Thursday, August 7, 2008

KKKay/KKKimberly gets treated like she treats others

KKKay/KKKimberly dishes it out but can't take it.

This comment from KKKay/KKKimberly is worth repeating. It is the pot calling the kettle black and the pot is KKKay/KKKimberly.

KKKay/KKKimberly despises Hillary Clinton supporters as much as she despises anyone who doesn't completely agree with her.

The kicker is, she asks others to understand where she is coming from and show goodwill but never extends the same goodwill to others.

Here is KKKay/KKKimberly's comment from the Fire Douche Lake blog at a post titled A Recap of the RBC meeting.

A Recap of the RBC Meeting:

    Comment # 252

    KayInMaine June 1st, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    In response to Sixty Something @ 250


    I told the Hillary supporters on a few occasions yesterday that WE (Obama supporters) are not republicans so stop treating us this way, but that didn’t stop them from being assholes all day long. They’re fighting against us and will vote for John McCain instead if Hillary is on the ballot. Yep, they’d rather “vote for Hitler” than vote for a black Democrat!

    Until you walked in my shoes this weekend, you can’t be upset by what I’m saying. I’ve posted links above (YouTube and from my blog) about why I’m taking this position today. Read/view them.

"Stop treating us this way!" Awwww, poor widdle whiny ass titty baby! LOL! HYSTERICAL!

See, those she called "assholes" were treating KKKay/Kimberly in the same manner she treats anyone who doesn't agree with her. And she didn't like it. Awwwww, isn't that sad? LOL! HYSTERICAL!

Awwwwww, pudgy piglet in Maine says she can't be judged or criticized unless you "walk in her shoes". What a whiny assed titty baby she is! LOL! When has she extended the same to others? Ummmm - never!

KKKay/KKKimberly gets a taste of her own medicine and doesn't like it. That's sad, huh?

She says "stop treating us this way." Boo hoo. Bha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

KKKay/KKKimberly calls so many people Hitler that it's lost all its impact, it has no shock value any longer.

Poor KKKay/KKKimberly. Everyone is against her. Even Democrats can't stand her.

Go clean a toilet KKKay/KKKimberly. Looks like you missed something! LOL! HYSTERICAL!

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