
We at WNIW extend a permanent invitation to Festuring Festirina to defend himself here at WNIW, but he won't. He can't.
See, we use facts here at WNIW and Festirina (along with KKKay and her other short bus passengers) can't win arguments, debates or civil disagreements because the facts always prove their opinions wrong. Always! LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Buy stock in the companies that manufacture tin foil. People like Festuring Festirina, KKKay and Clifipedia are going to be using a lot of it between now and November! LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
KKKay loves Hillary! Sure she does!
Text follows image:
Comment 14
kayinmaine Says:
August 16, 2008 at 5:53 pm
I hate that the Clintons have adhered themselves to the Bush family in many ways in the same way McCain has. To me, the Clintons are the ones who aren’t acting like Democrats. The fact that Hillary took McCain’s side instead of Obama’s when she was running is a clear indication to me that she and Bill and their buddies like right wingers and their politics.
Trust me when I say if Barack Obama wins the presidency and decides to continue George Bush’s policies, it will be the Democrats who WILL NOT PROTECT HIM. The republicans protected George Bush all these years and would never do the right thing in banning together to get his ass, as well as Cheney’s, out of office.
First off why would anyone trust KKKay? She's thrown former like minded long time friends, commenters and bloggers under her short bus and has spent endless keystrokes trashing them. Former friends like Mirth, Karol, GrantInHouston, John Arravosis and many others.
Why would anyone think that democrats like KKKay will not protect Obama if he is the president when they DO PROTECT HIM AS A CANDIDATE?
Obama said he would immediately begin pulling troops out of Iraq if elected. Then he changed his mind and acknowledged that troops could be deployed in Iraq much longer than he originally promised. For his reversal and flip flop he receives no criticism from KKKay.
Obama's original position on drilling for oil was a crystal clear "absolutely not." Then he changed his mind and admitted that drilling for oil would be a smart thing. For this, he received no criticism from KKKay.
Why on earth would anyone believe that democrats or KKKay "would not protect Obama" if he wins the presidency?
Remeber, KKKay is the one who called Obama "a warmonger" and "republican lite." We documented this on February 2, 2008.
Why would anyone think KKKay cares about the democrats? She's not a democrat, she's a progressive and there is a difference. We documented KKKay's firm stance and disgust with democrats, saying that she was going to register from being a democrat to that of an independent. But she didn't. She lied. She did this because she has no real convictions, no real beliefs. She spins around like a weather vane reversing her positions based only on her unrelenting hatred, envy, jealousy and bitterness. Maybe KKKay got this way from cleaning poop, pee and puke from toilets as her profession? Could be.
Hillary never took McCain's side as KKKay claims. Just because Hillary and McCain might have had an issue or two on which they agreed doesn't mean she took his side. It's obvious that KKKay didn't bother to examine the voting record of Hillary and McCain and compare them in order to find out just how different they are. Hillary's voting record is much similar to Obama's voting record. Facts, as always, nullify everything written by KKkay.
You see, KKKay couldn't base what she writes on the actual voting records of McCain and Hillary and Hillary and Obama because then she wouldn't have been able to write her absurd opinion that McCain and Hillary are the same. It is Obama and Hillary who are clones of each other, except on Iraq and Obama wasn't even a U.S. Senator when that vote was taken. Nope. He was still nothing but a little Illinois state senator that nobody ever heard of.
Actually, KKKay has more in common and is more like Hillary than she is Obama! LOL!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but no one is entitled to their own facts. And KKKay tries to pass off her opinions as facts. She will never be able to back up her opinions with facts; not today, not yesterday, not tomorrow, not ever.
KKKay weakly attempts to pass off her opinion as facts. This is why White Noise Insanity Watch exists, so we can prove her as wrong as wrong can be.
As we have said before, it's not hard work proving KKKay wrong on everything, but it sure is fun! LOL! HYSTERICAL! (** shaking our collective heads **)
Technical item
So all of you wonderful folks who enjoy White Noise Insanity Watch, be patient if you run into a post that is missing the screen captures. We are slowly and steadily working at replacing them in between fits of gut busting laughter as we continue to monitor and report on KKKay the hater in Maine.
We at WNIW should have another post later tonight of another wonderful example of KKKay not having her facts right. When does she? LOL! HYSTERICAL!
So check back in 2 or 3 hours or so for an update.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
KKKay's Uncle Festirina whines about separation of church and state
His whining is due to the Saddleback Church debate this past Saturday where each presidential candidate was separately interviewed for one hour, each candidate receiving the same questions. And no, there is no proof at all that McCain knew the questions ahead of time. But we at WNIW digress.
In a post titled CNN gets Rick Warren of Saddleback Church to admit that John McCain could have heard the questions prior to coming to the stage Posted by kayinmaine on August 17, 2008 at 7:06 pm we found the following comment by Festirina. Text follow image:
Comment 2
Uncle Fester Lurks Says:
August 17, 2008 at 9:45 pm
As an American and a Christian I didn’t like how the forum which was suppose to be about faith turned into a political forum inside of a church. What the hell ever happened to the separation of church and state? Are we heading from fascism to a theocracy in the future?
Bha ha ha ha ha! Festirina is trying to pass himself off as an American and a Christian! Bha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Funniest thing we've read at Insane KKKay's blog in a long, long time!
Theocracy?!?!?? Where did Festirina come up with that word? Did a dictionary fall off a shelf and happened to open to the page where that word appeared? We mean, really, we're talking Festirina who at his best can manage using only one and two-syllable words.
It sure is interesting when Reverend's Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger were preaching politics from the pulpit at Obama's Trinity United Church , Festirina never mentioned that he had a problem with "separation of church and state." But now he's concerned about it.
Festirina doesn't know what he's talking about. He's too busy fantasizing about young men in their underwear. Bha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
The other question we have is for KKKay. Why are you citing CNN KKKay? You've "spit" on them tons of times in the past. In your mind, CNN isn't liberal enough, you've said so. But it's okay for you to use their "news" when it suits your attempt to advance your false political agenda and the false story that you write, implying that McCain heard the questions ahead of time, huh? SPIT!
In case you didn't know, KKKay, Rick Warren briefed both candidates ahead of time as to what types of questions he might ask, the topics that would be covered and the entire breadth of scope of the format.
KKKay you're a fraud and everyone knows it.
Friday, August 15, 2008
KKKay's kkkonspiracy theory laughably wrong
In a post titled John McCain has cheated on both of his wives posted on August 8, 2008 at 7:31 pm Posted by kayinmaine...
....KKKay writes that she cannot find any images in her Google search of Vicky Iselman, the lobbyist associated with John McCain, whom the New York Post falsely implied was having an extramarital affair with McCain.
Because KKKay was unable to find any images of Vicky Iselman on Google Images, it means that McCain, in association with George Bush, have scrubbed the internet of images of Vicky Iselman.
Here's what KKKay wrote, text follows image.
"SIDEBAR NOTE: I looked for a picture of Vicky Iselman on Google Images to put in this post, but I ended up getting this as a resut, (CLICK HERE). Nice huh? Ole Johnny must have had his right wing George Bush underlings scrub the Internet of all pictures of her with him or just of her. Oh boy! Not surprised. As we all know, Google used to list out the number of pages available for searching for years, but then the right wingers of America realized it wasn’t a good idea to have ALL THAT INFORMATION available to the schmucks of America who might want to read or take a look at their crimes. They’ve been scrubbing away just like they have in the White House with the computers there! Assholes. "
Yep. It sure is a scrubbing of the internet and especially Google, since everyone knows that Google is run by the rightwingers. Yep, and she sure did write "resut". We think she means "result", but who knows with KKKay?
It couldn't be that KKKay couldn't find any images of Vicky Iselman because she doesn't exist.
It couldn't be because the name of the lobbyist associated with McCain is Vicki Iseman, not VickY Ise-L-man?
No, far easier for KKKay to believe that the web was scrubbed of images of VickY Ise-L-man.
That's funny. When we at WNIW went to Google, and clicked on an image search, and inserted the name Vicki Iseman, we found many pages of images of her.
But KKkay is right. A Google image search of VickY Ise-L-man turned up nothing but a few McCain photos.
But a search on VickI Iseman (no L) turned up plenty! Some with her standing next to McCain! Oh but then that would have disproven KKKay's conspiracy theory, right? Of course it would.
Nobody scrubbed the internet of images of VickY Ise-L-man. KKKay's information was wrong (LOL! as always), she spent no time researching it or fact checking and leaps to the conclusion that because she can't find something then it has to be a conspiracy. In this case the conspiracy was McCain, Bush and underlings scrubbing the web because she couldn't find images of a person whose name she had wrong in the first place.
Sometimes it helps to have the correct spelling of the name of the person you are writing about. But if you don't, well, then immediately jump to the conclusion that it's a conspiracy. Yep. That's it. LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
KKKay's intuition about John Edwards is a joke!
We at WNIW find this HYSTERICAL! LOL!
Here's what KKKay/KKKimberly Waite of Maine wrote at a comment at Fire Douche Lake at a post titled John Edwards Admits To Affair By: Jane Hamster, Friday August 8, 2008 12:29 pm:
Text follows image:
KayInMaine August 8th, 2008 at 3:30 pm
Comment 153
"Stoooooooooooopid, but not surprising. I knew there was something about Edwards I didn?t trust or like. My intuition was correct."
She says her "intuition was correct" that there was something about Edwards she didn't trust.
She knows her "intuition is correct." She "knows her intuition was correct."
She is lying of course.
She was a big supporter of Edwards. She thought he "would be fantastic."
We have the proof in her own words.
In scouring the web (it only took a few moments) we found a comment from her on her old blog at blogger where, on 12/16/2006 04:40:00 PM she wrote she was fully supportive of John Edwards as the democrat presidential candidate.
She was replying to a comment that Edwards would make a great candidate from none other than Cliffipedia.
See for yourself (text follows below image):
"Yes Clif...Mr. John Edwards would be fantastic too!"
# posted by Blogger KayInMaine : 12/16/2006 04:40:00 PM
LOL! HYSTERICAL! She thought Edwards would be a fantastic candidate.
So much for your intuition being correct, KKKay/KKKimberly. She couldn't predict dampness if thrown fully clothed into the Atlantic.
Don't bother trying to delete your blogger version either KKKay/KKKimberly. We saved the whole thing and will use it in the future as we at WNIW continue to demonstrate your lies, hate and hypocrisy.
Tell us at WNIW what it's like to always be wrong, never having a single thread of a fact backing anything you write or say? How do you do it? How do you manage to be so effing Stoooooooooooopid in everything? KKKay/KKKimberly, are you retarded? We think you are! LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Tell us more of what your "intuition" tell you! BHA HA HA HA HA HA!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
KKKay throws Grant under the bus
All aboard KKKay/KKKimberly's short bus! Hurry up, no time to lose! Now boarding with KKKay/KKKimberly driving and Festerinia (formerly Uncle Festurd) and Clifipedia seated in FIRST CLASS in the front!
KKKay/KKKimberly threw another of her longtime regular likeminded fascists under the bus. This was bound to happen. Only a matter of time.
We at WNIW actually feel sorry for GrantInHouston. He was among the close knit group of KKKay/KKKimberly's jackboot licking armband wearing boot clicking sieg heil inner circle.
Poor Grant ventured into terriority of being critical of KKKay/KKKimberly's saying that his comments were being caught in KKKay's spam catcher and not immediately being published.
We ran across this exchange at a post titled John McCain at his best…posted on August 7, 2008 at 8:19 pm
Here's the screen capture (text follows below image):
Comment 20
Grant in Texas Says:
August 8, 2008 at 2:37 pm
Hardly worth my time to post here at WNI anymore. After reading the LA Times, WaPo, NYT, Houston Chronicle and compiling a post about the FUNNY MONEY going to the McCain campaign from Defense Contractor, OIL MAN Harry Sargeant III, I get Askimet to block my posting above. A half hour’s effort wasted. At age 69, I don’t have much more time on this planet to waste!
Yesterday, a posting to complain that a posting had been blocked was even blocked itself. Will see if this posting, without any links (acting just like a TROLL) gets past the Askimet software. Funny that reich-wingers get a free pass from Askimet but we progressives are routinely blocked. Who owns Askimet?
So how does KKKay/KKKimberly, the fascist piglet of Maine react to Grant's comment?
See for yourself (text follows below image):
CLICK here for large version.
Comment 28
kayinmaine Says:
August 8, 2008 at 6:17 pm
Grant, I’ve offered to give you access to my blog’s dashboard so you can release your own comments from the spam catcher as they go in, but you didn’t want to do that. I’ve emptied the key words & IP addresses over time to help in keeping your comments from being blocked and even with it empty, your comments still go in. I’ve contacted Akismet directly and gave them your IP address, as well as, Uncle’s, Clif’s & Gage’s to have them do something because a good portion of these comments go into the spam catcher. It was fixed, but still, yours keeps going in. I’ve counseled you endlessly in emails with you in the hopes to ease your mind about this.
I’ve done everything I can, so maybe it is time for you to post over on Alternet or another blog to get your thoughts out there. I’ve told you time and again that your thoughts & comments are terrific and you should find a way to get them out there.
But yet…
You act like I’m purposely doing this to you and you come on my blog and publicly lambaste me in something I CAN’T FREAKING CONTROL. Sorry, but if you were a friend in my real life and after all I’ve done to make things right you decided to lambaste me to everyone, well, we wouldn’t be friends anymore and nor would I care about it either. If this comment drives you away forever, then fine. I’m telling you….I don’t chase after people. My life is well-rounded enough and happy & busy enough that I don’t need to continually babysit you. Okay? We will miss you if you give up entirely on WNI, but if you decide to stay and your comments continue to go into the spam catcher, I DON’T WANT TO FREAKING HEAR IT!
I have to work to make a living and I have to sleep so I can work to make a living. You’re two hours behind us on the East Coast and if you want to make a fuss about your comments being in the spam catcher WHILE I’M FREAKING WORKING OR WHILE I’M FREAKING SLEEPING, then THAT says MORE ABOUT YOU then it does me. Get it?
And yes I’m pissed at the moment. I’m tired of the whininess.
I expect you to go cling to Mirth & Karol’s vagina lips now. LOL And guess what? I won’t care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m serious. I’ll just wave to your backstabbing ass if that is what you end up doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwwwwww. Poor widdle KKKay/KKKimberly Waite goes batsh-t crazy over someone she says 'lambastes" her. Did she just learn that word? She used it twice in two sentences! LOL! Maybe "lambaste" was the word of the day on her calendar? LOL!
..."publicly lambaste me in something I CAN’T FREAKING CONTROL. Sorry, but if you were a friend in my real life and after all I’ve done to make things right you decided to lambaste me to everyone."
Awwwwwww. Awwwwwww. Poor widdle hater in Maine. Awwwwwww. LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Awwwwwwwww. Poor KKKay/KKKimberly has to "make a living and I have to sleep so I can work to make a living." Yep. Cleaning urine and feces from toilets is what she does. Has all that pee, poop and the fumes from the cleaning products she uses rotted her few remaining brain cells? LOL! Could be!
KKKay/KKKimberly throws in for good measure that Grant can "go cling to Mirth & Karol’s vagina lips now."
Awwww. KKKay/KKKimberly is "pissed at the moment. I'm tired of the whininess," she says. Awwwwww, don't you feel sorry for the hater in Maine? LOL!
The above comment exchange of Grant and KKKay/KKKimberly demonstrates how KKKay treats people. She treats everyone like this. It's par for the course for the chubby hater. All commenters MUST AGREE WITH HER. If they don't completely agree with KKKay and lick her smelly, rancid, putrid, rank fat ass, they are treated in the manner that she treated Grant; a long time KKKay/KKKimberly supporter.
KKKay/KKKimberly could eliminate her spam catcher and turn off comment moderation, but then that would mean she HAS TO GIVE UP HER PRECIOUS CONTROL! We all know she is a total control freak.
Another former friend and regular commenter tossed under KKKay/KKKimberly's Short Bus. Or should that be WNI limo? BHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!
KKKay sure is tolerant, isn't she?! LOL! HYTERICAL!!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Is KKKay/KKKimberly kkkommenter Uncle Fester gay?
We at WNIW are fascinated by the behavior in FesTurds comments because they always revolve around gay male sex. He's obsessed with it.
You know the old saying about people who complain about something too much? It means they are secretly practicing what they complain about or that they have the inhibitions but are afraid of acting on them.
In the case about those constantly talking about homosexuality that they have their own insecurities and reservations about being gay themselves.
FesTurd is obsessed over man on man action. Totally obsessed with it.
NOTE: We at WNIW make no attempts to correct the spelling, grammar and punctuation errors by KKKay/KKKimberlys gang of haters. Their lack of education is prominently on display for all to see!
Here are some selected gems from Festering Turd and his downright obsession with male homosexuality.
These comments are from KKKimberly Waite's post Joe Scarborough of MSNBC thinks Barack Obama should admit that George Bush is the Commander Gawd, this entry was posted on July 23, 2008 at 7:11 am.
Take this example, where he refers to Joe Scarborough as Joe "Asshole" and Glenn Beck as "Glenda" (text version follows image):
Comment 3
Uncle Fester Lurks Says:
July 23, 2008 at 10:54 am
What Joe Asshole or the rest of the media won’t tell America is the…decrease in violence or the surge “success” was largely due to the cease fire by Al Sadr and his group. Kay I don’t know how you can watch Joe Asshole, my brother does too and I told him I stopped watching him about the third week into his new morning show. For awhile after the ‘06 elections he seemed to have come to his senses, but not anymore. The republicans are in survival mode and will say or do anything to keep Barack Obama out of the Whitehouse.
That other republican asshole Glen Beck (Chris In Maines friend
:)) was trying to convince his mentally challenged viewers last night that Barack Obamas tax policy will favor the rich 1%! Um no Glenda…Barack wants to end Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, Insane McCain wants to continue Bush’s tax cuts for the rich.
America better wake up and realize that in order to pay for BUSH’S FAILED WARS IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN, we are going to have to eventually raise taxes. See the republicans don’t get this and never answer my question when I ask them:
How do you expect us to pay for Bush’s war? Or do you suggest we continue to borrow from Communist China?
Maybe we should call him Festirina (rhymes with ballerina)? BHA HA HA HA! FESTER YOU ARE SO GAY!
Okay, you say, you goofballs at WNIW don't know what you're talking about, Fester isn't obsessed with man on man action.
Then consider this comment by FesTurd (text version follows image):
Comment 11
Uncle Fester Lurks Says:
July 22, 2008 at 5:04 pm
Clif, are you saying that GTP searches for young men in underwear on the internet? Bah hahahaha!
Thats funny! Poor widdle GTP. I bet he stalks them, makes them wear General Petraeus masks, then pins shiny little medals on their hairless bare chests and then procedes to jerk off as he salutes them.
FesTurd replies to GTP with an obvious case of internalized homosexual behavior.
What other kind of person writes: "I bet he stalks them, makes them wear General Petraeus masks, then pins shiny little medals on their hairless bare chests and then procedes to jerk off as he salutes them."
FesTurd, it's okay to release your inner gay, go ahead. It's okay to be gay.
"Step out of the closet Fester! Come out of the closet Fester!" Bha ha ha ha ha ha. You can always hook up with GrantInHouston for some hot action (yuck, spit!). LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Is FesTurd is married and secretly having sex with men. He's just like Jim McGreevey. LOL! Maybe FesTurd is hooking up with male on male romance at bus stations and truck stops just like his idol McGreevey. Could be! LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Bha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! LOL! HYSTERICAL!
We CORDIALLY invite the closeted Festirina to comment here and defend himself but he won't. He might be too busy crossdressing and hitting the piers! Could be! BHA HA HA HA HA! LOL! LOL! LOL!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
KKKay/KKKimberly gets treated like she treats others
KKKay/KKKimberly dishes it out but can't take it.
This comment from KKKay/KKKimberly is worth repeating. It is the pot calling the kettle black and the pot is KKKay/KKKimberly.
KKKay/KKKimberly despises Hillary Clinton supporters as much as she despises anyone who doesn't completely agree with her.
The kicker is, she asks others to understand where she is coming from and show goodwill but never extends the same goodwill to others.
Here is KKKay/KKKimberly's comment from the Fire Douche Lake blog at a post titled A Recap of the RBC meeting.
A Recap of the RBC Meeting:
Comment # 252
KayInMaine June 1st, 2008 at 2:14 pm
In response to Sixty Something @ 250
I told the Hillary supporters on a few occasions yesterday that WE (Obama supporters) are not republicans so stop treating us this way, but that didn’t stop them from being assholes all day long. They’re fighting against us and will vote for John McCain instead if Hillary is on the ballot. Yep, they’d rather “vote for Hitler” than vote for a black Democrat!
Until you walked in my shoes this weekend, you can’t be upset by what I’m saying. I’ve posted links above (YouTube and from my blog) about why I’m taking this position today. Read/view them.
See, those she called "assholes" were treating KKKay/Kimberly in the same manner she treats anyone who doesn't agree with her. And she didn't like it. Awwwww, isn't that sad? LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Awwwwww, pudgy piglet in Maine says she can't be judged or criticized unless you "walk in her shoes". What a whiny assed titty baby she is! LOL! When has she extended the same to others? Ummmm - never!
KKKay/KKKimberly gets a taste of her own medicine and doesn't like it. That's sad, huh?
She says "stop treating us this way." Boo hoo. Bha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
KKKay/KKKimberly calls so many people Hitler that it's lost all its impact, it has no shock value any longer.
Poor KKKay/KKKimberly. Everyone is against her. Even Democrats can't stand her.
Go clean a toilet KKKay/KKKimberly. Looks like you missed something! LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
KKKay reacts batsh-t crazy because she can't comment at a pro-Hillary site
Poor widdle hater KKKay/KKKimberly devotes an entire post to ranting about how she's prevented from commenting at a pro-Hillary site.
What's the matter KKKay/KKKimberly, finding your hate-speech not welcome anywhere but your own sick hate-filled blog? BHA HA HA HA HA! LOL! HYSTERIAL! (**shaking our heads**)
Below is her post. The initial indentation is her writing, the secondary intendation represents what she is reproducing by cutting and pasting from the other site she is angry over because she can't comment there.
KKKay/KKKimberly's post title: Check out this Hillary Clinton supporter’s site…very Nazi-like posted on July 25, 2008 at 6:15 pm:
For some reason, I got 2 hits from the following site today, which is so funny, because I’m not a member of this website. But then it occurred to me! It was a hit, run, and cut and run! Yep. This site linked to my blog in the comment section (or maybe a post, not sure), but then will not allow me to post a response over there now because…. Welcome to Capital Hill. We hope you enjoy your visit.
When I read the frontpage, it states this (some emphasis [KKKay's]):
LMAO! Wow. If you’re a Hillary Clinton supporter and you woke up today thinking you were on the correct path in life, think again! You’ve lost your freaking mind.
You’re currently viewing our forum as a guest. This means you are limited to certain areas of the board and there are some features you can’t use. If you join our community, you’ll be able to access member-only sections, and use many member-only features such as customizing your profile, sending personal messages, a personal blog and voting in polls. We have many forums of interest that are closed to guests because we have experienced a great deal of harassment from Obama supporters.
By registering at Capital Hill you are acknowledging that you are 18 years of age or older and are not an Obama supporter.
You also acknowledge that all posts are the express opinion of the poster and are not representative of the administrator, moderators or ZetaBoards.
Those Hillary Clinton supporters are just so friendly. I guess they don’t want to hear from the Barack Obama supporters, but would love to have conversations with:
And the Hillary Clinton supporters wonder why those of us with rational thoughts see them as no different than the reich wingers of America from the past 8 years and can’t stand them?!!!!? Hysterical.
By the way, I didn’t join their little online Capital Hill KKK meeting, because quite frankly, I have enough trolls who come to my blog to know that I would end up itching, scratching, and using a twig to get the shit off my shoes left by these people when they’re around. They’re a shitty disease for sure! No thanks! Wallow by yourself in the green slimy goo that engulfs ya just like the neocons do!
Now Girls, go join the republic party now. Hitler needs you and so does Tonya Harding! Tonya has had enough public humility for any one person, so having you taking her place will be a gift for her. Have fun!
Didja notice the first group of people included in KKKay/KKKimerbly's list of those she hates is White People? We know the piget herself is white because of the pictures that she posts of herself and that we reproduce here. She's a self-hating whitey. Oddly, she is the only person who consistently brings up that Obama is black. She consistently refers to him as "being black." What a racist. Only a racist would point that out. Besides, technically he's not black because his mother is white. Another example of KKKay/KKKimberly never once being able to get something right.
Awww. Widdle KKKay/KKKimberly can't post her armband wearing Obama jackboot licking Nazi hate speech at another site. Poor Widdle KKKay/KKKimberly the snorting PigwomanInMaine.
See, if you disagree at all with KKKay/KKKimberly, you're a hater, you're Hitler.
Didja ever notice how quickly she's ready to call anyone who disagrees with her "Hitler." The word is always at the tip of her tongue. She must really identify with Adolf, huh? Could be! LOL!
You HAVE to and MUST think just like she does. Amazingly, HITLER BEHAVED IN THE SAME WAY! You HAD TO think the same as Adolf otherwise you wound up dead! KKKay/KKKimberly is just like Hiter. She's so stupid she can't recognize she's no different than he is!
In KKKay/KKKimberly's world, you have no rights, you're not allowed to like the candidate of your choice. In her world, you MUST (sieg heil!) think exactly (click boot heels) like she does!
Notice how offended she is that her hate speech comments aren't welcomed at the site? Why would she care anyway? She tells commenters at her site who disagree with her to take their comments elsewhere because she doesn't want to read them, yet she expects to be treated differently at a pro Hillary site. Yep, at a pro Hillary site she expects to have a forum to spew her hate speech. It doesn't work that way Piglet.
We at WNIW have the answer: She behaves like this BECAUSE SHE'S INSECURE! She's an insecure, low-IQ, knuckle dragging, fact-lacking, dumbdumbdumb armband wearing jackboot licking pro-Obama hater who couldn't get something right if it fell on her flat head.
NO ONE cares to read her hate-speech, NO ONE cares about reading her lies. In fact, KKKay/KKKimberly is in the minority.
For someone who thinks that she's so damn smart it's funny how she's oblivious in her ability in recognizing that she is as full or more full of hatred and rage than those she accuses.
You're just a loud hater KKKay/KKKimberly Waite. (spit, spit, spit).
Bha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! LOL! HYSTERICAL!
And two hits from another site? Who notices two hits? Only the obsessive control freak hater KKKay/KKKimberly.
Incidentally, from the looks of her hits here, she has switched from Windows XP to Vista. Or maybe she has both. But she's not fooling us!
HKKKay/KKKimberly so enjoys publishing the IP on her blog of those who disagree with her that we at WNIW thought we would again post her IP information:
It is from KKKay/KKKimberly visiting her favorite blog, White Noise Insanity Watch, on on August 4 2008! BAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
4 Aug
MSIE 7.0
Windows Vista
Portland Maine
OrgName: Road Runner HoldCo LLC
Address: 13241 Woodland Park Road
City: Herndon
StateProv: VA
PostalCode: 20171
Country: US
ReferralServer: rwhois://
NetRange: -
NetName: RCNY
NetHandle: NET-72-43-0-0-1
Parent: NET-72-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Allocation
NameServer: NS1.BIZ.RR.COM
NameServer: NS2.BIZ.RR.COM
NameServer: DNS4.RR.COM
RegDate: 2005-03-21
Updated: 2005-11-22
What could we possibly have in store for publishing about KKKay/KKKimerbly in the future? How about her social security number? Home telephone? Street address? the public records regarding her home purchase? her drivers license number? her car license plate? her credit card numbers? It's all public information that anyone can get. If you know how to get it. and WE DO! LOL! HYSTERICAL!
Let us know. Leave a comment what you think how far we should go!
Monday, August 4, 2008
KKKay tells fellow liberal to "get over it"
This is a good one, its KKKay/Kimberly's hypocrisy at full speed ahead.
We at WNIW found a wonderful example of KKKay/Kimerbly's hypocritical behavior in a comment exchange at her post titled 100,000 to 1,000,000 expected to hear Barack Obama’s speech in Germany today, posted on July 24, 2008 at 7:54 am.
This is the same post where she repeatedly referred to the Victory Column as Brandenburg Gate. None of us at WNIW are surprised by KKKay/Kimberly's mistake because she makes them all the time. If she one day gets something right it would only be by accident.
Here's the screen capture of comments between Chris From Maine, who is a liberal, and KKKay/Kimberly:
See, Chris writes, "I wont forget Obama’s betrayal in the bowing to King George on FISA."
KKKay/Kimberly replies: "Get over it Chris."
My, my, my, my, quickly KKKay/Kimberly can get over something. How quickly she can forget about something when it comes to her beloved Obama.
We know this is true because when she supported Dennis Kucinich KKKay/Kimberly wrote that Obama is republican-lite and called him a warmonger. We documented this in on February 2, 2008.
Chirs is a liberal just like KKKay/Kimberly. But according to KKKay, he's not entitled to have thoughts or opinions that are different from her. Doesn't he "get it"?
See, she can tell him to get over something and at the snap of her fingers she expects him to conform and obey. If he disagrees, then he becomes the enemy. This is how KKKay/Kimberly thinks. It's how she behaves. This is why so many who used to be regular commenters no longer bother visiting KKKay/Kimberly. We documented this on Feb. 7, 2008.
KKKay/Kimberly's hypocrisy jumps off the screen when she writes, "there has been immunity for Bush, the telecoms, and others involved in breaking the law."
Please,KKKay/Kimberly, then explain how Obama is any different because he voted to approve the exact same FISA bill that gives immunity to telecoms. Explain that one to us at WNIW. We're waitng. (LOL! HYSTERICAL!)
KKKay/Kimberly devoted hundreds of words in the past trashing anyone who voted for FISA bills that gave immunity to the telecoms. Obama votes in favor of the same thing and she says nothing. It's amazing how quickly she can "get over" that Obama is doing what she rails on Bush for doing.
Here are 5 questions KKKay/Kimberly won't answer. She can't answer them.
1) Why did you call Obama a warmonger, but you support him now?
2) Why did you call Obama republican-lite, but you support him now?
3) Why did you trash anyone who voted for past FISA bills that included immunity for telecoms, but you don't with Obama?
4) Why do you now support someone who you called republican-lite and a warmonger? Explain.
5) What precise reasons do you have for supporting Obama when in the past you had nothing nice to write about him?
We at WNIW invite KKKay/Kimberly to add her comment answering these questions but she won't do it. She has no facts to back what she writes. That's why she won't comment here. That's why she changes over from Firefox 3.0 to MSIE 7.0 when she does visit our blog. She thinks she's fooling us and that we won't know that she visits here! She thinks switching from Firefox to MSIE hides her! LOL! HYSTERICAL! You're not fooling anyone KKKay/Kimbery.
bha ha ha ha ha ha ha! bha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (SPIT!)