Friday, August 15, 2008

KKKay's kkkonspiracy theory laughably wrong

We at WNIW find endless entertainment in pointing out KKKay's insanity. It is a purely self-induced insanity that she has, where conspiracies lurk around every corner even when they aren't there. The only place they exist is in her mind. Case in point.

In a post titled John McCain has cheated on both of his wives posted on August 8, 2008 at 7:31 pm Posted by kayinmaine...

....KKKay writes that she cannot find any images in her Google search of Vicky Iselman, the lobbyist associated with John McCain, whom the New York Post falsely implied was having an extramarital affair with McCain.

Because KKKay was unable to find any images of Vicky Iselman on Google Images, it means that McCain, in association with George Bush, have scrubbed the internet of images of Vicky Iselman.

Here's what KKKay wrote, text follows image.

"SIDEBAR NOTE: I looked for a picture of Vicky Iselman on Google Images to put in this post, but I ended up getting this as a resut, (CLICK HERE). Nice huh? Ole Johnny must have had his right wing George Bush underlings scrub the Internet of all pictures of her with him or just of her. Oh boy! Not surprised. As we all know, Google used to list out the number of pages available for searching for years, but then the right wingers of America realized it wasn’t a good idea to have ALL THAT INFORMATION available to the schmucks of America who might want to read or take a look at their crimes. They’ve been scrubbing away just like they have in the White House with the computers there! Assholes.

Yep. It sure is a scrubbing of the internet and especially Google, since everyone knows that Google is run by the rightwingers. Yep, and she sure did write "resut". We think she means "result", but who knows with KKKay?

It couldn't be that KKKay couldn't find any images of Vicky Iselman because she doesn't exist.

It couldn't be because the name of the lobbyist associated with McCain is Vicki Iseman, not VickY Ise-L-man?

No, far easier for KKKay to believe that the web was scrubbed of images of VickY Ise-L-man.

That's funny. When we at WNIW went to Google, and clicked on an image search, and inserted the name Vicki Iseman, we found many pages of images of her.

But KKkay is right. A Google image search of VickY Ise-L-man turned up nothing but a few McCain photos.

But a search on VickI Iseman (no L) turned up plenty! Some with her standing next to McCain! Oh but then that would have disproven KKKay's conspiracy theory, right? Of course it would.

Nobody scrubbed the internet of images of VickY Ise-L-man. KKKay's information was wrong (LOL! as always), she spent no time researching it or fact checking and leaps to the conclusion that because she can't find something then it has to be a conspiracy. In this case the conspiracy was McCain, Bush and underlings scrubbing the web because she couldn't find images of a person whose name she had wrong in the first place.

Sometimes it helps to have the correct spelling of the name of the person you are writing about. But if you don't, well, then immediately jump to the conclusion that it's a conspiracy. Yep. That's it. LOL! HYSTERICAL!

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