Monday, December 17, 2007

KKKay The Chubby Little Nazi

Awwwwwwwwwwwww, isn't KKKay and her triple chins adorable. Just look at the little chub from Maine, with that fat chin and seventeen months worth of food stored in reserves in her fat cheeks!

KKKay looks perfectly at home and comfortable in a Nazi uniform, doesn't she?

She'd be only too happy to salute Hitler.

She'd fit right in with the SS police force, being a bodyguard and protecting Adolf while she oversees the gassing and killing of millions of people to death in concentration camps.

That's because she's a good fat little Nazi.


Anonymous said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm saving this pic.

I just found you from my latest laughfest at KKKay's! Most of my factual slams of her and her worm-brained apparatchiks never appear because, coward that she is, she spamfilters everything. One that made it is in your post below - those fools make it waaaaaaaay too easy.

You want a great laugh? Someone left a thoughtful post on why her kind is bad for the country and she did an especially anencaphelic, even for her, "edited responses"

Anonymous said...

Kay certainly espouses the typically leftist point of view -- total control of the state. And that's just like the Third Reich.

Lefties want to transfer almost all types of control from individuals to the state:

--security, by denying Amendment II

--housing, by increasing the size of the welfare system

--"values" education, by teaching 5-year-olds about lesbianism

Kay stands for all of these leftist goals, so it's fitting that she's shown in a Nazi uniform.

Ken Buck said...

When I accidentally stumbled across this website, my first thought was, WTF?

It's nice to see that some people are as politically incorrect and nasty as I am,at times.

My little posts at:
are just a lot shorter though.

nightmareonkaystreet said...

We at WNIW thank all of you for your comments.

We find KKKay an obnoxious douchebag who has far more similarites to Nazis and Marxism than she has differences.

She is an irrational bottom feeder.