Saturday, August 9, 2008

Is KKKay/KKKimberly kkkommenter Uncle Fester gay?

We at WNIW are amused by one of the few remaining loyal commenters at KKKay/KKKimberly's blog. He goes by the name Uncle Fester Lurks. We at WNIW like to call him Uncle FesTurd and Festering turd because that is what he is.

We at WNIW are fascinated by the behavior in FesTurds comments because they always revolve around gay male sex. He's obsessed with it.

You know the old saying about people who complain about something too much? It means they are secretly practicing what they complain about or that they have the inhibitions but are afraid of acting on them.

In the case about those constantly talking about homosexuality that they have their own insecurities and reservations about being gay themselves.

FesTurd is obsessed over man on man action. Totally obsessed with it.

NOTE: We at WNIW make no attempts to correct the spelling, grammar and punctuation errors by KKKay/KKKimberlys gang of haters. Their lack of education is prominently on display for all to see!

Here are some selected gems from Festering Turd and his downright obsession with male homosexuality.

These comments are from KKKimberly Waite's post Joe Scarborough of MSNBC thinks Barack Obama should admit that George Bush is the Commander Gawd, this entry was posted on July 23, 2008 at 7:11 am.

Take this example, where he refers to Joe Scarborough as Joe "Asshole" and Glenn Beck as "Glenda" (text version follows image):

    Comment 3

    Uncle Fester Lurks Says:
    July 23, 2008 at 10:54 am

    What Joe Asshole or the rest of the media won’t tell America is the…decrease in violence or the surge “success” was largely due to the cease fire by Al Sadr and his group. Kay I don’t know how you can watch Joe Asshole, my brother does too and I told him I stopped watching him about the third week into his new morning show. For awhile after the ‘06 elections he seemed to have come to his senses, but not anymore. The republicans are in survival mode and will say or do anything to keep Barack Obama out of the Whitehouse.

    That other republican asshole Glen Beck (Chris In Maines friend
    :)) was trying to convince his mentally challenged viewers last night that Barack Obamas tax policy will favor the rich 1%! Um no Glenda…Barack wants to end Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, Insane McCain wants to continue Bush’s tax cuts for the rich.

    America better wake up and realize that in order to pay for BUSH’S FAILED WARS IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN, we are going to have to eventually raise taxes. See the republicans don’t get this and never answer my question when I ask them:

    How do you expect us to pay for Bush’s war? Or do you suggest we continue to borrow from Communist China?

See, Festurd likes the bunghole, he uses the word a--hole twice. Do you like taking it up the a--, Fester? We bet you do! LOL! He must like it alot! And he enjoys using girls names when referring to men. Glenda for Glenn. He's so witty! Festeringturd is so closeted!

Maybe we should call him Festirina (rhymes with ballerina)? BHA HA HA HA! FESTER YOU ARE SO GAY!

Okay, you say, you goofballs at WNIW don't know what you're talking about, Fester isn't obsessed with man on man action.

Then consider this comment by FesTurd
(text version follows image):


    Comment 11

    Uncle Fester Lurks Says:
    July 22, 2008 at 5:04 pm

    Clif, are you saying that GTP searches for young men in underwear on the internet? Bah hahahaha!

    Thats funny! Poor widdle GTP. I bet he stalks them, makes them wear General Petraeus masks, then pins shiny little medals on their hairless bare chests and then procedes to jerk off as he salutes them.

GTP is a reference to a commenter that Kimberly Waite hasn't banned (yet), one who manages to shoot down all the widdle Cliffipedia's, Kimberly's and FesTurd's tin foil hat viewpoints.

FesTurd replies to GTP with an obvious case of internalized homosexual behavior.

What other kind of person writes: "I bet he stalks them, makes them wear General Petraeus masks, then pins shiny little medals on their hairless bare chests and then procedes to jerk off as he salutes them."


FesTurd, it's okay to release your inner gay, go ahead. It's okay to be gay.

"Step out of the closet Fester! Come out of the closet Fester!" Bha ha ha ha ha ha. You can always hook up with GrantInHouston for some hot action (yuck, spit!). LOL! HYSTERICAL!

Is FesTurd is married and secretly having sex with men. He's just like Jim McGreevey. LOL! Maybe FesTurd is hooking up with male on male romance at bus stations and truck stops just like his idol McGreevey. Could be! LOL! HYSTERICAL!

Bha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! LOL! HYSTERICAL!

We CORDIALLY invite the closeted Festirina to comment here and defend himself but he won't. He might be too busy crossdressing and hitting the piers! Could be! BHA HA HA HA HA! LOL! LOL! LOL!

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